What foods can lower blood sugar?

The diet is an essential aid in treatment of diabetes treatment, social progress, the diet becomes more and more attention has been paid, because the diet is good, hypoglycemic will be of great help, then In our daily diet, what foods can lower blood sugar?
, Guava: study found that, guava has a certain role in regulation of blood sugar, and pomegranate leaves better than fresh fruit. Animal experiments that the active ingredient in the leaves of the flavonoid glycoside, the substance is no significant improvement in insulin levels. These results suggest that by improving islet function, is likely to improve the surrounding tissue of the body to regulate blood sugar glucose utilization.
2, bitter gourd: After treatment, postprandial 2.5 hours glucose, and 24 hours urine decreased very significantly, the total effective rate was 97.3%, effective in 65.5%. The main side effects are abdominal pain, diarrhea and other gastrointestinal reactions.
3, Tremella: also known as white fungus, is rich in dietary fiber, and low heat. Reported in recent years, white fungus is rich in Tremella polysaccharide had a significant effect on insulin hypoglycemic activity. In addition, delay the rise in blood sugar the tremella in dietary fiber.
Contains trigonelline, sucrose, pentosan, and mannitol, pumpkin: pumpkin, clinical pumpkin instead of part of the staple food, showing blood glucose decreased without hunger. It was also a pumpkin powder as auxiliary agents for treating diabetes, effective in improving the symptoms of diabetes.

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