Renal cysts 5 cm must be surgery

Renal cysts 5 cm must be surgery? For patients with renal cysts more than 3 cm when the cysts need to be considered for treatment, renal cysts can be treated conservatively, without surgery and medication to treat the root causes of renal cysts. As the cyst increases continuously occupy the position of the kidney capsule, causing kidney damage and kidney dysfunction. So the key to treatment is the suppression and control of cyst formation.
Renal cysts 5 cm must be surgery? For the routine treatment of renal cysts, renal cyst puncture little effect, not only susceptible to infection, easy to relapse, and can not delay the occurrence of renal damage has been observed. Surgical excision of the cyst is not an easy task, because the cysts of the kidney surface can be cut off, but cut off buried deep in the kidneys of the cyst is quite difficult.
 kidney disease hospital in the treatment of renal cysts, using Chinese and Western medicine, Chinese medicine was mainly to play a multi-target treatment of kidney micro-based traditional Chinese medicine to penetrate therapy. Multi-target in the treatment of the micro of traditional Chinese medicine to penetrate the treatment of renal cysts is reflected is:
First, control the growth of the cyst, pharmaceutical ingredients directly to lesions, inhibition of vesicle fluid secretion, anti-vesicle epithelial cell growth and to reduce the secondary lesions.
Second, the therapy has increased the cyst through the expansion of the role of infiltration therapy of micro-based traditional Chinese medicine, improve the body blood circulation, reversal of cystic fluid and the pressure of the fluid in the cyst with peripheral vascular intracapsular liquid gradually into the blood circulation was taken away , in addition to micro-based medicine infiltration therapy in the treatment process complements the repair kidney organic acids, vitamins and other nutrients needed to prevent renal deterioration and damage to the intrinsic cell repair.
Renal cysts 5 cm must be surgery? Emotional factors for the growth of fluctuations of the cyst is very evident. Modern medical studies have shown: bad mood swings can make the body's nervous and endocrine disorders, and neurohumoral effect change within the environment of the human body. Environment within the exception of the cysts had an impact. And bad emotions can also make the reduced immunity, thus contributing to the invasion of bacteria and viruses, causing the cyst to be affected. Large amounts of clinical practice shows that negative emotions can make sicker, especially cystic disease, and photo transfer mood, not sad not impatient, the condition can often pick up gradually.
Renal cysts both to standardize the treatment, from the formation of renal cysts at source, while maintaining a good attitude, and only method that nothing is impossible.
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