A properly mapped Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) diet should be followed, which can help postpone the onset of the disease at an earlier age. If you suspect that you may be carrying the gene of this disease, it would be safer to suggest that starting with a healthy renal diet would be the best option. This Buzzle article will help you chalk out what you must and mustn't include in your renal diet.
Have Less Proteins
Proteins take longer for the kidney to process. Once it's done, the waste product produced is called urea. It is the kidney's basic function to help remove the urea from the body. Therefore larger the total amount of proteins produced by the liver, causes larger quantities of urea to be produced. The goal should be to reduce the total consumption of proteins. According to the USDA's analysis the total Recommended Daily Allowance of proteins is equal to 0.8 grams of protein per kilo of body weight which is about 0.4 grams of protein per pound.
Avoid eating all types of meat and chicken as they have high protein contents. That includes having less legumes, groundnuts, corn as well as certain beans that have high protein content such as lentils and chickpeas. Avocado and olive oil should be consumed as they contain healthy fats that are much-needed. Also add more high fiber vegetables and fruits into your diet such as spinach, broccoli, cabbage, pomegranate, papaya as well as bananas. Grains help in compensating for the loss in calories and are excellent for people suffering from this disease.
Though there is one exception when it comes to proteins. Soya is one type of protein that is believed to be excellent for keeping polycystic kidney disease under control. Only fermented soy must be consumed, as it has some side effects. Fermented soy such as miso, tofu and tempeh should become an inseparable part of your renal diet.
Nephritic Syndrome
Proteinuria: large amount of proteinuria is one of the standards of diagnosis and it is caused by abnormal glomerular filtration membrane. For normal people, the urine protein is not more than 3.5 gram within twenty four hours. If the urine protein quantity is more than this number, then this person may have renal damage.
Hypoalbuminemia: Hypoalbuminemia means plasma albumine is less than 25g per litre.
Edema: The emergence and severity of edema is related with Hypoalbuminemia. The less the plasma albumine is, the more serious the edema is. Edema usually appears in patient’s face, low limbs and feet.
Hyperlipidemia: Recently, the effect of hyperlipidemia on kidney has attracted many medical scholars’ attention.
Prevention of Nephrotic Syndrome is very important. People can take the following several measures to prevent its happening or aggravation.
Proper exercise: Appropriate physical exercise such as walking and swimming is helpful for improving our immunity. However, for patients with Nephrotic Syndrome, swimming is not suitable, because it requires large amount of physical energy. Moreover, patients with Nephrotic Syndrome should do exercises in the morning or in the early evening.
Keep good mood: A good mood is also helpful for people to keep healthy. For patients with Nephrotic Syndrome, fluctuating emotion usually is the key problem of fluctuation of blood pressure and illness relapse. They should be confident in overcoming disease and try to keep in good mood by regulating their emotion.
Early Symptoms of Hypertensive Nephropathy
● Proteinuria. When patients suffer from Hypertensive Nephropathy, large amount of protein will be leaked and then get into their urine. Moreover, owing to the fracture of blood capillary, temporal hematuria may occur to some patients. In clinic, patients with Hypertensive Nephropathy usually have coronary disease, heart failure, cerebral arteriosclerosis, cerebrovascular accident, arteriosclerotic retinopathy and left ventricular hypertrophy.
● In the early stage of Hypertensive Nephropathy, increased nocturnal enuresis usually is the typical symptom. Long-term high blood pressure causes renal arteriole damage which will give rise to urine concentration dysfunction of renal tubule. As a result, frequent urination appears. For these patients, they usually have to get up in the night to urinate for at least two to three times. At that time, if patients do urine routine test, micro-albumin will be found in the urine.
● Foamy urine also is one of the early symptoms and it means there are a lot of protein in patients’ urine
● Changed urine color. For patients with Hypertensive Nephropathy, their urine usually appears to be dark brown, water where flesh is washed and cloudy.
● Urine output too much or too less. For healthy people, the average urine volume is 1500 milliliter and four to eight times a day. If people have sharp increase or decrease of urine volume without fever, sweating and excessively drinking, then they should go to hospital to do examination, so as to find out whether there is renal damage.
● Swelling. Patients with Hypertensive Nephropathy usually have swelling in their face and around their eyes in the morning. Besides, after they have a good rest, swelling will disappear. Moreover, patients with serious this disease, then swelling may appear in their lower limbs, lumbosacral portion and inner ankles.
The Symptoms of IgA Nephropathy
The common symptoms of IgA Nephropathy can be summarized as six kinds:
I Gross Hematuria
Nearly 30%~50% patients with IgA nephropathy have this symptom. It usually follows with the inducement within several hours to 24 hours. The inducements can be pharyngitis, tonsillitis, protective vaccination, pneumonia, etc. The urine of patients with IgA nephropathy presents brown or looks like the water where the meat is washed, but has no traces of blood or blood clots. Hematuria can be presented only once to some patients, and it may also recurrent attacks. However, the disappearance of hematuria does not mean the recovery of disease.
II. Abnormal Urinalysis Test
In clinic, some patients IgA nephropathy may present with hematuria or proteinuria. And these symptoms can be easily tested when the patients are having physical examination or other tests.
III. Nephrotic Syndrome
Nephrotic Syndrome usually happens to patients with severe illness condition, but it has been proved that this kind of patients with IgA nephropathy, if their disease can be stably controlled, usually have a good prognosis.
IV. Acute Renal Failure
The incidence rate of this symptom usually rises with the increase of patients’ ages. And if the patients don’t receive effective treatment to control the development of Acute Renal Failure, it may transmit to Chronic Renal Failure, which is a serious stage of nephropathy.
V. Chronic Renal Failure
Chronic Renal Failure is a serious stage of various nephropathy, in this stage, the renal function of patients have been damaged severely, thus, it will increase the difficulties of treatment and arouses undesirable prognosis.
Early Signs and Symptoms of Diabetes
A few symptoms of diabetes are manifested in the early stage (or prediabetes phase). Hence, about one-third of people who have diabetes remain unaware of the high blood sugar level. Whenearly signs of diabetes are present, they are often confused with symptoms of other health problems. Let's look into some of the warming signs of diabetes.
A common sign exhibited in the early stages of type 1 and type 2 diabetes is frequent urination (polyuria). Since the glucose in the blood increases above the normal level, filtration by kidneys is incomplete. This also hampers water absorption by the kidneys, resulting in frequent urination.
Due to increase in the frequency of urination, the body losses excessive fluid. Ultimately, dehydration occurs, causing increased thirst (polydipsia). If one is drinking more fluid than the usual amount, and the number of urination is increased, either type 1 or type 2 diabetes is suspected.
Another warning sign of type 1 and type 2 diabetes is increased appetite. One of the functions of insulin is stimulating hunger. Since, the body starts secreting more insulin to lower glucose level in the bloodstream, it is obvious to experience increased hunger (polyphagia).
A patient who is in the prediabetes stage suffers from unusual weight loss, even without trying. This is caused due to excessive loss of sugar in the urine. The body starts using muscular proteins and fats as its source of energy, resulting in weight loss. This symptom is typical of type 1 diabetes.
In a person with prediabetes, excess sugar is found in the blood and not in the cells. As the body cells are deprived of the main energy source - glucose, the patient feels increased fatigueat most of the time. Physical ability is lowered and the patient gets tired very easily.
Vision problem is reported in patients of type 2 diabetes. Increase in the blood sugar levels leads to change in the shape of the eye lenses. Over time, this results in poor focusing power andblurred vision in patients.
A type 2 diabetic patient suffers from frequent yeast and skin infections. Unchecked high sugar brings about damage to the nerves, causing neuropathy symptoms (numbness in the extremities). In addition, cuts and wounds take longer period to heal.
It has been found that the immune system of a diabetic patient is low, as compared to a healthy person. This may be due to presence of elevated glucose in the blood, which in turn hampers the proper functioning of white blood cells (leucocytes). Thus, overall defense mechanism of the body gets disturbed and the person experiences frequent yeast infection, skin infection, accompanied with slow healing of bruises. As far as early signs of gestational diabetes are concerned, it seldom produces notable signs. The expecting mother rarely feels polyuria and polydipsia.
In case, a person experiences any of the above mentioned warning signs, he/she should go for blood glucose test right away. Seeking advice from a health specialist for proper diagnosis is necessary. Doing so will help in delaying the onset or even control this chronic ailment. The doctor may suggest lifestyle changes and diet modification to keep the blood sugar level under control.
A common sign exhibited in the early stages of type 1 and type 2 diabetes is frequent urination (polyuria). Since the glucose in the blood increases above the normal level, filtration by kidneys is incomplete. This also hampers water absorption by the kidneys, resulting in frequent urination.
Due to increase in the frequency of urination, the body losses excessive fluid. Ultimately, dehydration occurs, causing increased thirst (polydipsia). If one is drinking more fluid than the usual amount, and the number of urination is increased, either type 1 or type 2 diabetes is suspected.
Another warning sign of type 1 and type 2 diabetes is increased appetite. One of the functions of insulin is stimulating hunger. Since, the body starts secreting more insulin to lower glucose level in the bloodstream, it is obvious to experience increased hunger (polyphagia).
A patient who is in the prediabetes stage suffers from unusual weight loss, even without trying. This is caused due to excessive loss of sugar in the urine. The body starts using muscular proteins and fats as its source of energy, resulting in weight loss. This symptom is typical of type 1 diabetes.
In a person with prediabetes, excess sugar is found in the blood and not in the cells. As the body cells are deprived of the main energy source - glucose, the patient feels increased fatigueat most of the time. Physical ability is lowered and the patient gets tired very easily.
Vision problem is reported in patients of type 2 diabetes. Increase in the blood sugar levels leads to change in the shape of the eye lenses. Over time, this results in poor focusing power andblurred vision in patients.
A type 2 diabetic patient suffers from frequent yeast and skin infections. Unchecked high sugar brings about damage to the nerves, causing neuropathy symptoms (numbness in the extremities). In addition, cuts and wounds take longer period to heal.
It has been found that the immune system of a diabetic patient is low, as compared to a healthy person. This may be due to presence of elevated glucose in the blood, which in turn hampers the proper functioning of white blood cells (leucocytes). Thus, overall defense mechanism of the body gets disturbed and the person experiences frequent yeast infection, skin infection, accompanied with slow healing of bruises. As far as early signs of gestational diabetes are concerned, it seldom produces notable signs. The expecting mother rarely feels polyuria and polydipsia.
In case, a person experiences any of the above mentioned warning signs, he/she should go for blood glucose test right away. Seeking advice from a health specialist for proper diagnosis is necessary. Doing so will help in delaying the onset or even control this chronic ailment. The doctor may suggest lifestyle changes and diet modification to keep the blood sugar level under control.
Symptoms of Kidney Cyst
The symptoms of kidney cyst vary according to the type of it. Usually in case of simple kidney cyst, no symptoms are observed. Due to these, many times, simple kidney cyst remains undetected. One should note that a majority of people over 50 years of age suffer from simple kidney cyst but are unaware of it. On the other hand, people who have suffered from urinary tract infections in the past are more prone to suffer from kidney cyst. In some cases, simple kidney cyst symptoms may include urinary tract infection that is observed frequently. On the contrary, in case of complex kidney cyst, one may observe many other symptoms that help in accurate diagnose of this disease. Some of the complex kidney cyst symptoms are mentioned below:
Urinary tract infection
Blood in urine
Abdominal pain
Lower back pain
High blood pressure
It should be noted that calcium containing kidney cysts can lead to kidney stones. It is one of the most painful conditions in human beings. Kidney stone is caused when the level of calcium and uric acid in the body increases. When kidney cyst leads to kidney stone, the person experiences other symptoms like severe lower abdominal pain, severe lower back pain and difficulties in urination. Sometimes, these cysts rupture resulting in minor or severe symptoms. The following are the ruptured kidney cyst symptoms:
Blood in urine (hematuria)
Back and abdominal pain
Pain in waist and hips
Ruptured kidney cysts, in severe cases, can lead to obstructed blood flow in certain parts of the kidney resulting in damage. Therefore, it is essential to treat kidney cysts immediately. Antibiotics are used for treating kidney cyst. Simple kidney cyst is not considered as an emergency condition and sometimes, no treatment may be required. On the other hand, complex kidney stones can be treated with the help of long term antibiotics courses. In extreme cases, if multiple cysts occur that are beyond treatment, the doctor may advise the removal of the kidney. One should note that it is possible to live a normal life with a single kidney.
Urinary tract infection
Blood in urine
Abdominal pain
Lower back pain
High blood pressure
It should be noted that calcium containing kidney cysts can lead to kidney stones. It is one of the most painful conditions in human beings. Kidney stone is caused when the level of calcium and uric acid in the body increases. When kidney cyst leads to kidney stone, the person experiences other symptoms like severe lower abdominal pain, severe lower back pain and difficulties in urination. Sometimes, these cysts rupture resulting in minor or severe symptoms. The following are the ruptured kidney cyst symptoms:
Blood in urine (hematuria)
Back and abdominal pain
Pain in waist and hips
Ruptured kidney cysts, in severe cases, can lead to obstructed blood flow in certain parts of the kidney resulting in damage. Therefore, it is essential to treat kidney cysts immediately. Antibiotics are used for treating kidney cyst. Simple kidney cyst is not considered as an emergency condition and sometimes, no treatment may be required. On the other hand, complex kidney stones can be treated with the help of long term antibiotics courses. In extreme cases, if multiple cysts occur that are beyond treatment, the doctor may advise the removal of the kidney. One should note that it is possible to live a normal life with a single kidney.
Complex Renal Cysts
Kidneys are bean shaped organs and are an important part of the urinary system. The main function of the kidneys is to eliminate waste and toxins from the body. Sometimes due to over accumulation of toxins or calcium deposits, cysts can form in the kidneys. Age is also a factor responsible for the growth of cysts in the kidneys. A cyst is a small sac filled with fluid and located anywhere in the body. A renal cyst, which is also known as a kidney cyst, can be located in either or both the kidneys. There are two types of renal cysts - simple and complex renal cysts.
When there are calcifications in the inner lining of the kidneys, it can lead to the formation of kidney cysts. A complex renal cyst has septations (septa) or thick walls within the cyst itself. Some parts of the cyst are richly supplied with blood. Individuals who are above 50 years of age at a higher risk of developing complex renal cysts as compared to others. Polycystic kidney disease can also be one of the reasons for the formation of this kidney disorder. In some cases, complex kidney cyst can be a congenital defect caused due to obstructed tubules of the kidneys. Let us now take a look at the symptoms and treatment methods for complex renal cysts.
Complex Renal Cyst Symptoms
In most of the cases, complex renal cysts hardly show any symptoms. Their presence can be detected only when an individual undergoes a sonography or a medical examination for some other ailment. However here are a few symptoms of this kidney disease.
A dull throbbing pain can be felt in the lower back region, especially where the kidneys are located. This symptom is similar to the kidney stones symptom.
Blood in urine (hematuria), as a sign of kidney infection can be observed. The individual may also feel burning sensation while urinating.
Upper abdominal pain and pressure is also one of the symptoms of complex renal cysts.
Some individuals may also suffer from fever, vomiting induced nausea and generalized body weakness.
Complex Renal Cyst Treatment
Some of the cysts can be benign, whereas few others can be malignant in nature. Whatever be the nature of the cyst, it is very essential to undergo treatment for this health disorder, in case it causes damage to the kidneys which can result in kidney failure. Before administering treatment, the doctor may advise the patient to undergo a series of tests like blood test, urine test, CT and MRI scan to diagnose the exact condition. Once the diagnosis is done, the doctor may administer treatment according to the symptoms observed. A simple kidney cyst may not require any major treatment and may go away after a period of time. But in case of complex kidney cysts, removal is necessary to stop it from spreading. Pain killers may be prescribed to provide relief from pain. The doctor may puncture the cyst and fill it with alcohol to destroy the cyst. This procedure is known as percutaneous sclerotherapy. Surgical procedures are also carried out to completely remove the cyst from the kidneys. Timely medical treatment is essential to avoid complications like a burst or an infected cyst, which can become a life-threatening condition.
When there are calcifications in the inner lining of the kidneys, it can lead to the formation of kidney cysts. A complex renal cyst has septations (septa) or thick walls within the cyst itself. Some parts of the cyst are richly supplied with blood. Individuals who are above 50 years of age at a higher risk of developing complex renal cysts as compared to others. Polycystic kidney disease can also be one of the reasons for the formation of this kidney disorder. In some cases, complex kidney cyst can be a congenital defect caused due to obstructed tubules of the kidneys. Let us now take a look at the symptoms and treatment methods for complex renal cysts.
Complex Renal Cyst Symptoms
In most of the cases, complex renal cysts hardly show any symptoms. Their presence can be detected only when an individual undergoes a sonography or a medical examination for some other ailment. However here are a few symptoms of this kidney disease.
A dull throbbing pain can be felt in the lower back region, especially where the kidneys are located. This symptom is similar to the kidney stones symptom.
Blood in urine (hematuria), as a sign of kidney infection can be observed. The individual may also feel burning sensation while urinating.
Upper abdominal pain and pressure is also one of the symptoms of complex renal cysts.
Some individuals may also suffer from fever, vomiting induced nausea and generalized body weakness.
Complex Renal Cyst Treatment
Some of the cysts can be benign, whereas few others can be malignant in nature. Whatever be the nature of the cyst, it is very essential to undergo treatment for this health disorder, in case it causes damage to the kidneys which can result in kidney failure. Before administering treatment, the doctor may advise the patient to undergo a series of tests like blood test, urine test, CT and MRI scan to diagnose the exact condition. Once the diagnosis is done, the doctor may administer treatment according to the symptoms observed. A simple kidney cyst may not require any major treatment and may go away after a period of time. But in case of complex kidney cysts, removal is necessary to stop it from spreading. Pain killers may be prescribed to provide relief from pain. The doctor may puncture the cyst and fill it with alcohol to destroy the cyst. This procedure is known as percutaneous sclerotherapy. Surgical procedures are also carried out to completely remove the cyst from the kidneys. Timely medical treatment is essential to avoid complications like a burst or an infected cyst, which can become a life-threatening condition.
Treatment of Renal cysts
Renal cysts are small sacs or pockets that may be either filled with air, semisolid substances or fluids and will be present on the kidney. Hence they are also called renal cysts. Renal cysts are a type of kidney diseases that can develop on the kidneys as one or several cysts. Most of the time, these cysts are not cancerous and many people might not even be aware that they have developed these cysts. However, there are times when they may become severe and lead to cancer, which solely depends on the conditions that lead to their formation. In the following article we will be touching upon what renal cysts treatment involve and why it becomes necessary to treat them.
Symptoms of Renal Cysts
These are some of the symptoms that are noticed before an individual has to go in for a kidney cyst treatment:
Back pain
Stomach pain
Feeling full all the time.
Kidney pain
Frequent urination
Trouble while urinating
If the cyst is large then it might form a lump in the abdomen or back and leads to a distention.
Red tongue with a yellow coating on it.
Rapid pulse
Renal tuberculosis
Blood while urinating.
Dark urine
Pain on the sides between the ribs and hip.
Causes of Renal Cysts
Renal cysts can be formed due to a number of reasons. Let us see what some of these are:
Many people have renal cysts at birth which is caused due to genetics.
An obstruction in the kidney can lead to the formation of one or several renal cysts.
Many patients might even develop Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) which is again a genetic disorder that results in the growth of numerous cysts in the kidneys and leads to kidney damage along with the damage of surrounding organs.
Sometimes the growth of tapeworms in the intestines can also lead to renal cysts or cysts in other organs and is usually taken as a sign of decline in organ function.
Lymphatic obstructions and vascular disease can also cause renal cysts.
Symptoms of Renal Cysts
These are some of the symptoms that are noticed before an individual has to go in for a kidney cyst treatment:
Back pain
Stomach pain
Feeling full all the time.
Kidney pain
Frequent urination
Trouble while urinating
If the cyst is large then it might form a lump in the abdomen or back and leads to a distention.
Red tongue with a yellow coating on it.
Rapid pulse
Renal tuberculosis
Blood while urinating.
Dark urine
Pain on the sides between the ribs and hip.
Causes of Renal Cysts
Renal cysts can be formed due to a number of reasons. Let us see what some of these are:
Many people have renal cysts at birth which is caused due to genetics.
An obstruction in the kidney can lead to the formation of one or several renal cysts.
Many patients might even develop Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) which is again a genetic disorder that results in the growth of numerous cysts in the kidneys and leads to kidney damage along with the damage of surrounding organs.
Sometimes the growth of tapeworms in the intestines can also lead to renal cysts or cysts in other organs and is usually taken as a sign of decline in organ function.
Lymphatic obstructions and vascular disease can also cause renal cysts.
What is Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy
What is Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy? It is an external application, taking Chinese medicine as the principle element and western medicine as the supplement, which is the characteristic treatment in Kidney Disease Hospital.
The ultra micro smashed medicine, effective for kidney disease treatment, is diluted and mixed sufficiently and easy to permeate into the kidney focus lesion by the efficient permeating fluid and advanced scientific instrument. Through the permeating, the micro-Chinese medicine can repair the due cells and rebuild the due organization of the kidney for it can extent vessels and anti inflammation, coagulation, thrombus and fibrosis .
What is the four effects of micro-Chinese medicine respectively?
Extending Vessels is the premise of the treatment. Inflammatory factors can cause kinds of oxidative stress reaction with various materials in blood, which can cause damage in blood vessels at all levels, resulting in blood circulation impairment. As a result, ischemia and anoxia of kidney micro-circulation will appear finally, damaging renal intrinsic cells gradually, and then Kidney Disease occurs.
Anti-inflammation is also essential. Large amounts of inflammatory medium, following the nephritis, are sent off to the blood circulation and injure the due cells of kidney through a series of creation. Anti –inflammation from the medicine molecule can the damage of the due cells.
Anti-freezing and Thrombus is another necessary part of the treatment. It can restrain from strengthening the activity of platelet, which can hold back the progress from normal blood consistency to the blood freezing. Reducing blood coagulation factor can stop the emergence of thrombus at different degrees in order to reform the blocking of microcirculation of the kidney, ischemia and oxygen want.
Anti-fibrosis which is indispensable can effectively restrain the formation of Extracellular Matrix hyperplasia and multiplication so as to stop the progress of fibrosis development and rebuild normal kidney structure. It is easy for the four steps of treatment to stop the development of fibrosis and restore the function of patient’s kidney.
The ultra micro smashed medicine, effective for kidney disease treatment, is diluted and mixed sufficiently and easy to permeate into the kidney focus lesion by the efficient permeating fluid and advanced scientific instrument. Through the permeating, the micro-Chinese medicine can repair the due cells and rebuild the due organization of the kidney for it can extent vessels and anti inflammation, coagulation, thrombus and fibrosis .
What is the four effects of micro-Chinese medicine respectively?
Extending Vessels is the premise of the treatment. Inflammatory factors can cause kinds of oxidative stress reaction with various materials in blood, which can cause damage in blood vessels at all levels, resulting in blood circulation impairment. As a result, ischemia and anoxia of kidney micro-circulation will appear finally, damaging renal intrinsic cells gradually, and then Kidney Disease occurs.
Anti-inflammation is also essential. Large amounts of inflammatory medium, following the nephritis, are sent off to the blood circulation and injure the due cells of kidney through a series of creation. Anti –inflammation from the medicine molecule can the damage of the due cells.
Anti-freezing and Thrombus is another necessary part of the treatment. It can restrain from strengthening the activity of platelet, which can hold back the progress from normal blood consistency to the blood freezing. Reducing blood coagulation factor can stop the emergence of thrombus at different degrees in order to reform the blocking of microcirculation of the kidney, ischemia and oxygen want.
Anti-fibrosis which is indispensable can effectively restrain the formation of Extracellular Matrix hyperplasia and multiplication so as to stop the progress of fibrosis development and rebuild normal kidney structure. It is easy for the four steps of treatment to stop the development of fibrosis and restore the function of patient’s kidney.
Polycystic Kidney Disease
The Renal Tubular Epithelial Cells would have secreting function when the phenotype of them turns into Cyst Epithelial Cells. Because the cells secrete more and more liquid without normal excretion pathway as the growth of the age, lots of Cyst Fluid is accumulated there. And this results in the enlargement of the cysts, the rise of the pressure in the cysts and the increase of surface tension of it. At this time some sensitive patients would have lumbar unwell and feel sore and bursting. And when part of the cysts is infected, patients would be painful. By the gradual increase of the cysts, the normal structure of the kidney would be replaced, and the function of the kidney begin to decline gradually, which results in Hypertension and abnormal result in test of Urine Routine and renal function.
There are some rules in each Polycystic Kidney Disease stage:
A. Emergence period: the disease is a kind of hereditary disease, and patients always have the cysts inborn which are just too small to be checked out at early stage and it is generally difficult to check out the cysts before the 20s of the patient. If there are the cases of Polycystic Kidney Disease in their family, people should take the examination as early as possible to observe the growth state of the cysts. And they need to take good care of their body.
B. Growth stage: There would be a rapid growth of the cysts when the patient are at the age of 30s to 40s. And we call this period as the growth stage medically. It should be given close observation in growth period. But Western doctors have no method of treatment in this period and they believe the treatment is unnecessary, so what they do is just to conduct symptomatic treatment such as Hypertension and so on, which is quite passive. Patients should positively conduct treatment in this period to stop or slow the cysts’ growth rate by applying the Chinese medicine with the stronger effect of promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis. And this would meet the purpose to extend the lifetime of the patients. We believe the period is the critical period to slow the growth rate of the cysts by using the Chinese medicine with the effect of promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis.
C. The swelling period: the cysts would further grow and swell when the patient is in his 40s. In this period the cysts is more than 4cm in size and begin to break up. We call this period as the swelling period. By the enlargement of the cysts, there would be more clinical symptoms such as backache, albuminuria, blood urine, and the increase of blood pressure. We should observe closely in this period. And this period is also the critical period for treament combined with traditional Chinese and western medicine. We could use Chinese medicine to promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis and discharge the toxin of the body, in essence we protect the renal function by getting rid of the cysts liquid which is harmful to the renal function. So the swelling period of Polycystic Kidney is the critical time for the protection of renal function through combined treatment of traditional Chinese medicine and western.
Why do the Cysts of PKD Patients Grow
The factors which influence the growth of cysts go as follows:
1. Patients with PKD should pay more attention to the diet to make sure what they take in is safe. Avoid food which contains too much salt. Do not have spicy food, including pepper, alcohol, shrimps, crabs, etc, which will stimulate the cysts to grow bigger. Don’t eat food which is polluted, including the one which goes bad. PKD patients who have developed into Renal Insufficiency or Uremia should limit the intake of beans and bean curd. In addition, food which is rich in animal protein and greasy food should also be avoided.
In China, the most important festival Spring Festival is coming. In western countries, the most important festival Christmas Day is also coming. People will go home and prepare much delicious food to celebrate these two traditional festivals. However, Patients with PKD should remember the diet principle and remind themselves so as to make sure the cysts will not grow and influence the mood.
2. scientific medicine intake
Female PKD patients should also remind themselves to take medicine on time and scientifically. Avoid taking in medicine which is harmful to the kidney. In addition, don’t take examination too frequently. They had better take examination every half a year. Before taking in medicine, PKD patients had better ask for doctor’s advice.
3. avoid getting a cold
It is winter now. PKD patients should have more water every day, keep warm, do not take exercise too long in outside so as to avoid getting a cold. Because after PKD patients get a cold, infection will take place. Bacteria or virus will enter PKD patients’ body and accelerate the condition. Even serum creatinine may increase sharply, which causes huge damage to kidney.
Symptoms of Lupus Nephritis
Symptoms in Body: intermittent fever, red spot in face, painless oral ulcer, arthralgia, epilepsy, and Raynaud's phenomenon which can be explained as the following: Limbs of patients with Lupus Nephritis is pale in the cold weather, and then turn purplish red when they get warm. Finally, their limbs will be normal color again.
Renal Symptoms: Patients with Lupus Nephritis may have different symptoms. For example, they may only hematuria or proteinuria. They also may have symptoms of Nephritis such as hematuria and proteinuria which are usually accompanied by swelling, backache, or high blood pressure. Besides, manifestations of Nephrotic Syndrome may also appear such as amounts of proteinuria, hypoproteinemia, and swelling. Moreover, symptoms of Acute Nephritis are also possible to occur such as hematuria and protein which are accompanied by acute decreasing of renal function. Apart from these, renal symptoms may show as the manifestations of Chronic Renal Failure. In the daily life, only one type of these appears among patients with Lupus Nephritis.
Abnormal Detection Results: Decrease of white cells (<4.0*10/L), anemia, or decrease of platelet (<100*10/L) in blood routine test. Less complement C3.
Another important thing, suffers from Lupus Nephritis may or may not have symptoms of kidney disease.
Renal Symptoms: Patients with Lupus Nephritis may have different symptoms. For example, they may only hematuria or proteinuria. They also may have symptoms of Nephritis such as hematuria and proteinuria which are usually accompanied by swelling, backache, or high blood pressure. Besides, manifestations of Nephrotic Syndrome may also appear such as amounts of proteinuria, hypoproteinemia, and swelling. Moreover, symptoms of Acute Nephritis are also possible to occur such as hematuria and protein which are accompanied by acute decreasing of renal function. Apart from these, renal symptoms may show as the manifestations of Chronic Renal Failure. In the daily life, only one type of these appears among patients with Lupus Nephritis.
Abnormal Detection Results: Decrease of white cells (<4.0*10/L), anemia, or decrease of platelet (<100*10/L) in blood routine test. Less complement C3.
Another important thing, suffers from Lupus Nephritis may or may not have symptoms of kidney disease.
Causes of Diabetic Nephropathy
In the early stage of Diabetic Nephropathy, there are no obvious symptoms and the blood pressure maybe high or normal. The morbidity of Diabetic Nephropathy changes with the extension of the course of Diabetes. Then what are the root causes of Diabetic Nephropathy?
● Genetic Factor.
Genetic factor is the one of the causes of this kind of renal disease. For patients with Diabetes, most of them will not have renal damage finally. However, for these who have controlled their blood sugar, they also have the possibility to get Diabetic Nephropathy and this is cased by the genetic factor.
● Hyperglycemia.
The occurrence of Diabetic Nephropathy has close relationship with hyperglycemia. Bad control of blood sugar will accelerate the appearance of Diabetic Nephropathy, while, the better control will help to delay the development of this disease. Both high blood sugar and increase of the advanced glycation end products can give rise to the increase of mesangial cell, extracellular matrix as well as the incrassation of glomerular basilar membrane.
● High Blood Pressure.
High blood pressure has no direct relationship with the occurrence of Diabetic Nephropathy. However, the increase of blood pressure can promote the excretion of urine albumin, leading to the aggravation of Diabetic Nephropathy.
● Genetic Factor.
Genetic factor is the one of the causes of this kind of renal disease. For patients with Diabetes, most of them will not have renal damage finally. However, for these who have controlled their blood sugar, they also have the possibility to get Diabetic Nephropathy and this is cased by the genetic factor.
● Hyperglycemia.
The occurrence of Diabetic Nephropathy has close relationship with hyperglycemia. Bad control of blood sugar will accelerate the appearance of Diabetic Nephropathy, while, the better control will help to delay the development of this disease. Both high blood sugar and increase of the advanced glycation end products can give rise to the increase of mesangial cell, extracellular matrix as well as the incrassation of glomerular basilar membrane.
● High Blood Pressure.
High blood pressure has no direct relationship with the occurrence of Diabetic Nephropathy. However, the increase of blood pressure can promote the excretion of urine albumin, leading to the aggravation of Diabetic Nephropathy.
Renal Failure
In fact, as long as we get a good control, it is not as feared as some people said. Firstly, let have a general idea what is Renal Failure’s complications.
1. Symptoms in respiratory system
Patients who are more serious even have edema in lung, fibrin pleuritis or calcification in lung, etc. Edema in lung is connected with heart failure, hypoproteinemia, retention of water and sodium, etc.
2. Symptoms in nerve system
Systems in nerve system are the main symptom of Uremia. In the early stage of Uremia, patients often feel dizziness, headache, weakness, decline of memory and understanding, etc. with the deteriorating of condition, patients with Uremia also have fidget, muscle trembling. And what’s worse, the serious one will also have indifference of expression, drowsiness, and even coma.
3. Systems in cardiovascular system
Due to renal high blood pressure, acidosis, hyperkalemia, retention of water and sodium, anemia and toxic materials, patients with Renal Failure will have heart failure, arrhythmia and damage in cardiac muscles.
4. Symptoms in digestive system
Symptoms in digestive system are usually the earliest symptoms such as inappetence, dyspepsia. When the condition becomes serious, anorexia, nausea, vomiting or diarrhea will take place.
1. Symptoms in respiratory system
Patients who are more serious even have edema in lung, fibrin pleuritis or calcification in lung, etc. Edema in lung is connected with heart failure, hypoproteinemia, retention of water and sodium, etc.
2. Symptoms in nerve system
Systems in nerve system are the main symptom of Uremia. In the early stage of Uremia, patients often feel dizziness, headache, weakness, decline of memory and understanding, etc. with the deteriorating of condition, patients with Uremia also have fidget, muscle trembling. And what’s worse, the serious one will also have indifference of expression, drowsiness, and even coma.
3. Systems in cardiovascular system
Due to renal high blood pressure, acidosis, hyperkalemia, retention of water and sodium, anemia and toxic materials, patients with Renal Failure will have heart failure, arrhythmia and damage in cardiac muscles.
4. Symptoms in digestive system
Symptoms in digestive system are usually the earliest symptoms such as inappetence, dyspepsia. When the condition becomes serious, anorexia, nausea, vomiting or diarrhea will take place.
Symptoms of Lupus Nephritis
Clinically, Lupus Nephritic is one of the most common secondary kidney diseases, especially for female patients.
Due to the primary cause, SLE, the symptoms of Lupus Nephritis also involve the whole body system. For example:
Skin problem: more than 80% patients will have skin problem, such as erythema, rash, etc, mainly in face, neck as well as arms and legs. A few patients may also have bleb or bloody vesicle. Besides, about one third patients are too sensitive to light and their face or skin will become very red or even have allergic skin rash after exposed under sunshine.
Pain in joints and muscle: more than 90% patients will have swelling and pain on joints, which is also one of the first symptoms. Figure joints are most commonly to be involved. Besides, knee, feet, ankle as well as wrist can also be related. A tiny part of patients may even have joint deformity. Besides, muscle soreness and fatigue are also common symptoms.
Gastrointestinal discomforts: some patients may feel uncomfortable on their stomach and upper gastrointestinal hemorrhage as well as hemafecia and ascetic fluid which is caused by vasculitis of gastrointestinal tract always happens.
Pathological damage of nerve system: about 20% Lupus Nephritis patients will have problems on nerve system which means the disease has already progress further and the illness condition is more severe. Excitement, abnormal behavior, depression as well as illusion or mental disorder may occur.
Heart problem: nearly 10% to 50% patients will have heart problem which is caused by both the disease and long-term medication of glucocorticoid. Some patients may even die from Coronary Artery Obstruction due to this disease.
Symptoms related to kidney: Nearly 100% SLE patients have pathological damage in kidney through biopsy, but not all patients will have related symptoms of kidney damage. About 50% patients will have related clinical symptoms of kidney disease, such as proteinuria, hematuria, cylindruia, leucocyturia, swelling and high blood pressure as well as increasing creatinine and urea, etc.
Seize the Opportunity to Treat Nephritis
Accumulation happens in different places, so the clinical cases are different. Therefore, the treatment of Nephritis is much more difficult than that of other inflammations as well as other kidney diseases, and it always takes a long time to treat Nephritis.
The routine treatment with hormone is very effective, however, it can not repair the damaged cells fundamentally. The technologyis used to treat kidney disease with the constant researches and practices these years. There are many successful clinical cases that can prove the curative effect of stem cell transplantation, which is better than routine treatment. Stem cells can treat Chronic Nephritis well because they can repair damaged intrinsic cells by their own abilities including the ability of self-differentiation and targeted localization. Through stimulating the growth factors in blood capillaries and promoting their differentiation and proliferation, stem cells can help to form new capillaries and provide damaged kidney with enough oxygen and nutrition, thus improving the microcirculation in kidneys and creating a better environment for cells to grow healthily.
In addition, stem cell transplantation has the capacity to restore the damaged immunity system, raise sufferers’ ability of anti-inflammation by effectively strengthening their cellular immunity and humoral immunity, and consequently avoid the reoccurrence of disease.
The routine treatment with hormone is very effective, however, it can not repair the damaged cells fundamentally. The technologyis used to treat kidney disease with the constant researches and practices these years. There are many successful clinical cases that can prove the curative effect of stem cell transplantation, which is better than routine treatment. Stem cells can treat Chronic Nephritis well because they can repair damaged intrinsic cells by their own abilities including the ability of self-differentiation and targeted localization. Through stimulating the growth factors in blood capillaries and promoting their differentiation and proliferation, stem cells can help to form new capillaries and provide damaged kidney with enough oxygen and nutrition, thus improving the microcirculation in kidneys and creating a better environment for cells to grow healthily.
In addition, stem cell transplantation has the capacity to restore the damaged immunity system, raise sufferers’ ability of anti-inflammation by effectively strengthening their cellular immunity and humoral immunity, and consequently avoid the reoccurrence of disease.
How to Prevent Diabetic Nephropathy
In the following, this article will list several effective and scientific causes to help the patients with Diabetes keep away from DN.
1.Do not take medicine without the doctor's advice: For some medicine and even those medicine which are givenby some doctors may be harmful to the kidney, contributing to the onset of DN. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is a good choice to treat Diabetes based on several cases of Diabetes, and it has successfully prevented the onset of DN to numerous patients with Diabetes.
2.Control the blood sugar: For the Diabetes patients, the controlling of blood sugar has a close relation with the onset and the development of DN, so successful blood sugar controllingis an absolutely necessary measure to prevent DN. However, if the controlling doesn’t reach the standard (blood sugar is lower than 7 mmol/L with empty stomach, lower than 10 mmol/L two hours after meal, glycolated hemoglobin is lower than 7.5% ), take some medicine to help it, and insulin treatment is a preferred one.
3.Control the blood pressure: High blood pressure is one of the obvious symptoms of Diabetes. Besides, it is also a trigger to the onset and deterioration of nephropathy. Take blood-pressurepills when the blood pressure has been up to 140/90mm Hg, and keeping the blood pressure below 130/80 mm Hgfor patients with Diabetes is one of the effective ways to prevent DN.
1.Do not take medicine without the doctor's advice: For some medicine and even those medicine which are givenby some doctors may be harmful to the kidney, contributing to the onset of DN. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is a good choice to treat Diabetes based on several cases of Diabetes, and it has successfully prevented the onset of DN to numerous patients with Diabetes.
2.Control the blood sugar: For the Diabetes patients, the controlling of blood sugar has a close relation with the onset and the development of DN, so successful blood sugar controllingis an absolutely necessary measure to prevent DN. However, if the controlling doesn’t reach the standard (blood sugar is lower than 7 mmol/L with empty stomach, lower than 10 mmol/L two hours after meal, glycolated hemoglobin is lower than 7.5% ), take some medicine to help it, and insulin treatment is a preferred one.
3.Control the blood pressure: High blood pressure is one of the obvious symptoms of Diabetes. Besides, it is also a trigger to the onset and deterioration of nephropathy. Take blood-pressurepills when the blood pressure has been up to 140/90mm Hg, and keeping the blood pressure below 130/80 mm Hgfor patients with Diabetes is one of the effective ways to prevent DN.
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