Renal failure in late What are the symptoms appear?

The presenting symptoms of renal failure patients with renal failure are not identical, and some people the symptoms of a system, some of the symptoms of multiple systems.Symptoms of renal failure, renal failure is quite complex, involving various organs and tissues of the body, in addition to water, electrolyte and acid-base balance disorders, anemia, bleeding tendency, hypertension, further adding to, but also each organ system dysfunction and substance metabolism obstacles caused by the clinical manifestations of thyrotoxicosis. If you appear in one or more of the following symptoms you should go to the hospital:
1. Renal failure, renal failure, gastrointestinal symptoms, often anti-acid, bloating, anemia, fatigue, do not want to eat, many times to the Hospital Department of Gastroenterology, check, and did not find any problems. The taking Zhuxiaohuayao these symptoms did not improve to make the serum creatinine, blood urea nitrogen, and other tests.
2. Itching of the skin is a common symptom of renal failure patients with renal failure may be caused by the toxic products on the stimulation of skin receptors; white crystalline sweat contains higher concentrations of urea, urea in the sweat gland openings, calledurea cream.
3. Renal failure, renal failure, respiratory symptoms, the patients breath break there is urine, which is the reason due to bacterial decomposition sleep solution of urea to form ammonia. Patients with severe pulmonary edema, fibrinous pleurisy, or pulmonary calcification lesions, pulmonary edema and heart failure, hypoalbuminemia, sodium and water retention and other factors related to the role. Fibrinous pleurisy is caused by inflammation of urea stimulation; pulmonary calcification is calcium phosphate deposition due to lung tissue.
4. edema. Renal failure, renal failure is a relatively easy to detect and often ignore the symptoms, because the kidneys are unable to clear the body of excess water. Early only a foot and ankle and swollen eyelids, the rest disappeared. Further development of persistent or systemic edema, generally enter the typical period of renal failure.
5. Renal failure, renal failure, circulatory system symptoms, pale yellow or white, which is due to anemia due to renal impairment is often accompanied by anemia, but the development of anemia is also very slow, generally do not contrast a period of time is toooften attract any attention. People over the age of 40 regularly to the hospital for a medical examination, especially in high-risk groups such as hypertension, diabetes, high cholesterol, as well as obese patients, it is best to do periodic checks every year.Diabetes, hypertension, high cholesterol, high uric acid can cause glomerular sclerosis, later the kidney failure, atrophy and lead to kidney failure.
6. Easy fatigue, weakness. This may be the earliest symptoms of renal failure, renal failure, but can easily be overlooked, because it can cause fatigue because too many.Especially those people in their careers "full fight" fatigue is a common practice, if the symptoms improved after a brief rest, the more easily ignored. Chronic renal insufficiency, clinical manifestations of the ever-changing, diverse, in addition to these symptoms mentioned above, there are other performance may, of course, some patients these symptoms do not appear, then only the usual regular urine and other tests to early detection and early treatment.

How to treat edema

Life in many cases, we can inadvertently find yourself edema conditions, such as body intake of foods taste too thick, they tend to be associated with plenty of water, if the body can not properly discharge water, prone to puffiness . On the other hand, often stay up all night and the great pressure of work, it will slow down the body's metabolism, so that the body of waste easy to accumulate the result of edema.
However, the majority of cases, often accompanied by edema, these are renal disorders caused. For the majority of kidney patients in terms of the degree of nephrotic edema severity is not the same, only weight gain (the recessive edema) or in the early morning eyelid swelling slightly. In serious cases can be systemic edema, and even the chest and peritoneal effusions, causing tens of kilograms of weight gain (severe edema).
Edema patients must maintain an optimistic attitude, it is best to adhere to exercise, such as walking, jogging, etc..
Food to make is rich in protein and vitamins, salt, less sugar, as the principle.
Avoid prolonged standing, regular activities of the lower limbs. Adequate rest, rest and increase renal blood flow, increase in Rhodobryum promote the secretion of atrial belly, in favor of the diuretic, but there should be a proper bed and bedside activities to prevent limb thrombosis, which is very important in the nephrotic syndrome .
The use of diuretics. Osmotic diuretics (1): to make more of the solute and water to reach the renal tubule to increase urine output. Physiological substances such as intravenous injection of hypertonic glucose and fructose, increase the solute concentration in the blood: intravenous infusion of tubular exogenous can not be recycled, such as nectar drunk, low molecular weight dextran drunk. Generally speaking, the daily urine output of less than 400ml, low molecular weight the dextral Boring crisp unfit for use. (2) inhibition of electrolyte absorption: the main inhibition of K + and Na +, Cl - back in the renal tubular absorption, such as bite better repetitious type diuretics, furosemide strong diuretic effect, but note that the low K + issues. Generally speaking, and Ccr <30ml / min, thiazide diuretics to be invalid or poor; Ccr was <10ml / min furosemide strong diuretic is ineffective or poor. (3) anti-aldosterone drugs: spironolactone inhibition of aldosterone can be diuretic. Triamterene Although there is no inhibition of aldosterone, but in order to protect K + diuretics, thiazide combination can enhance the diuretic effect and reduce the electrolyte imbalance. Should be used with caution in renal insufficiency, or without these drugs.

How to do swollen with renal failure

Edema is a frequent symptom of patients with kidney diseases, In general, suffers from kidney failure in patients with varying degrees of puffiness. Most of the swelling caused by kidney or heart disease.
Patients with renal failure, swollen to varying degrees, from mild to severe. Swelling in patients with mild no visible swelling, only weight gain (the recessive edema) or a little early in the morning eyelid swelling symptoms. Swelling heavier patients can see the whole body edema, and even the chest and peritoneal effusions, thus leading to patients with weight gain tens of kilograms (severe edema).
Renal failure, edema caused by two reasons:
1, suffering from renal failure the body's immune damage, increased systemic capillary wall permeability, water infiltration induced plasma to the tissue space.
2, suffering from renal failure, renal blood flow reduction in renal blood indeed, increase the secretion of renin, adrenal cortex to increase aldosterone secretion by the role of the renin - angiotensin prompted, resulting in tubular water and sodium re- the increased absorption and retention.
3, when suffering from renal failure, the reduction in kidney filtration area, permeability, and reduced blood flow but intact kidney reabsorption, resulting in oliguria.
4, suffering from renal failure, massive proteinuria often, if a long time can cause a lack of protein in the body, the formation of hypoproteinemia and plasma colloid osmotic pressure, extracellular fluid retention in the tissue spaces, causing swelling. In addition, hypoproteinemia can cause effective hypovolemia, resulting in secondary aldosterone and antidiuretic hormone secretion, increased renal reabsorption of water, sodium increase, causing swelling.
How to treat swollen Renal failure
Renal failure, swollen kidney inherent cell damage, decreased glomerular filtration, renal fibrosis, so the key to treatment is fundamentally to achieve therapeutic effect.
The treatment of renal failure effective dialysis, significantly reduce the symptoms of patients after dialysis. But dialysis only replacement therapy, a temporary solution to solve the fundamental problem. The treatment of renal failure, edema is the best way infiltration therapy of micro-based traditional Chinese medicine to treat the root causes of renal fibrosis, security, no side effects, does not recur, from the source to improve the swelling of the renal failure.
Renal failure, swollen how to care for
A massage to promote blood circulation to relieve varicose veins and swelling;
2 feet before going to sleep at night put your feet on the hot water completely submerged feet pat legs with water and salt in hot water better;
3, the diet can eat peanuts, almonds, cashews, walnuts and other nuts, have a very good restoration of physical efficacy.

What is the serum creatinine

Renal insufficiency, creatinine 243 should eat more vegetables uremia high creatinine patients how to treat vomiting? Chronic nephritis creatinine increase treatment? Hypertensive nephropathy creatinine 219 how to drop the muscle is not dialysis creatinine down? Renal failure creatinine 1000 the method used to cure how to cure renal insufficiency creatinine 1000? Creatinine of chronic nephritis high 520 treatment of illness system should, over 2000 of the creatinine boy Kang consulting type of kidney problem more and more people, there are still some patients concerned about the serum creatinine normal, the doctors talk about a single laboratory chronic nephritis creatinine increase treatment? The uremia creatinine high over how to do the serum creatinine to reduce and to what elements? What is the serum creatinine? These problems, I hope to give you some help.
Serum creatinine is one of the weigh kidney function tests target. Serum creatinine is a product of the metabolism of human muscle. In muscle, creatine secondary irreversible non-enzymatic dehydration reaction slowly generates creatinine, and then released into the blood with the urine excretion. Thus the close relationship of serum creatinine and total body muscle, simply are not eating, high catabolism extrarenal factors influence the outside, the volatility of the endogenous creatinine intake, in vivo formation constant conditions (daily 20mg/kg) serum creatinine concentration secondary depends on the glomerular filtration function.
Common for compensatory kidney can be strong, patients often have no symptoms when the kidney is not damage to a certain level, start quickly reduced when the glomerular filtration rate to more than 50% of the normal, serum creatinine, severe beyond serum creatinine normal (different around Determination way, the normal values ​​of serum creatinine differences, ordinary normal range 50 - 140umol / L
Clinical significance of serum creatinine high:
(1) When the acute and chronic glomerulonephritis, glomerular filtration function decline, serum creatinine can be reduced. On the foundation of known creatinine clear down the rate of cross-determination of serum creatinine as a track to look at the target.
(2) blood urea nitrogen and serum creatinine simultaneous determination of more meaningful, if the serum creatinine and blood urea nitrogen both at the same time reduce abundant clarify kidney serious damage.

How to treat creatinine more than 700

"Blocking adjust to clear the therapy of immune therapy is a group of experts led by theChinese doctors forum experts, a pure Chinese characteristics therapy successfully developed through years of clinical practice, which, unlike traditional dialysis and kidney transplant, dialysis can easily cause the concurrent disease, kidney transplant, will havelong-term taking anti-rejection drugs, the immune blocking regulate the clearance therapy "therapy has never treating the symptoms start, safe and efficient, can rapidly lowerserum creatinine, blood urea nitrogen, blood pressure control, from the source of the disease on to resolve" creatinine more than 700 how treatment? "Clinical practice shows that: as long as patients meet creatinine values ​​1300umol / L or less, 24-hour urine volume of more than 1200ml, dialysis is not more than 10 times these conditions, this treatment can completely cure uremia. However, if more than this range, this therapyfailed to cure.
"The immune block Clear therapy regulate herbs extended to all levels of renal artery,thereby promoting blood circulation, alleviate glomerular high state of repair glomerular basement membrane, prompted toxins and metabolites excreted, improve blood pressure, metabolic acidosis symptoms, patients with nausea, vomiting and other adverse symptoms disappeared; Chinese medicine active substances enter the bodyquickly direct access to the renal lesions, and immune complexes induced renal toxicityfactors and other agents that are closely integrated, and its strong attack, crushing,cracking and complete removal of the activation of the renal unit, repair of renal function,lower serum creatinine restore good health. You do not need to worry about "creatininemore than 700 how treated?"
"The immune block to adjust the characteristics of clear therapy" features therapy:
A safe and efficient.
2, the vital essence, improve microcirculation, and improve their own immunity.
Dialectical administration, a wide range of applications.
Living kidney detoxification, rapid decomposition and reduce the patient's body,creatinine and urea nitrogen, toxins from the urine of discharge.
5, after treatment, the active ingredient quickly enter the blood, short-term control of the disease quickly, so that has been in dialysis patients to immediately stop dialysis.
6, the promotion of renal blood circulation and metabolism.

Patients with lupus nephritis can eat seafood?

Some lupus patients after the consumption of seafood allergy, induce or aggravate the condition. Hanged sea fishy matter such as fish, shrimp, jellyfish, beef, lamb, Zhu Tourou,onions, leeks, first-class toon. Alfalfa and soybeans, beans, adzuki beans and otherlegumes, contain L-canavanine, lupus nephritis can deteriorate, it should limit or avoid eating.
Second, lupus nephritis should avoid eating dog meat, venison, dried longan, sex hot, food after enable patients with heat symptoms. And to control the fat content in the diet, particularly to reduce the intake of fatty meat, but also to avoid using oil for frying food.Supply of high protein and low-salt diet. Mainly of protein and animal quality protein such as lean meat, all kinds of fish scales, etc., can also be used to skim milk 2 times a daywith 250 ml each, according to the type of lupus nephritis and clinical manifestations ofedema, hypertension, degree of different, using different low-salt diet, such as nephrotic syndrome, edema in the amount of salt should be less than 3 grams a day.
Finally, lupus nephritis should avoid eating parsley, celery and other long food causephotosensitivity, so that patients with facial erythema heavier it is unfit for human consumption. In addition, patients should also not be eating less food with enhancedlight-sensitive role of food: such as figs, milk vetch, rape, the yellow Bullacta and celery, such as eating should avoid sun exposure. Mushroom, mushrooms, mushrooms, and certain food dyes and tobacco also have a potential role for induced systemic lupus erythematosus, but also try not to eat or less edible. For spicy food, do not eat, such aspepper, raw onions, raw garlic, as these can aggravate the phenomenon of patients withheat. Yin deficiency heat, such as purple tongue, pulse lag, chest tightness, abdominal distension in patients with blood stasis syndrome.

Recurrence of lupus nephritis

Many patients with lupus nephritis disease torture was already no temper, and even can be said to be desperate, how to deal with all kinds of status incurred relapse attack, it is so that we feel unable to, then the recurrence of lupus nephritis recurrence ? patients with lupus nephritis due to immune disorders, especially the cellular immune function, bacteria, virus infection, and longer duration of lupus, the temporary use of hormones or the use of immunosuppressive therapy, lower the body's resistance, constitute a little body chronic inflammation, when the light weight, recurrence unhealed.
Recurrence of lupus nephritis? When the weather changes such as some of the longer course of elderly patients often have recurrent colds, upper respiratory tract infection and a few chronic secondary infection, little old women, the temporary healing of the urinary tract infection, some relapse to show purulent skin infections . Even if these patients are treated with antibiotics, have a certain effect in the acute infection, chronic inflammation, often the results are unsatisfactory, use of Western medicine treatment of these chronic inflammatory diseases can receive good effect.
Recurrence of lupus nephritis? Looking at the physical and infection status of lupus patients, the Exogenous the range of physically weak, belonging to the Western medicine must be given to tune up the five internal organs to strengthen the health and progress of the foundation of immune function, detoxification Quxie. The lupus drink the foundation, plus Silver Flower, skullcap, soap thorn, to small, Guanzhong, tongue mold, before the grass and other drug treatment. These drugs inhibit to kill microorganisms, used in conjunction with lupus drink, on the one hand, to control disease activity, the progress of cellular immunity, strengthen resistance to disease can, on the other hand, a little herbal drugs to control chronic inflammation, so that the injured parts to recover.
Recurrence of lupus nephritis? Conservative Chinese medicine, people are like, especially in the treatment of lupus nephritis, it is increasingly showing beyond the ordinary with the powerful. It nephropathy know the etiology, pathogenesis, disease pathogenesis show up clinical discourse are very insightful, very scientific. But in terms of patients with lupus nephritis, conservative Western medicine alone to treat or not enough to reach the purpose of effective treatment, so in this case, it is proposed the use of micro-penetration therapy of Chinese medicine integrative medicine approaches to treatment - This therapy is the TCM symptomatic treatment with Western medicine to implement the purpose of repair of the damaged kidney, which can reach the specimen Tongzhi just kidney repair, the recurrence of lupus nephritis how to deal with this problem, naturally dealt with.

Creatinine 3.87, what is kidney function in percentage

The best way to measure kidney function is Glomerular Filtration rate (GFR), which reflects the speed of the kidneys in filtrating blood. In our body, creatinine, urea nitrogen and other wastes are mainly removed by our kidneys. But as our kidneys have strong compensatory functions, creatinine will not increase until kidney function has declined for at least 50 percent and GFR has decreased to 1/3 than it normally is.
Patients with creatinine level 3.87 can experience overall complications, such as anemia, cardiovascular diseases, erythrocyte imbalances and so on. In some cases, the complications can be life threatening. Thereby, Dialysis may be needed to alleviate all those complications.
Meanwhile, scarring of the kidneys should be repaired immediately, by which patients have great chances of getting rid of dialysis. Relying on dialysis is not suggested because kidney function will decline continuously in prolonging course of dialysis and life risks will be more and more uncontrollable.

Diet for Lupus Nephritis

Lupus nephritis is secondary to Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE). Similar to other types of nephritis, patients with Lupus nephritis diet should balance their diet according to your needs as well as the degree and severity of the disease. The following are recommendations to take into account when implementing a lupus nephritis diet.
First of all, limit the intake of salt. Excessive salt intake can cause blood level to rise at a higher level than expected. Moreover, high salt levelin the blood in patients with Lupus Nephritis is able to absorb blood vessels moisture thus causing hypertension. Urinary infection and heart failure are two direct consequences of high blood level. Thereby, lupus nephritis patients should add moderate salt in your diet. Nephrologists will decide when it would be appropriate to adjust your salt intake.
In some cases, some seasonings may also damage the kidney. Some of these seasonings might include monosodium glutamate, pepper, black mustard and hot pepper. Intake of those seasoning can increase the risk of aggravated thirst and thus in return cause edema.
The intake of food with rich fat should b limited to about once per week. Vegetable oil can be a good substitute for animal fat.
Finally, protein should be taken properly and accordingly to the severity of your type of lupus Nephritis. high quality animal proteins such as fish, egg white and lean meat are better choices compared with plant proteins.
The above is related to diet for Lupus Nephritis. It is just a general guideline and adjustments are needed according to your specific condition. To get personalized dietary suggestions or other details related to Lupus Nephritis, you are welcome to consult online experts. We will try our best to help you!

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