What are the Symptoms of Acute Nephritis in Children

Early Symptoms:In the beginning, children with Acute Nephritis will present with low fever, cough, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, anorexia exhaustion, etc. And before these, the children usually have acute tonsillitis, pustulosis and other precursory infections.
Edema (swelling): It generally starts from the eyelids, and then gradually involves the whole body. Among most cases, edema is always accompanied with oliguria or anuria. And the abnormal symptoms of urine gradually alleviate within 1-2 weeks, simultaneously, edema will also disappears. However, the disappearance of edema doesn’t mean the recovery of disease. Without timely and effective treatment, edema maybe relapses soon and even with the onset or deterioration of Acute Nephritis.
Hematuria: Most of the children with Acute Nephritis have gross hematuria, which means the urine of them presents a color of red like the water where the meat is washed or like strong tea. Few of them have microscopic hematuria, which means one can not find the abnormal change with naked eyes.
Hypertension: Some children with Acute Nephritis may have hypertension. If the blood pressure rises abruptly, the children are quite likely to suffer from nausea, vomiting and dizziness. Hypertension may even cause severe complications, such as serious edema, difficulty in breathing, cardiac acceleration, etc. In addition, if they present with pale complexion, frequent cough, pink foam-like phlegm, the children are attacked by heart failure



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