Chronic renal insufficiency can sex of children with renal insufficiency how diagnosed

Children with renal insufficiency how diagnosed? Nephropathy with nephrotic expert experts pointed out that children with renal insufficiency can be divided into simple and the the uremic two children of both cases is slightly different clinical manifestations, and here we take up specific What are the characteristics look at the simple type and uremic type children with renal insufficiency, What are the diagnostic criteria?
How diagnosis of children with renal insufficiency?, Renal insufficiency, "simply type"
1, the massive proteinuria: urinary protein qualitative ≥ + + +, quantitative ≥ 50mg / (kg? D), for two weeks or more;
Hypoproteinemia: serum albumin <30g / L;
Hyperlipidemia: plasma cholesterol ≥ 5.7mmol / L;
4, renal insufficiency, simply type in children with varying degrees of edema;
Children with renal insufficiency how diagnosed?, Renal insufficiency, uremia type "-
Hematuria: 2 weeks three times a urine test, centrifuged urine red blood cells ≥ IO / HP;
2, high blood pressure: school-age children ≥ 130/90mmHg (17.0/12.0kPa), preschool children ≥ 120/80mmHg (16.0/10.7kPa);
Azotemia: blood urea nitrogen (BUN)> 10.70mmol / L;
4, persistent hypocomplementemia (serum complement c3 down).
How diagnosed child with renal insufficiency? Controlled by the above standard, the majority of children with kidney disease to confirm the diagnosis, develop a reasonable treatment options, speedy recovery so that children with kidney disease.
Infiltration therapy of micro-based traditional Chinese medicine, mainly through a few have made the treatment of diabetic nephropathy treatment of small effect
A "vasodilator" utility: alleviate hypertension status and vascular tension, to prevent damage of hypertensive renal vascular endothelial cells and promote blood circulation, at the same time, can also be effective to improve the digestive system, microcirculation, alleviate gastrointestinal mucosal edema caused by kidney disease, to promote an increase in the secretion of digestive juice, increase appetite.
(2) anti-inflammatory action principle: hypertensive nephropathy and other types of kidney disease, its anti-inflammatory capacity decreased by the infection of bacteria, viruses, and due to vascular ischemia, hypoxia, resulting in damage to the local kidney microcirculation itself anti-inflammatory decreased ability to damage the kidney vascular endothelial cells, dynamic balance function has been disrupted, and attract inflammatory cell infiltration in the blood circulation, the formation of the inflammatory response and start of renal fibrosis.
"Anticoagulant" principle: the treatment of hypertensive nephropathy can not neglect the anticoagulant therapy. As the long-term high blood pressure damage the kidneys, produce microcirculation, resulting in the state of ischemia and hypoxia, damage renal vascular endothelial cells, anticoagulant activity, and promote platelet adhesion and aggregation, and microthrombosis. Micro-thrombosis will further aggravate renal ischemia and hypoxia, speed up the process of renal fibrosis.
"Degradation" principle: the degradation of metabolic waste extracellular matrix, is inherent in the nephrotic patients with kidney cells can be reversed, the key to whether the block in renal fibrosis. Kidney patients used in the treatment of Western medicine, Chinese medicine generally does not have this utility, which is also repeated the main reason for attack.
Of traditional Chinese medicine infiltration therapy of active substances into the renal micro directly for lesion accumulation of extracellular matrix removal, such substances will gradually replace the healthy kidney inherent cells, activity of micro-based traditional Chinese medicine material will begin to make fragmentation, degradation excreted. At the same time, but also promote renal synthesis and degradation enzymes and enhance its activity, degradation of extracellular matrix. You turn the intrinsic cells of the lesions occur in the kidney.



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