I Abnormal Urine Volume: The abnormal presentations of patients with Nephrotic Syndrome can be divided into two kinds-oliguria (<400ml/24h) and anuria (<50-100ml/24h) or diuresis (>3000ml/h). The occurrence of oliguria and anuria is related with the declining of the renal function, while diuresis is usually caused by that the abnormal increased water and glucose excretion caused by the lesions of kidney.
II Abnormal Urination: It refers to urinary frequency, urgent urination, dysuria, urinary retention and uroclepsia.
●Urinary Frequency, Urgent Urination, Dysuria: Urinary Frequency means that the frequency of urination of the patients obviously increases when comparing with normal people (4-6 times/day, 0-2/night); Urgent Urination means the patients always feel urgent to go to washroom; Dysuria means the patients feel pain or burning sensation when excreting urine.
●urinary retention: It refers to that the patients can not excrete urine, the urine is blocked in the bladder by the partial or complete blockage of urinary tract.
●uroclepsia: It means the patients can not help excreting urine.
III Backache: The patients with Nephrotic Syndrome may sometimes feel squeezing pain and dull pain at the back or the peripheral parts of kidney.
IV Edema (swelling): It is a commonly seen symptom of the patients with nephropathy, caused by the excess water in the body which can not be excreted by the damaged kidney. Some patients may just have swollen eyelids in the early morning or the increase of weight. As to the severe ones, the edema may involve the whole body.
V Massive Proteinuria: It is one of the early symptoms of Nephrotic Syndrome, caused by the declining of the kidney’s capability to absorb protein in urine.
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