Can kidney disease patients eat fish

Abalone is a relatively expensive food possible life we do not often edible, the abalone indeed have a lot of nutritional value, and are very helpful for the treatment of many diseases. Nutrition experts pointed out: abalone is the best food for kidney. Conditional friends, especially those who suffer from kidney disease friends, regular consumption of abalone to the kidney.
Abalone is a relatively expensive food possible life we do not often edible, the abalone indeed have a lot of nutritional value, and are very helpful for the treatment of many diseases. Nutrition experts pointed out: abalone is the best food for kidney. Conditional friends, especially those who suffer from kidney disease friends, regular consumption of abalone to the kidney.
Material: skinless chicken subcutaneous fat, 80 grams, 25 grams of abalone.
Method: peeled and subcutaneous fat of chicken and abalone, plus adequate water into the cooker, first boil over high heat, then simmered in boiling down. Add a little salt to taste (be careful not to salt too much), soup with meat taking food.
Effect: Chicken natured, sweet and salty, rich in high quality protein, functions tonic temperature benefit internal organs, can cure a weak stomach, liver and kidney tonic sinister. Medicine to non-spawning female chicken is better, the best choice of Silky, most nourishing skill. Abalone seafood molluscs, flat, sweet and salty, rich in protein function Yin and kidney, smart head. Therefore, we look at the role of the therapeutic side, main role of Bushentianjing.
Indications: The side taste delicious, easy to cause the patient appetite, rich in high quality protein, of hypoproteinemia nephrotic syndrome, benefit the therapeutic side applies to patients with membranous nephropathy with nephrotic syndrome, edema after treatment has is not serious, but still mild to moderate proteinuria, plasma protein, renal function is still good, those without elevated serum creatinine or blood urea nitrogen (azotemia).
Contraindications: nephrotic syndrome associated with severe azotemia, impaired renal function, unfit for human consumption.

What is the reason for anemia with ESRD patinets

The main component of RBC hemoglobin. Hemoglobin is composed of protein and iron in the synthesis process also requires maintenance bovine hormone c and Vitamin B: participation. Bone alkaline place of the red blood cell synthesis. Entire generation process of the red blood cells, including the synthesis of hemoglobin, the red blood cells of mature kidneys secrete erythropoietin factor and red blood cell known as a very close ... to generate ESRD anemia following detailed the introduction:
The main component of RBC hemoglobin. Hemoglobin is composed of protein and iron in the synthesis process also requires maintenance bovine hormone c and Vitamin B: participation. Bone alkaline place of the red blood cell synthesis. Entire generation of red blood cells, including the synthesis of hemoglobin, red blood cells mature, with the kidneys secrete erythropoietin factor and the red blood cells to generate known as a very close relationship. Specifically, the ESRD anemia mainly due to the following aspects.
(1) lack of nutrition: reduce chronic renal failure patients with long-term low-protein diet, protein synthesis in the body, but there are large numbers of protein loss in the urine, together with patients with symptoms of anorexia. Intestinal absorption function is not a good result, blood raw ( such as iron, folic acid, protein) intake. These factors will inevitably patients with malnutrition leading to anemia.
(2) erythropoietin decreased: in ESRD, causing serious damage to the renal parenchyma, the kidney erythropoietin factor and erythropoietin reduce erythropoietin stimulation of bone marrow was weakened red blood cell production and mature obstacles therefore appear progressive anemia.
Accelerated destruction of red blood cells (3): chronic renal failure, the body of metabolic wastes (such as methyl clothing) from the urine decreased. Concentration in the blood, such substances can accelerate the destruction of red blood cells, the red blood cells shortened life expectancy . caused hemolysis.
(4) chronic blood loss: melons substances and phenols in the blood of patients with renal failure can not be from the urine, one hand, these substances can cause coagulation abnormalities; They also enable the wool sewing vascular fragility. Because of the role of these toxic substances, many patients with end stage renal disease often epistaxis, teeth bowel bleeding, subcutaneous bleeding and gastrointestinal bleeding. These also cause anemia reasons. Anemia caused by renal parenchymal disease called renal anemia. The nature of iron deficiency anemia or small cell hypochromic anemia. More severe renal failure, anemia is more powerful.

Hypertension will cause kidney failure

15% of the high blood pressure will develop renal failure, and this is because the body of the urinary system is like one; wastewater excretory system, plays an important role in maintaining the machine physiological equilibrium process. The kidney is an important organ of the urinary system, it is like the central part of the water treatment system, the kidney is good or bad on the body is very important. Harm to the kidneys addition to allergic inflammation caused by bacterial infection, the more common clinical hypertension.
Under normal circumstances, hypertension involving the kidney is a relatively lengthy process. Pathological studies have shown that hypertensive kidney damage, mainly from the arterioles, no obvious early on renal morphology and function of the change. First, the renal artery hardening, stenosis, renal ischemic, some nephron fibrosis hyalinization, the normal nephron compensatory hypertrophy, with the continuous development of the disease, the surface of the kidney was granular, cortical thinning and shrinking due to the repeated destruction of the nephron, the kidney, and subsequent renal dysfunction and the development of uremia. However, due to the strong compensatory ability of the kidney to begin the only symptoms of renal dysfunction is nocturia increased. Urine routine examination, it may be seen under a microscope the red blood cells, of proteinuria and tube type.
Development decompensated renal insufficiency, concentrating ability of the kidneys to reduce the symptoms of polyuria, thirst, polydipsia, urine specific gravity lower and fixed around 1.010. When the further development of renal insufficiency, urine output decreased significantly, the blood of non-protein nitrogen, creatinine, urea nitrogen levels, edema, electrolyte imbalance and acid-base balance, X-ray or B ultrasound examination showed bilateral renal symmetrical mild narrowing. Selective renal arteriography may have varying degrees of renal artery stenosis.

How Reduce Creatinine 2.5

Creatinine is critically important in assessing renal function because it has several interesting properties. In blood, it is a marker of glomerular filtration rate; in urine, it can remove the need for 24-hour collections for many analytes or be used as a quality assurance tool to assess the accuracy of a 24-hour collection.
Normal levels of BUN are between 10 to 20 mg/dL for an adult and 5 to 18 mg/dL for a child. Normal creatinine levels are between .5 to 1.1 mg/dL for an adult female and .6 to 1.2 mg/dL for an adult male. Creatinine levels are lower in young children and the elderly as a result of reduced muscle mass.creatinine 2.5 is renal failure stage.
How to lower creatinine 2.5
The problem of elevated creatinine levels can be cured only when the cause of such elevated levels is identified. Kidney stones and uterine tract infections are usually the most common causes of increased creatinine levels. Other than these, diabetes, high and prolonged dosages of antibiotics, high blood pressure, and over consumption of red meats are also associated with high levels of creatinine. If certain medications are causing the increase in creatinine levels, the best way to deal with it is by lowering the medication dosages. Taking good care of your kidneys by drinking lots of fluids, regularly exercising, and consuming lots of roughage can also help keep creatinine levels in check. A good diet that helps in regular detoxification of the blood can also help to take some load off the kidneys.
If your kidneys are weak, avoid consuming caffeine, sugary foods, dairy products, red meats, alcoholic beverages, processed foods, and other fatty foods. This allows your kidneys to work more efficiently. There are certain herbs like dandelion and ginseng that act as diuretics and aid the kidneys in their function. Aloe vera juice can help regulate blood pressure and may also help in keeping the blood sugar levels low. A teaspoon of the juice of fresh basil leaves along with a spoon of honey can also help clear your stomach of toxins, allowing your body to be healthier. Cinnamon mixed in water or spring hog weed powder mixed with water can also help improve overall kidney function and can help lower creatinine levels. Regular exercise and healthy diet can help keep blood sugar in control this also aids in controlling the creatinine levels of the blood. When you are shopping for groceries and food items, make sure you buy foods that are low in the glycemic index. When buying packaged foods, read the labels carefully to avoid transfats and foods with a high glycemic index. Avoid processed foods as much as you possibly can. This will cause lower stress on your kidneys.

Creatine at stage 5 renal failure

There are five stages of kidney diseases. In the fourth stage of Kidney Failure , creatinine level become higher, which is 221~442 (2.5-5.0). In this stage, there will be obvious anemia, nausea, vomiting, metabolic acidosis and electrolytes disorder. The treatment is more important because kidney disease may develop gradually to the serious condition-stage 5 kidney disease, which is also known as the end stage of kidney disease. In stage 5 Kidney failure, GFR has dropped below 15 ml/min and serum creatinine is higher than 707 umol/l, for which patients will have to undergo dialysis or wait for a kidney transplant. At this stage, life-threatening risk factors mainly come from complications of dialysis and severe kidney injuries. The life expectancy can range from months to several or many years, depending on the patients’ specific illness condition. It is advisable to receive treatment to lower serum creatinine level. Actually, however, for those with kidney failure, if treatment of repairing kidneys can be adopted earlier, then most likely dialysis can be avoided at initial time and kidney function has been improved so that life expectancy can be prolonged.
Patients with chronic kidney disease stages 1-3 are generally asymptomatic; clinically manifestations typically appear in stages 4-5 (see Clinical). Early diagnosis and treatment of the underlying cause and/or institution of secondary preventive measures is imperative in patients with chronic kidney disease. These may delay, or possibly halt, progression. The medical care of patients with chronic kidney disease (see Treatment) should focus on the following:
Delaying or halting the progression of chronic k idney disease
Treating the pathologic manifestations of chronic kidney disease
Timely planning for long-term renal replacement therapy

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