Micro -Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy treatment for end stage renal failure

Pathological changes in the kidney of patients with renal failure have been very serious, the vast majority of renal intrinsic cells occupied by the extracellular matrix, and the various functions of the kidneys naturally severely damaged. Such pathological changes in patients with kidney from overnight, but a lengthy development process, we call this process "renal fibrosis". How to treat renal failure, we need the root causes of a result of treatment.
Micro -Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy treatment for end stage renal failure
Micro-based medicine through the vasodilator, anti-inflammatory, anticoagulant, to block the degradation of the four measures of uremic kidney fibrosis:
Renal failure, patients with kidney in severe ischemia and hypoxia, which can be confirmed from ECT examination. Micro-based traditional Chinese medicine vasodilator, expansion at all levels of kidney artery increase renal perfusion, provide nutrients for the increase in the intrinsic cells of the remnants of the damaged kidney, thereby contributing to the full recovery of its function. Micro-based traditional Chinese medicine can also expand the blood vessels of various tissues and organs of the digestive tract, skin, etc., to alleviate the symptoms of poisoning of various tissues and organs. Vasodilator in the treatment of patients with recently will onset patients will experience nausea and vomiting symptoms disappear, increased appetite, physical enhancement, sweating, ruddy face, palm fever, covered in carefree patients resistant confidence performance .
Renal failure, most of the intrinsic renal cell extracellular matrix occupies the remaining kidneys at the intrinsic cells also often inflammatory cell infiltration, the release of the renal toxicity caused by inflammatory mediators, resulting in damage to the intrinsic cells of the kidney. Micro-Chinese medicine anti-inflammatory effect, can inhibit the activity of inflammatory cells, and inactivation of inflammatory mediators induced renal toxicity, thus maximizing the protection of remnant kidney intrinsic cells.
Anticoagulant effect of micro-based Chinese medicine can eliminate the remnants of the intrinsic cells at microthrombi, and clear here because of the inherent cell damage, blood clotting mechanisms are activated, the micro-thrombus formation caused by the microcirculation, and from anticoagulation conservation of residual inherent cells.
Micro-based medicine can also be through degradation, regulating the balance of extracellular matrix formation and degradation, and promote the degradation of the abnormal deposition of extracellular matrix, immune complexes, metabolites, and necrotic tissue, discharge, reducing the extracellular matrix of intrinsic renal cells against, thus contributing to the recovery of renal detoxification function. Can be found in the treatment of patients with recently: urine output to increase urine became turbid, the floc appear darker in color and odor thicken.
In addition to the above four blocking measures, micro-based medicine can also inherent in the damaged kidney cells remnants provide a repair material, and promote to maximize the compensatory function. Also, by way of stimulation, dredge the meridians, comprehensive conditioning the function of organs in patients with uremia, enhanced disease resistance in patients.
By blocking the repair of the role of micro-based medicine can help patients with uremia improve the quality of life, gradually widening dialysis interval. In our clinical practice, was diagnosed with uremia, but the case is also when the multi-target therapy continued treatment in micro-technology medicine, the last completely free of dialysis appears you believe, renal fibrosis and renal failure how is it treated? pathological roots, micro-based medicine is to play the role of specific renal fibrosis specific drugs, as long as you adhere to treatment, and adhere to the scientific daily habits, can receive a clinical effect to your satisfaction!
learn more :Life Span of End Stage Kidney Failure

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