Nephrotic syndrome Chinese medicine can cure

Chinese medicine What is the treatment? A lot of nephrotic syndrome patients in the treatment suffered the torture of the Western and would like to use Chinese medicine treatment, that the nephrotic syndrome, Chinese medicine is treatment and good, traditional Chinese medicine treatment of nephrotic syndrome radical? these problems in patients with nephrotic syndrome has been very concerned about the following, let us look at this issue.
Nephrotic syndrome is an autoimmune disease, the medical theory of the motherland with nephrotic syndrome is the cause cloudy water due to the spleen and kidney deficiency, damp and gas consumption of injury sinister and spleen and kidney yang and liver and kidney yin. Most patients presented with a lack of blood, yin and yang imbalance organs dysfunction, inability to evil caused by repeated infection. Chinese and Western medicine treatment of nephrotic syndrome drug? Prolonged course and a pack of virtual image, according to the clinical manifestations of this group of patients, usually are shortness of breath, weakness, yellow and white, edema, chills, cold extremities, anorexia, Anhui abdomen Fullness and other positive virtual yin of the disease. Therefore, in the treatment of choice of Qi and spleen and kidney and the rule of law. This method can make in clinical remission, it becomes the basic side.
Combined with modern medical knowledge Kidney improve immunity, improve the immune status, and to regulate the body's immune function is relatively stable role, in addition to the Kidney but also maintenance of the hypothalamic - pituitary - adrenal cortical axis function. I really felt that Chinese medicine has a great influence on the immune function in the treatment of this group of patients have selected the immune Chinese herbal medicine "in the application of traditional Chinese medicine treatment. Chinese and Western medicine treatment of nephrotic syndrome drug? It is reported that some Chinese medicine, such as cinnamon, free silk child, Huang Jing, Cynomorium, Ligustrum lucidum, Yang drug, promote antibody formation in advance the role, and if the centralizer Guben Qi It is reported to contain bioactive polysaccharides in traditional Chinese medicine kidney Codonopsis, Atractylodes, Poria, Astragalus, habitat, wolfberry, the activation of the cellular immune response, improve the immune status, body of material and energy metabolism.
Chinese and Western medicine treatment of nephrotic syndrome drug? Modern medicine confirmed that Astragalus, Chinese yam, Ligustrum lucidum contain the ingredients of sugar, protein, and phlegmatic, with a nourish strong diuretic effect, at the same time astragalus has a strong heart, expansion of peripheral vascular, increased capillary resistance to prevent the exudation of the role. Poria contains several the Poria enzymes, ergonovine, the Poria enzyme, and its diuretic effect is greater than the mercury Sali. Ligustrum lucidum, habitat clearing heat and nourishing yin and kidney function. Salvia, motherwort, cooling blood to increase renal blood flow to the role of anti-allergic inflammation. Therefore, in clinical dialectical selection of some immune-type Chinese herbal medicine with hormones and immunosuppressive therapy, nephrotic syndrome, intractable proteinuria and edema refractory to obtain a good effect.

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