Causes of IgA Nephropathy

The causes of IgA Nephropathy can be summarized as three points:
I Infections: Without effective treatment in time, some infections caused by cold, tonsillitis, fever and respiratory tract infection and so on may arouse IgA Nephropathy. A majority of patients don’t go to hospital in time during the course of infection until an obvious hematuria appears, and then the diagnosis of IgA Nephropathy follows.
II Renal mesangial cells are involved in the inflammation of IgA Nephropathy: During the early onset of IgA Nephropathy, renal glomerular mesangial cells will produce inflammatory factors under the stimulation caused by the inflammatory damages. Then the immune system of the body will react to the inflammations, as a result, the kidney retains large amount of immune complex (mainly IgA complex), contributing to the onset of IgA Nephropathy.
III Heredity: It has been proved in clinic research that, family aggregation of IgA Nephropathy happens among several cases. Therefore, there is an inheritance trend of IgA Nephropathy. Thus it is suggested that go to hospital to take a related examination as early as possible if there is a case of IgA Nephropathy in the family.

The Stages of Polycystic Kidney Disease

The Stages of PKD can be classified into five stages:
I. Occurrence Stage:Since it is a kind of inherited disease, the patients were born with it. However, due to its small size in the early period, the cysts can be hardly examined when patients are younger than 20 years old. Therefore, if there are Polycystic Kidney Disease cases in family, the patients should take examination as early as possible, in order to observe the development of cyst.
II. Growth Stage: In the patients’30s and 40s, the cysts may develop very fast, medically, we call this period as growth period. In this period, with aggressive treatment, we can stop or stave off the development of cyst with the applications of Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy to promote blood circulation and remove stasis, and finally, lengthening the PKD patients’ lifespan. Therefore, this period is also a crucial period to treat the disease.
III. Swollen Stage: As the cysts continues to develop, especially when the patients have been 40 years old, the size of cyst will enlarge to over 4cm, and this period before ulceration is called swollen period. With the development of cysts, a series of clinical symptoms will occur, such as backache, albuminuria, hematuria, high blood pressure and so on. However, with effective integration therapy of Chinese Medicine and Western Medicine, the disease development can be controlled.
VI. Rapture Stage: During the development, once affected by various factors, the cysts may get ruptured. Such patients with PKD have to be hospitalized in order to aggressively control infections, or it may arouse sepsis and acute deterioration of renal function.
V. Uremia Stage: Patients with PKD in this period should not lose confidence, because Stem Cell Transplant and Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmostherapy can still help them to protect remained renal functions and prevent the acute deterioration of the disease.

Symptoms of Nephrotic Syndrome

First of all, swelling is one of the symptoms diagnosing Nephrotic Syndrome. People with Nephrotic Syndrome have different levels of swelling which first shows around their face, lower limbs and scrotum. Swelling can last for several weeks, several months or be intermittent during the whole course. Moreover, infection will aggravate swelling and even lead to azotemia. Secondly, as a common symptom of kidney disease, large amount of proteinuria is indispensable in diagnosing Nephropathy Syndrome. Thirdly, as large amount of protein are lost along with the urine, then hypoproteinemia will appear. Besides this, the severity of hypoproteinemia has close relationship with the leakage of protein from our body. Fourthly, hyperlipidaemia is another symptom appearing in people with Nephrotic Syndrome. Hyperlipidaemia can promote the incidence of cardiovascular disease and the influence depends on the duration of hyperlipidaemia. Therefore, for people with Nephrotic Syndrome, even if their kidney disease does not threaten their life at the moment, the symptom may cause damages to their other organs and thus to put them in a very dangerous situation. Apart from these symptoms, people with Nephrotic Syndrome may suffer from other diseases such as symptoms in digestive tract and high blood pressure and the above are the necessary one.

Stages and Clinical behaviors of Acute Renal Failure (ARF)

According to the clinical behaviors and development patterns, Acute Renal Failure can be classified into three stages: oliguric stage, diuresis stage, and recovery stage.
Oliguric (or anuria) Stage:
The main clinical behaviors of patients in this stage are nausea, vomiting, dizziness, weakness, restlessness, drowsiness and even coma. The patients may present with hypertension, pulmonary edema, heart failure, etc. In addition, if the patients were accompanied with infections, wound and fever, uremic syndrome would appear. Characters of This Stage:
◆ Decrease of Urine: urine less than 400ml is Oliguric, and less than 100ml anuria. Patients with ARF seldom have anuria, however, once occurring, it usually has a poor prognosis.
◆Progressive Azotemia: Due to the decrease of urine, the excretion of azotemia and other waste products will accordingly reduce. As a result, it leads to the increase of serum creatinine and blood urea nitrogen.
◆ Water and Electrolyte Disorders, and Acid-Base Imbalance:
(1) Excess Water: The decrease of urine excretion will lead to the retention of water in the body, causing edema, hypertension, acute heart failure and cerebral edema.
(2) Hyperkalemia: Normally, 90% of potassium is excreted by urine. In the stage of Oliguric, due to the retention of considerable potassium, the patients may be attacked by severe hyperkalemia in several hours.
(3) Metabolic Acidosis: For the normal person, the Acid metabolites is 50~100mmol each day, 80% of which is excreted in urine. Therefore, in oliguric stage, the patients will have metabolic acidosis.
(4) Hyponatremia and Hypochloremia: They usually come together. Sever hyponatremia will cause acute cerebral edema, while hypochloremia will induce vomiting, diarrhea, hyperspasmia and other metabolic alkalosis symptoms.
(5) Hypermagnesemia: In oliguric stage, the patients can not effectively excrete the magnesium, 40% of which is excreted in urine in normal times. Consequently, it may cause severe results such as breathing difficulty, myocardial depression.
(6)Cardiovascular System Symptoms:The symptoms include hypertension, arythmia, pericarditis, acute pulmonary edema and heart failure which accounts for most patients’ death in this stage.
(7) Digestive System Manifestation: The main symptoms are poor appetite, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and so on. Without timely treatment, it will induce upper gastrointestinal bleeding.

What are the Symptoms of Acute Nephritis in Children

Early Symptoms:In the beginning, children with Acute Nephritis will present with low fever, cough, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, anorexia exhaustion, etc. And before these, the children usually have acute tonsillitis, pustulosis and other precursory infections.
Edema (swelling): It generally starts from the eyelids, and then gradually involves the whole body. Among most cases, edema is always accompanied with oliguria or anuria. And the abnormal symptoms of urine gradually alleviate within 1-2 weeks, simultaneously, edema will also disappears. However, the disappearance of edema doesn’t mean the recovery of disease. Without timely and effective treatment, edema maybe relapses soon and even with the onset or deterioration of Acute Nephritis.
Hematuria: Most of the children with Acute Nephritis have gross hematuria, which means the urine of them presents a color of red like the water where the meat is washed or like strong tea. Few of them have microscopic hematuria, which means one can not find the abnormal change with naked eyes.
Hypertension: Some children with Acute Nephritis may have hypertension. If the blood pressure rises abruptly, the children are quite likely to suffer from nausea, vomiting and dizziness. Hypertension may even cause severe complications, such as serious edema, difficulty in breathing, cardiac acceleration, etc. In addition, if they present with pale complexion, frequent cough, pink foam-like phlegm, the children are attacked by heart failure

Causes of IgA Nephropathy

The causes of IgA Nephropathy can be summarized as three points:
I Infections: Without effective treatment in time, some infections caused by cold, tonsillitis, fever and respiratory tract infection and so on may arouse IgA Nephropathy. A majority of patients don’t go to hospital in time during the course of infection until an obvious hematuria appears, and then the diagnosis of IgA Nephropathy follows.
II Renal mesangial cells are involved in the inflammation of IgA Nephropathy: During the early onset of IgA Nephropathy, renal glomerular mesangial cells will produce inflammatory factors under the stimulation caused by the inflammatory damages. Then the immune system of the body will react to the inflammations, as a result, the kidney retains large amount of immune complex (mainly IgA complex), contributing to the onset of IgA Nephropathy.
III Heredity: It has been proved in clinic research that, family aggregation of IgA Nephropathy happens among several cases. Therefore, there is an inheritance trend of IgA Nephropathy. Thus it is suggested that go to hospital to take a related examination as early as possible if there is a case of IgA Nephropathy in the family.

Which Disease can Lead to Kidney Failure

◆ Primary Glomerulonephritis
Primary Glomerulonephritis is an immune-mediated disease in most cases, and the exact cause of it is not clear at present. The clinical manifestations vary a lot, including proteinuria, hematuria, high blood pressure, edema, etc. During the process, kidney function fails gradually. With the insufficiency of kidneys function, the disease condition changes frequently and the curative effects are usually not so satisfying. If it develops, chronic Kidney Failure will occur.
◆ Kidney Diseases of the tubules and interstitium
It is a series of pathological changes which are involved in renal tubules and interstitium. The main function of tubules is reabsorption, secretion and excretion, so the the volume of urine will change obviously in clinic. A great majority of renal insufficiency is aroused by this kind of disease. If there is no timely control, it will develop kidney failure with higher possibility.
Hypertensive Nephropathy
The long-lasting high blood pressure will lead to the sclerosis of kidneys, and accelerate the occurrence of atherosclerosis, causing the damages on kidneys. The harmful influence of Hypertension should be paid much attention to in case of the occurrence of Kidney Failure. Also, there should be effective and suitable medication to control the blood pressure and then avoid the decrease of kidney function.
Diabetic Nephropathy
Diabetic Nephropathy is the main complication of Diabetes Mellitus. Kidneys are damaged to some degree under the influence of high blood glucose. If the blood glucose of the patients with Diabetic Nephropathy cannot be controlled well, the disease will deteriorate into kidney failure. When the total intake of protein and fat is limited, and there is little influence of other complications such as Hypertension, the occurrence of Kidney Failure can be postponed effectively.

What are the Early Signals of Renal Failure

Fatigue and weakness. This is the most difficult one to connect with kidney disease, not even renal failure, and actually, there are so many reasons which will cause kidney problems that no one will think himself/herself to have renal failure. Especially for the young who are busy in working, after they feel better they will forget the illness totally. However, if you feel tired all the day for a long time, it is better for you to talk to your doctors or do some test to make sure that you are in a good condition.
Yellow face. This is caused by anemia and will be found easily in men, because a lot of the women think they are anaemic in daily life, and never will they think this is a signal of renal failure.
Swelling and edema. Swelling always begins from eyes and the feet, many people also suffer from it in the lower limbs. Swelling is the most obvious signal of kidney disease, once found this problem, go to the hospital and check your body.
Urination changes. At first, you may feel like urgent urination, or micturition pain, and your urinary quantity may changes to be too much or too little. At this stage, the toxins in your urine will be less because your renal function has damaged and they can not filter all the wastes out of the body.
High blood pressure. We all know that Hypertension can not be cured but can be controlled under a certain stage, once the high blood pressure is in a severe degree or the changes are related to the kidneys, you will have to check your kidneys since renal failure and high blood pressure are interactional.
Poor appetite. Because the toxins retained in the body, the function of digestive tract will be influenced, and then the patients may feel not like to eat anything. Some people even feel like nausea and vomiting.

How to distinguish IgA Nephropathy from Purpura Nephritis

What are the similarities of them?
▲ Both IgA Nephropathy and Allergic Purpura Nephritis have the deposition of IgA in the glomeruli.
▲ The concentration of IgA in the serum arises obviously in both of the diseases.
▲ The IgA in the peripheral lymphocytes will increase no matter which kind of the two diseases people get.
▲ The quantity of immune complex in serum is similar between the two diseases.
Nevertheless, these things can not prove IgA Nephropathy and Allergic Purpura Nephritis belong to the same kind of kidney disease. There are also some differences between them.
▼ IgA Nephropathy is always found in young adult, while Allergic Purpura Nephritis mainly attack children who are 5 to 15 years old.
▼ At the early stage of the disease, IgA Nephropathy are symbolized by repeated hematuria and asymptomatic protein, but Allergic Purpura Nephritis will lead to many changes in the body and the symptoms are similar to Nephritis and Nephritic Syndrome.
▼ The symptoms of IgA in clinic are not closely attach with the pathological changes in the kidneys, however, the prognosis and the manifestations of Allergic Purpura Nephritis are closely related to the tissue changes in the kidneys.
▼ The degree of infiltration of renal tissues can affect the quantity of proteinuria if the patients are suffering from IgA Nephropathy, but Allergic Purpura Nephritis do not have this relationship.
▼ If the condition of disease is stable, the mononuclear cells infiltration can be remitted in the patients with Allergic Purpura Nephritis, but not in the patients with IgA Nephropathy.
▼ IgA Nephropathy is chronic disease, and Allergic Purpura Nephritis is acute, which also tell us to pay attention to the differences when doing diagnosing and prognosis of the two diseases

Can the Patients with Renal Failure Drink Milk

Can they drink milk when they are suffering from kidney disease? Is that suitable for them to drink milk if they are in thestage of Renal Failure?
Experts point out that 80% of the protein in milk is high-quality, and the construction of elements in it are very close to the structure in our human body, which are easy to be absorbed. Moreover, there are various kinds of microelements in milk which are important to keep balance of the nutrition in the body. Therefore, patients with renal failure can drink milk in their daily life, and even the patients with Diabetic Nephropathy can drink 250ml milk daily.
However, the function of milk in the body can act out more quickly and effectively if the patients can follow some tips when drinking milk.
Firstly, please do not take chocolate while drinking milk. Because the protein and Ca in milk with the oxalate in chocolate can react with each other and produce insoluble calcium oxalate which will affect the absorption of Ca, and cause some side effects.
Secondly, don’t add sugar when cook the milk, you can add some after the milk is prepared well to drink but pay attention to the quantity, especially for the patients with Diabetic Nephropathy.
Thirdly, boiling milk can make the milk sugar coking and lead to cancer, warm milk is enough for us to feel good.
Fourthly, avoid taking medicines with milk. Ions in milk combine with the medicine can produce salt which is hard to be dissolved, and then makes the medicines difficult to be absorbed by the gastrointestinal tract. That is to say, milk can reduce the function of the medicine in the body. Therefore, patients had better give half an hour’s interval between taking medicine and milk.

Complications of Nephritic Syndrome

Complications of Nephrotic Syndrome include a lot and almost all the complications can cause damages to our other organs, hence, preventing the occurrence of these complications is very necessary.
Complication one: Venous Thrombosis.
Complication two: Decrease of Renal Tubular Function.
Complication three: Infection.
For patients with Nephrotic Syndrome, infections such as infection of upper respiratory tract, skin infection, lung infection, urinary tract infection are concurrent. The susceptibility of patients with Nephrotic Syndrome to infection is close related to the insufficiency of immune globulin.
Complication four: Abnormal Metabolism of Electrolyte.
Besides large amount of plasma albumin, masses of protein carrying different trace elements are also leaked out, leading to the abnormal metabolism of electrolyte. For example, reducing of ferrum in the blood will cause anemia.

Is IgA Nephropathy Hereditary

Basing on the investigation, more than 90% of the IgAN sufferers are sporadic, which means that the majority of the patients get the IgAN occasionally. The rest ten percent people have a trend of family gathering, and it is more common in certain areas such as the south part of United State, France and Italy.
In addition, the morbidity of IgA Nephropathy varies in different races. It seems that Asian and Hispanics are more likely to have IgAN than those who are American Indians. Even so, the whites in American suffer less morbidity than the African Americans do.
People may wonder why the IgA is not hereditary while being called an immune system disease.
IgAN is caused by the disorder in immune system in the patients’ body, characterized by the deposition of immune complex in the glomerular area. The disorder of immune system makes the patients have less ability to fight against the bacterium and toxin both internally and externally, thus little infection and wounds can lead to imbalance of immune system in the body and then cause IgAN.
However, it does not mean that IgAN is hereditary. The occurrence of the disease depends on the condition of the immune system in the body, and the patients with IgAN can also have a baby with a strong immune system as long as the mother followed the suggestion of the doctors before pregnancy.

Side Effects of Hormone for Children with Nephrotic Syndrome

1. Long-term use of hormone will lead to hypocalcemia and osteoporosis, so children with Nephrotic Syndrome need to be supplemented with rich calcium salt and Vitamin D. Fresh vegetables and fruits are all beneficial to them in order to prevent the loss of calcium and even the fracture.
2. Hormone can increase the content of red blood cells and hemoglobin in the blood, and can augment the quantity of platelet as well as the density of fibrinogen so the blood will be clotted in a shorter time. Therefore, children with Nephrotic Syndrome need to have more moderate exercise to facilitate the blood circulation.
3. Hormone can have influence on emotion as well as behaviour, and can increase the excitability of central nervous so the children will have strange behaviour due to the abnormal mental status. Therefore, careful nursing should be done for fear of unexpected problems.
4. Hormone cannot be stopped using suddenly. Even when the disease is in its remission period, when children stop taking hormone in a sudden, the disease will very easy to relapse and the condition will be aggravated therewith. So, the adoption of hormone as well as other medicines need to be done under the guidance of doctors, and in general cases, they can not be abandoned abruptly.
When children with Nephrotic Syndrome take hormone and Immunosuppressive agents, they need to drink much water. Every time after taking the medicine, they had better rinse their mouth with warm water to prevent the dental ulcer. Also, infections are the most important thing they must avoid, because the infections lead to relapse easily. In addition, these children can go to school under careful nursing in the remission period of the disease and have mild exercise, but they should avoid too hard working and need to have regular examinations in the hospital.

Hormone Causes Necrosis of the Femoral Head

Necrosis of the femoral head is a very serious disease. It is a kind of bone arthropathy, starting from intermittent pain to continuous pain, and then the pain arouses muscle spasm, resulting in the restriction of joints movements, finally causing severe disability like lameness.
Therefore, how does hormone cause necrosis of the femoral head?
I Hormone will cause metabolic disturbance of lipid, and the expansion of adipose cell in femoral head is one of the results from it. And then, because that the end blood vessels of subchondral bone in femoral head is comparatively small, the expansion of adipose cell will lead to embolus extrusion of the vessels, consequently, the blood circulation in the femoral head is broken, finally the necrosis of bone corpuscles in the femoral head will be aroused due to the ischemia.
II As it’s known to all that long-term application of cortical hormone with large dose will lead to the decrease of bone synthesis and the restriction of absorption for calcium, causing osteoporosis. Then osteoporosis is quite likely to cause cataclasis of bone trabecula, and the accumulations of these cataclasis in femoral head will contribute to the necrosis or even collapse of the femoral head.
III It has been proved that, parts of the blood genes of the patients with necrosis of the femoral head have variation or polymorphism, which makes these people vulnerable to have this disease. Besides, this character of these patients will also make them sensitive to hormone, causing the disorders of blood system, and finally contributing to necrosis of the femoral head, that means if the children with Childhood Nephrotic Syndrome have such genes, necrosis of the femoral head is quite likely to be caused by the inducement of hormone.

Symptoms of Nephrotic Syndrome

Abnormal Urine Volume: The abnormal presentations of patients with Nephrotic Syndrome can be divided into two kinds-oliguria (<400ml/24h) and anuria (<50-100ml/24h) or diuresis (>3000ml/h). The occurrence of oliguria and anuria is related with the declining of the renal function, while diuresis is usually caused by that the abnormal increased water and glucose excretion caused by the lesions of kidney.
Abnormal Urination: It refers to urinary frequency, urgent urination, dysuria, urinary retention and uroclepsia.
●Urinary Frequency, Urgent Urination, Dysuria: Urinary Frequency means that the frequency of urination of the patients obviously increases when comparing with normal people (4-6 times/day, 0-2/night); Urgent Urination means the patients always feel urgent to go to washroom; Dysuria means the patients feel pain or burning sensation when excreting urine.
●urinary retention: It refers to that the patients can not excrete urine, the urine is blocked in the bladder by the partial or complete blockage of urinary tract.
●uroclepsia: It means the patients can not help excreting urine.
Backache: The patients with Nephrotic Syndrome may sometimes feel squeezing pain and dull pain at the back or the peripheral parts of kidney.
Edema (swelling): It is a commonly seen symptom of the patients with nephropathy, caused by the excess water in the body which can not be excreted by the damaged kidney. Some patients may just have swollen eyelids in the early morning or the increase of weight. As to the severe ones, the edema may involve the whole body.
Massive Proteinuria: It is one of the early symptoms of Nephrotic Syndrome, caused by the declining of the kidney’s capability to absorb protein in urine.

Prevention of Hypertensive Nephropathy

Firstly, prevent the occurrence of high blood pressure. The prevention and control of high blood pressure should starts from changing unhealthy life style. For example, reduce the body weight by limiting the intake of calories and fat as well as adding physical exercises. Lowering of body weight can help to reduce the incidence of Hypertension caused by obesity.
Secondly, adjust state of mind and lighten mental pressure. With the development of technology, pace of life becomes faster and faster. Therefore, for many people especially these who are engaged in brainwork, their usually lives in a high pressure state. High mental stress is easy to cause increase of blood pressure. Thereby, after our work, we should learn to relax, so as to avert the appearance of Hypertensive Nephropathy.
Thirdly, forming healthy living habits plays an important role in preventing Hypertensive Nephropathy. In our daily life, we should be far away from drinking and smoking. For these who have smoked or drunk for many years, if it is difficult for them to kick these habits, then they should try to reduce the frequency of drinking and smoking gradually. Moreover, we can also do some moderate exercises which can help us enhance our immunity.
Fourthly, arrangement of reasonable diet is also necessary in order to avoid the appearance of Hypertensive Nephropathy. Reasonable diet is helpful for us to ingest adequate vitamin, element trace and other necessary substances. In our daily diet, we should eat more fresh vegetables and fruits and reduce the ingestion of fat.

Symptoms of Nephrotic Syndrome

I Abnormal Urine Volume: The abnormal presentations of patients with Nephrotic Syndrome can be divided into two kinds-oliguria (<400ml/24h) and anuria (<50-100ml/24h) or diuresis (>3000ml/h). The occurrence of oliguria and anuria is related with the declining of the renal function, while diuresis is usually caused by that the abnormal increased water and glucose excretion caused by the lesions of kidney.
II Abnormal Urination: It refers to urinary frequency, urgent urination, dysuria, urinary retention and uroclepsia.
●Urinary Frequency, Urgent Urination, Dysuria: Urinary Frequency means that the frequency of urination of the patients obviously increases when comparing with normal people (4-6 times/day, 0-2/night); Urgent Urination means the patients always feel urgent to go to washroom; Dysuria means the patients feel pain or burning sensation when excreting urine.
●urinary retention: It refers to that the patients can not excrete urine, the urine is blocked in the bladder by the partial or complete blockage of urinary tract.
●uroclepsia: It means the patients can not help excreting urine.
III Backache: The patients with Nephrotic Syndrome may sometimes feel squeezing pain and dull pain at the back or the peripheral parts of kidney.
IV Edema (swelling): It is a commonly seen symptom of the patients with nephropathy, caused by the excess water in the body which can not be excreted by the damaged kidney. Some patients may just have swollen eyelids in the early morning or the increase of weight. As to the severe ones, the edema may involve the whole body.
V Massive Proteinuria: It is one of the early symptoms of Nephrotic Syndrome, caused by the declining of the kidney’s capability to absorb protein in urine.

Polycystic Kidney Disease Hospital in China

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy in Kidney Disease Hospital:
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is one kind of natural therapy, which is mainly composed of herbal medicines.
As one innovative treatment method of Traditional Chinese Medicine, it has strong ability to treat stubborn diseases, such as kidney disease.
As one herbal medicine treatment method, it has no side effect on human body.
As one externally used therapy, more effective medicines can be applied on kidney lesions.
Due to the fact that PKD is one genetic disease, it is not easy for human to overcome it before gene therapy is adopted. In this condition, the best outcome for patients with PKD is surviving comfortably and normally.
The Steps in Treating PKD:
Step I: Shrink of the Cysts
After micro-Chinese medicine is infiltrated into the cysts with the help of osmosis and penetrant, the effective medicines will inactive the endothelial cells of the cysts, and then these cells will not excrete fluid gradually. As long as the fluid is not be excreted, the cysts will shrink.
Step II: Management of Hypertension
Patients with PKD may present Hypertension after several years' suffering from PKD. If so, patients should pay attention to manage their blood pressure at a normal level since high blood pressure will go against the shrink of the cysts and then patients' recovery.
Micro-Chinese medicine helps protect normal kidney tissues from being damaged by the cysts so as to function to regulate blood pressure.
Step III: Prevention of Kidney Failure
Without effective treatment, many patients with PKD may develop into Kidney Failure, which goes against their recovery. If the cysts are not big enough to press patients' kidney tissues and then cause kidney damage, they are more likely to keep away from Kidney Failure.
Step IV: Elimination of Symptoms
Well controlled size of the cysts, good management of blood pressure and prevention of Kidney Failure help eliminate the symptoms mainly caused by the enlarged cysts.
All Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital can do for patients with Polycystic Kidney Disease are make their cysts shrink, prevent or postpone the occurrence of Kidney Failure, relieve their pain and help them live a better life. Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital is improving itself to do more for patients with kidney disease.

Is Hematuria in Children a Sign of Kidney Disease

If the hematuria in children is accompanied with deafness, problem in eyes or deformity in other parts of the body, you can suspect a deformity in the kidneys.
Acute and Chronic Glomerular Nephritis can lead to hematuria accompanied by less urine, edema in the face, high blood pressure and pain in the waist in children.
If the children have caught infection in the urine tract or the bladder, apart from hematuria, they may feel like falling bulge in the hypogastrium and always think there is urine need to be excreted out.
A stone in the urinary tract can be the reason of a difficulty in urinating or pain urination, mean while, hematuria can also be found.
 Hemorrhagic diseases should be alert if bleeding can be found in the skin, nose and teeth of the children besides hematuria. This is because Thrombocytopenic Purpura, Aplastic Anemia, Acute Leukemia and Hemophilia are symbolized by bleeding in these parts.
If the hematuria appears with some other symptoms such as fever, general malaise and dropping spirit in the children, you can consider about the possibility of other infectious disease.
 A hereditary Nephritis can be a consequence of the gene if the children are in a family with history of kidney disease.

Are You haunted by Relapse of Nephrotic Syndrome

You may wonder why Nephrotic Syndrome is so likely to relapse although the disease condition is not so severe as that of other kidney disease. The following are four main reasons under general circumstances.
First, you do not have a very clear cognition of  Nephrotic Syndrome. Since the manifestations of Nephrotic Syndrome are not so severe that you will not worry too much about it, the mild condition will easily be paid less attention to. When you are not taking it seriously, many trivial things will be neglected easily, so there may be some inducing agents to arouse the relapse just because of your inattention.
Second, when you have Nephrotic Syndrome, the common treatment is medication with hormone. The disease course is rather lengthy and then you become dependent on hormone inevitably. That is because the cortical tissues will get atrophied if the medication lasts long enough, and they can not secrete adequate hormone by themselves, so that once you have less medicine or stop taking medicine, the disease will easily relapse. This is so called hormone dependence which may be the point making you worry most.
Third, neglect of trivial habit matters a lot to the relapse. If you don't care about the food you eat when you suffer from Nephrotic Syndrome, you may fall into the disease again. For example, if you take in too much salt, the swelling in your body may appear, and if you have excessive work, the condition will be aggravated. The most significant one is the inducement of cold. If you do not take care of yourself very carefully and catch a cold, it may be the inducement of the relapse, and in most cases, the relapse is aroused by cold and especially those children with Nephrotic Syndrome.
Last but the most importantly, proper treatment has not been given. All the hormone can just relieve the manifestations such as protein in the urine or swelling in the body. If you want have the disease treated from the root, the first thing you need is to have a exact diagnosis of your primary disease that causes your Nephrotic Syndrome. Only when the primary disease is treated well, those clinical symptoms will disappear naturally. What's more, the hormone is just used for keeping the disease condition stable, but the damaged kidney cells as well as tissues are not repaired, and there are lesions in glomeruli, so kidney can not work normally even with the help of hormone. Once the medicine do not work well, the disease will relapse certainly.
Having known the reasons for the relapse of Nephrotic Syndrome, you must realize what you have done incorrectly before, and you will also know how to deal with the disease in the future and in your daily life. However, is there any treatment can help you get far away from the relapse and get rid of the hormone medicine? Is there any medicine that brings no side effect while has the ability to treat your disease well? The answer should be Chinese Medicine.

The Early Symptoms of Polycystic Kidney Disease

Bigger kidney
The people in a family with a patient with PKD have more chances of getting PKD. If she or he goes to hospital and takes CT scan, she or he may find the kidney is bigger than normal size. The two kidneys tend to develop in different sizes and different speeds. In early stages, the cysts are usually small and doctors will not suggest those patients adopt any surgeries, but you can feel those cysts if you touch the back of the patients.
Flank pain
The pain in back or side is the most important symptom among patients with PKD. They usually have the feelings of pressure and dull pain in back or side, because the cysts are growing to squeeze other tissues. The pain will be deteriorated by strenuous activities, working or sitting for a long time, but if the sharp pain occurs, PKD may provoke complications such as infection or bleeding cause by cysts being broken.
High blood pressure
It is the most common and persistent symptoms of PKD. Half of those patients are destined to show high blood pressure before serum creatinine getting higher than the normal level. Scientific researches attribute it to cysts’ squeezing the surrounding tissues, activating the release of renin, angiotensin and aldosterone. The medical conditions of the patients with both PKD and high blood pressure will get worse than that of the patients only with PKD.

How to Prevent Diabetic Nephropathy

1.       Do not take medicine without the doctor's advice: For some medicine and even those medicine which are givenby some doctors may be harmful to the kidney, contributing to the onset of DN. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is a good choice to treat Diabetes based on several cases of Diabetes, and it has successfully prevented the onset of DN to numerous patients with Diabetes.
2.       Control the blood sugar: For the Diabetes patients, the controlling of blood sugar has a close relation with the onset and the development of DN, so successful blood sugar controllingis an absolutely necessary measure to prevent DN. However, if the controlling doesn’t reach the standard (blood sugar is lower than 7 mmol/L with empty stomach, lower than 10 mmol/L two hours after meal, glycolated hemoglobin is lower than 7.5% ), take some medicine to help it, and insulin treatment is a preferred one.
3.       Control the blood pressure: High blood pressure is one of the obvious symptoms of Diabetes. Besides, it is also a trigger to the onset and deterioration of nephropathy. Take blood-pressurepills when the blood pressure has been up to 140/90mm Hg, and keeping the blood pressure below 130/80 mm Hgfor patients with Diabetes is one of the effective ways to prevent DN.
4.       Keep the blood lipid in a normal range(plasmaCholesterol2.9 ~5.17mmoi/L,serumtriglyceride 0.56~1.7mmoi/L, high-density-lipoproteincholesterols0.94~2.0mmoi/L,Lower-densityLipoproteinCholesterol2.07~3.12i/L): High blood lipid accounts for one reason to arouse DN for patients with Diabetes. Patients can control their blood lipid by keeping a high-fiber and low-lipid diet, since part of the blood lipid comes from the diet. Moreover, playing sports appropriately is also an effective way.

What do You Need in Addition to Medication

Keep a healthy and relaxed mental condition, and strictly stick to suitable diet. A stable emotional status is quite important for the normal motion of kidneys. When there is fluctuation with your emotion, the work of kidneys can be disturbed, which results in inducing the aggravation of disease condition. In traditional Chinese medicine, the concept of Holism is a basic principle, according to which the comprehensive therapy composed by both medical treatment and mental care has contributed to the recovery of disease in a great degree. Besides, a suitable diet is of great importance, because in traditional Chinese medicine, food is the best natural medicine that has great curative effect and no side effect. When all these are combined together, you can gain double the treatment effect with half of effort, and your blood pressure can be controlled well.

Do the everyday nursing based on specific disease condition. According to the results of tests such as blood routine, urine routine and imaging, the severity and individual condition of kidney damage can be distinguished. When the disease is still in a slight phase, regular exercise and Tai Ji Quan (a kind of traditional Chinese boxing that contribute to the breath and blood circulation as well as the mental status.) can bring a lot of benefits; while if your kidney has severe lesions and the kidney fails to work in some degree, rest in bed is necessary. And some massage or other way to promote the blood circulation are needed to be done by other family members. If you are on dialysis, you need to have a set of clean bedding and shift your body often, and pay much more attention to detailed things during the process of dialysis.

Watch for every details in everyday life. Sufferers with Hypertensive Nephropathy always have little symptoms which can be felt by themselves. In many cases, there are just fatigue and low back pain, and some may have frequent urination during night and turbid urine. When you have abnormal feelings that may be the symptoms of disease, you had better to have a test and have exact diagnosis about your condition so as to have a timely treatment.

What Are the Causes of IgA Nephropathy

Deposition of immune complex
IgA Nephropathy is mainly caused by the deposition of immune complex in the mesangial area, and among the mass of complexes, IgA occupies a large percent of them, so the disease is caused IgA Nephropathy. However, it does not mean that IgA is the unique complex, in fact, there are also IgM, IgG and other kinds of complexes. Experts have proved that IgA Nephropathy is not a kind of simplex disease, but a comprehensive one without mixed features.
A mild cold and fever can be the reasons of occult blood and hematuria, which are the symptoms of IgA Nephropathy. If the cold attacks people frequently, you need go to the hospital for a physical check.
Inflammation in the kidneys
Some inflammations in daily life also can be a leading factor of IgA Nephropathy, such as amygdalitis and pharyngitis.
According to the statistics, ten percent of the patients have the trend of family gathering. At present, there is no certain answer about the heredity of IgA Nephropathy, but we can see from the data that heredity is a reason of the disease.

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