What Are the Causes of IgA Nephropathy

Deposition of immune complex
IgA Nephropathy is mainly caused by the deposition of immune complex in the mesangial area, and among the mass of complexes, IgA occupies a large percent of them, so the disease is caused IgA Nephropathy. However, it does not mean that IgA is the unique complex, in fact, there are also IgM, IgG and other kinds of complexes. Experts have proved that IgA Nephropathy is not a kind of simplex disease, but a comprehensive one without mixed features.
A mild cold and fever can be the reasons of occult blood and hematuria, which are the symptoms of IgA Nephropathy. If the cold attacks people frequently, you need go to the hospital for a physical check.
Inflammation in the kidneys
Some inflammations in daily life also can be a leading factor of IgA Nephropathy, such as amygdalitis and pharyngitis.
According to the statistics, ten percent of the patients have the trend of family gathering. At present, there is no certain answer about the heredity of IgA Nephropathy, but we can see from the data that heredity is a reason of the disease.

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