If renal function returned to no
rmal, then, IgA nephropathy can have children? It is entirely possible, otherwise it will only aggravate the patient's condition. IgA nephropathy can not actually pregnant will be able to say exactly, or must not, IgA nephropathy in patients with pregnancy should be determined according to the specific condition of the patient, IgA nephropathy can have children? Can we say the following situations:
1, all the signs and symptoms disappear with normal renal function, urinary protein practice test, cells, casts all die.
2, 2 years after stopping, no recurrence scene.
3, in general, iga nephropathy during pregnancy requires careful! Because after pregnancy renal blood flow, increased kidney burden, easy to merge gestosis, perinatal mortality, preterm children and the high incidence of low birth weight children so that kidney disease on the basis of the original increase.
But iga nephropathy can not actually pregnant will be able to say exactly, or must not, iga nephropathy pregnancy should be based on the patient's condition specific decisions!
4, iga nephropathy children to consider the following situations:
① all signs and symptoms disappeared, normal renal function, urinary protein practice test, cells, casts all disappeared, and 2 years after stopping, no recurrence scene. Glomerular iga nephropathy (iga nephropathy) in patients with disease control under the premise can have children.
Studies have shown that normal blood pressure and renal function in patients with normal female iga nephropathy, pregnancy rate of adult workers% or more. Instead, a small amount of proteinuria, hypertension and renal dysfunction in female patients should not be pregnant.
② subtle iga nephropathy less impact on mother and child; while assuming iga nephropathy relatively heavy, then pause as pregnancy, renal function will be further improved, miscarriage, stillbirth increases.
③ Some mild clinical symptoms of iga nephropathy patients, such as hiding type iga nephropathy, only a large number of proteinuria without hypertension, without renal dysfunction, look under the close medical supervision may allow pregnancy.
5, female iga nephropathy patients following situation can not be pregnant:
① iga nephropathy syndrome due to plasma albumin is low, often leading to fetal growth retardation and preterm children, iga nephropathy its fetal mortality rate is very high.
② patients with moderate renal insufficiency and fetal growth retardation high incidence of preterm birth, pregnant women may be progressive renal function deterioration.
③ secondary renal diseases such as lupus iga nephropathy after pregnancy, can induce or aggravate the condition, it should be very careful. Another example iga nephropathy in patients with diabetes, pregnancy prone to preeclampsia, preterm birth, fetal malformations, great children and fetal respiratory distress syndrome, it should not be pregnant.