Common Symptoms of Stage 3 Kidney Disease

Kidney diseases are ascertained by the stage of development in which they surface, and there are 5 such stages that are medically classified. Stage 5 is the most dangerous and offers absolutely no hope of recovery, while the others are less intense. When a medical expert checks the kidney functionality of a human being, he checks the blood for levels of Creatinine. Creatinine is a material that is released by muscles of the body when they break down or are experiencing some problems.

Effects and symptoms of chronic kidney disease include;
need to urinate frequently, especially at night (nocturia);
swelling of the legs and puffiness around the eyes (fluid retention);
high blood pressure;
fatigue and weakness (from anemia or accumulation of waste products in the body);
loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting;
itching, easy bruising, and pale skin (from anemia);
shortness of breath from fluid accumulation in the lungs;
headaches, numbness in the feet or hands (peripheral neuropathy), disturbed sleep, altered mental status (encephalopathy from the accumulation of waste products or uremic poisons), and restless legs syndrome;
chest pain due to pericarditis (inflammation around the heart);

Symptoms of stage 3 kidney disease

In Stage 3 CKD eGFR is approximately 30-60%: eGFR 45-59 (3A) or 30-44 (3B). Rememember that eGFR is an estimate (more info on eGFR) and may require a correction for (black) race.
Creatinine and eGFR in an individual are usually quite stable. Deteriorating renal function needs rapid assessment. Note that CKD staging and management outlined below are only applicable to stable renal function.
What are symptoms of Symptoms of stage 3 kidney disease?
1. Changes in Urination
Urine may be foamy or bubbly.
You may urinate more often, or in greater amounts than usual, with pale urine.
2. Swelling
Failing kidneys don't remove extra fluid, which builds up in your body causing swelling in the legs, ankles, feet, face, and/or hands.
Healthy kidneys make a hormone called erythropoietin (a-rith'-ro-po'-uh-tin), or EPO, that tells your body to make oxygen-carrying red blood cells.
4. Leg/Flank Pain
The most common causes of CKD do not cause any pain. And, much of the pain that is near the kidneys isnot caused by a kidney problem. But some people who have CKD do have pain.
5.Nausea and Vomiting
A severe build-up of wastes in the blood (uremia) can also cause nausea and vomiting. Loss of appetite can lead to weight loss.

How to treat stage 3 kidney disease

Kidney disease which has now become a very common disease in people these days is still not fully understood by people. This is due to the early signs and symptoms that are very subtle and almost nonexistent at the early stages of chronic kidney disease. This is actually a very alarming fact that it can take many ages before a person knows from chronic kidney disease to kidney failure.
Stage 3 kidney disease is a key stage ,in order to kidney develop end stage kidney disease ,we created new therapy to treat kidney disease- Immune Clearance Therapy, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy . This systemic treatment can be divided into 5 steps:

Firstly, Immune diagnosis
Why we can not get a good effect after having tried many therapies in treating kidney disease? why does kidney disease relapse easily? That is because we don't find the reason of kidney disease. so in this step, we should find out the harmful substances which cause damage to kidneys. our hospital has brought the most advanced equipment to do the special tests. we can check out the kinds and quantity of the harmful substances in our blood through these special tests.
Secondly, Immune clearance
After finding out the harmful substances in our body, we should clear them. During this step, our hospital can clear the harmful substances (containing micromolecule substances, middle molecular substances, and macromolecules) with the help of many kinds of blood purification equipment, like immunosprption technics, plasma exchange and so on. Then the further damage to our kidneys and other organs can be stopped.
Thirdly, Immune blocking:
The above steps of treatment only aim at the harmful substances in our blood, and has no effect on the harmful substances deposited in kidneys, because there are specific attachment region on the face of kidneys, so when the harmful substances move to kidneys with the blood circulation, they will deposit in kidney, and cause imflammatory reaction. so in this step,we will use some specific immunosuppressive agents to block the reaction. But in western medicine, immunosuppressive agents are also adopted commonly, why it can not get a good therapeutic effect, the reason is that the kinds and quantity of harmful substances are not known, so doctors are often not sure the dose of medicine.
Fourth, Immune regulation
During this step of treatment, we will solve the deposition of harmful substances in kidneys. When our kidney is damaged, the blood flow volume in kidneys will reduce, so our hospital will use Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy to increase the blood flow volume in kidneys. You may have heard of Chinese medicine (Chinese herbs) before. Here only a simple affix “Micro-“is added before it, but it means a lot improvement in treating kidney disease. Traditional Chinese herbs are oral medicine. Firstly, they burden the kidneys, because the kidney is the organ responsible for filtrating fluid. Secondly, most of Chinese herbs decoction is bitter to drink. Many patients cannot bear them. Lastly, the rate of sorption by kidneys is very low, for it arrives at renal lesions through many tracts, such as digestive tract and gastrointestinal tract.
However, micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is different from traditional Chinese herbal medicine. Here, Chinese herbs are superfinely shattered into powder and packaged in a sack. When used, the sack should be soaked in the special penetrant for around two hours and then be heated for one hour or so. After all is ready, patients just need to lie in bed with two sacks attached to renal regions. What’s more, the sacks are connected with an osmosis device, the mechanism of which is to promote permeation of medicine by vibration indirectly controlled by electron pulse. In this way, the ingredients of Chinese medicine can efficiently permeate into the renal lesions, realizing the goal of treating kidney disease effectively. Patients would feel massaged during the treatment, very comfortable. Usually this treatment is given 2-3times every day and 45mins each time. Specifically speaking, Micro-Chinese Medicine can dilate blood vessels and decrease blood coagulation, thus improving blood circulation of kidneys. In addition, it can also decrease inflammatory reaction and degrade extracellular matrixes (ECM) both of which contribute to fibrosis of renal functional cells. In this way, Micro-Chinese Medicine can effectively prevent fibrosis and thereby stop kidney disease from progressing.

Renal hypertension creatinine 450 good treatment?

Consulting patients: The patient is my mother's 45-year-2006.5 to detect renal failure when creatinine in the 450 or so, taking the written Chinese medicine, until the end of 2007, creatinine 1100, patients with renal hypertension, renal anemia is there is no better method of treatment?

The expert answers: traditional Chinese medicine decoction, can not fully extract the active ingredients, but also through after oral administration, gastrointestinal absorption, systemic distribution, inactivation of the liver, the low effective concentration to reach the kidney, slow onset, would delay the disease and high potassium, lead to hyperkalemia that may cause cardiac arrest at the same time will also increase the burden on the kidney, uremic patients not suitable for oral medicine. Hemodialysis is necessary in dealing with acute complications, can temporarily relieve the high toxin stimulation of the human body. But can not blindly rely on dialysis to survive. Patients with a certain amount of urine, note also remnants of the nephron, the key to treatment is the protection of remnant kidney nephron repair of pathological damage, to prevent disease progression.

Treatment kidney disease with high creatinine

Creatinine is high is a lot of kidney patients symptoms, many patients do not know how to treat high creatinine, in order to solve the problems of patients concerned about the following, we look with this problem, look athow about an expert to answer this question.
Creatinine is a product of muscle metabolism in the human body per 20g of muscle metabolism can produce 1mg creatinine. Creatinine is mainly excreted by glomerular filtration. Serum creatinine from two kinds of exogenous and endogenous, exogenous creatinine is a meat food product of metabolism in the body after; endogenous creatinine is a product of the metabolism of muscle tissue in the body. The stability of the meat food intake. Muscle metabolism in the body and no major changes in creatinine generation will be relatively constant.
Kidney patients in the clinical examination, there will be fluctuations of creatinine, the performance of higher than normal for serum creatinine, urine creatinine lower than normal. Changes in the serum creatinine concentration is determined mainly by glomerular filtration (glomerular filtration rate). Filtration capacity decreased, the creatinine concentration increased. Creatinine, serum creatinine higher than normal most mean kidney damage, serum creatinine, a more accurate response of renal impairment is not sensitive indicators.
Experts, creatinine can not reflect kidney disease, serum creatinine was significantly increased glomerular filtration rate decreased to the normal 1 / 3:00. Means, because the ability of human kidney metabolism, the general feeling of discomfort is not obvious when the kidney damage is light, so many people when the real nausea, vomiting, dizziness, in fact, the kidney has been injury is serious, this time serum creatinine also started significantly rise. Therefore, to regularly carry out the relevant checks, pay attention to their physical health, and does not apply in a timely manner to the hospital for examination and treatment.

Renal failure, creatinine 644 anemia iron supplements?

I am a renal failure in patients with creatinine 644 now, and that there is a urinary protein and symptoms of anemia, this should be how treatment good treatment? Iron supplements. should pay attention to what life?
Creatinine high general may be due to impaired renal function caused by the patients are concerned about the creatinine high how to do high? Creatinine, creatinine rise One possibility is that renal function, kidney problems, but the high pure creatinine hyperthyroidism, acromegaly. When creatinine rise must be a correlation between doing other checks on the kidney in order to avoid misdiagnosis or delayed diagnosis.
Serum creatinine in patients of high pay attention to the details of everyday life, combined with diet, with doctors, aggressive treatment.
(1) diet therapy. Low-protein diet, avoid nitrogen-containing metabolic waste and toxins accumulate in the body. Low phosphorus diet, will enable the remnants to reduce the deposition of calcium in the renal unit. Supply enough heat to reduce protein degradation, will help reduce azotemia.
(2) the treatment of hypertension, effective control of high blood pressure, can delay the rate of deterioration of the condition.
(3) to increase the intake of iron and folic acid beneficial to improve renal anemia, when necessary, can be applied to erythropoietin.

Chronic nephritis creatinine 342 What is the treatment?

Patients questions: chronic nephritis creatinine 342 What is the treatment? I patients with a chronic nephritis, edema symptoms, has been a high blood pressure, and high creatinine, creatinine value is 342, I have this serious condition, it should be how the treatment is better, there are good treatments?
Experts answer: serum creatinine, generally considered to be endogenous creatinine, endogenous creatinine is a product of the metabolism of human muscle. In muscle, creatine is mainly by the irreversible non-enzymatic dehydration reaction slowly formed creatinine, and then released into the bloodstream, with the urinary excretion. Therefore, serum creatinine and total body muscle are closely related, less susceptible to dietary influence. Creatinine small molecules can be filtered through the kidney ball very little absorption in the renal tubules, creatinine the body produces daily, almost all with the urine, are generally not subject to the urine output impact. Clinical detection of serum creatinine is one of the main methods for common understanding of renal function.
Body creatinine small molecules, generally by glomerular filtration, rarely in the renal tubular absorption of creatinine the body produces daily, almost all excreted in the urine are generally not subject to the urine output affect. Clinical detection of serum creatinine in patients with one of the main way of common understanding of renal function. If high serum creatinine, serum creatinine rose It is possible that renal damage, kidney problems, but simply the serum creatinine high, there may be hyperthyroidism, acromegaly.

Renal insufficiency, creatinine 240 hematuria + renal function is not about the almighty treatment

Hematuria + renal insufficiency creatinine about 240 all-round treatment, we have telephone communication. The applicability of the new treatment for your condition can get a better efficacy of traditional Chinese medicine therapy of renal insufficiency can directly ask the experts. Renal insufficiency, creatinine 240 hematuria + renal function is not about the almighty treatment Important: uremic kidney tissues of almost all of fibrosis, resulting in the loss of kidney function. Renal fibrosis is the early start in the kidney damage, renal fibrosis in uremic of exhibition of more serious renal insufficiency can not be delayed. The treatment focuses on blocking renal fibrosis, clear the extracellular matrix, and the connection experts detailing the condition to get help. Hematuria + renal function in renal insufficiency, creatinine 240 all-around treatment as well as treatment-related issues do not understand, please feel free to message Consulting "renal insufficiency".

The hazards of high blood glucose on women

Hyperglycemia is an unhealthy state, if you can not able to intervene in a timely manner, often lead to the occurrence of a series of complications, to bring great harm to patients. Especially women, of poor physical and physiological special hazards of high blood sugar Judah. So, the hazards of high blood glucose on women, what does?
The hazards of high blood glucose on women
Hyperglycemia harm to the women as follows:
Urinary tract genital infection is more frequent
High blood sugar, along with urine sugar levels may also increase the urine acidic environment bacteria grow easily in an acidic environment, and thus will lead to the infection of women with diabetes, while the particularity of the female reproductive structure, and gave the fungal growth breeding has also created favorable conditions. Urinary tract infection, recurrent also easy to add to women with diabetes, renal damage.
Regular fluctuations in blood sugar
Women with diabetes when the menstrual period, blood glucose will be significant fluctuations. Generally in the period before, elevated blood glucose for 3-5 days. Cyclical fluctuations of blood sugar is not conducive to the treatment of women with diabetes, so a few days before passing through the women with diabetes should pay more attention to, prescribed by a doctor to change medication dose.

Chinese Medicine treatment for diabetes

In the treatment of diabetes
"Multi-target living pancreatic infiltration therapy, combined with the latest Western iontophoresis technology, Chinese medicine active ingredients fully penetrate into patients with damaged lesions in the treatment of diabetes treatment on the basis of adhering to the traditional Chinese medical treatment to the root of the effects, many patients with diabetes away from complications of harm.
Why choose Chinese medicine treatment of diabetes?
Western medicine hypoglycemic effects in diabetes can not be ignored, but Western medicine the use of long-term side effects of abuse, the spread of complications, and repeatedly so that the patients miserable.
Diabetes because of its hidden nature, complexity, multiple complications, the medical profession has been that the intractable disease, the current emphasis on the treatment of diabetes to stimulate the pancreas to a class of drugs (such as sulfonamides, biguanides, glimepiride etc.) in lowering blood glucose have a significant effect, to some extent, resolved to people with diabetes high blood sugar problems. But has long demonstrated the limitations become increasingly apparent. Many patients taking the medicine for some time, once the withdrawal, the blood sugar often to rebound again. Insulin stimulation of long-term medication, so that islet a long period of intense work status, a long time will speed up the aging of the pancreatic function more damage to the islet tissue, but also induced a variety of complications; this treatment is undoubtedly harm than good, and ultimately The result is tired of pancreatic β-cells, part or all of the loss of pancreatic function, the final result must rely on insulin injections to maintain the hypoglycemic II diabetes into type I diabetes, can not curb the spread of complications, so that the suffering of people with diabetes unspeakable.
Why traditional Chinese medicine treatment is ineffective?
We know that traditional Chinese medicine and more oral decoction, not to mention medicine or time-consuming, but also because of the the decoction Suanku spicy flavors and taste hard to swallow, especially for diabetes this is often the disease so that patients spend months and years of oral decoction, the patient difficult to accept and adhere to. Therefore, oral medicine pharmacy is undoubtedly limitations.
"The multi-target living pancreatic infiltration therapy to treat diabetes advantage?
1, breaking the tradition of oral medicine is difficult to adhere to long-term use of the impasse.
2, changing the tendons and the efficacy of traditional Chinese medicine preparation single infusion reactions drawbacks.
Chinese medicine micro-after, easily absorbed, increase the concentration in tissues and organs, the better to maximize the efficacy of the functional
4, the local infiltration of lesions and organs, drugs can quickly direct lesions, faster onset, higher efficacy.

What are the complications of the left kidney cyst?

Generally do not have symptoms appeared early left renal cyst, cyst secondary infection, the patient showed chills, fever, back pain, may also have frequent urination, urgency or dysuria, blood culture positive urine bacterial culture can also be positive. CT scan showed the cyst CT value than the infected cyst CT value increased wall thickening of the wall after the injection of vascular contrast agents contrast enhancement (enhanced). Cysts on the kidney, the lower pole or the side edge, B ultrasound-guided or CT-guided needle aspiration of the cyst fluid to send a routine examination and bacterial culture, cavity with normal saline. General aspiration, body temperature can drop puncture again every 2 to 3 days until the capsule fluid clear, the temperature dropped to normal. Application of effective antibiotics, consideration should be given drugs cyst penetrating: penicillins, aminoglycosides and Vanguard ADM antibiotics easily into the cysts derived from proximal renal units, and not easy to enter the cyst of the distal nephron. Erythromycin, chloramphenicol, tetracycline, clindamycin, TMP is easy to enter the cyst of the proximal and distal nephron. If the cyst is repeated puncture granules with effective antibiotics, intravenous drug use is generally 2 to 3 weeks to control the infection. Such as cystic needle aspiration is an effective antibiotic to take eight weeks or longer to control.
Complications of the left kidney cyst and left kidney cyst complications of treatment:
Spontaneous infection in a simple left renal cyst is rare, and the event would be difficult to be identified with renal carbuncle. Sometimes the cyst bleeding, sudden, can cause pain, bleeding from the cyst wall associated with cancer. The cyst is located in the lower pole of kidney and close to the ureter, can exacerbate the hydronephrosis, urine on the oppression of the renal pelvis can cause back pain. This obstruction can also make kidney infection.
When the cyst complicated by infection, antibiotic treatment should be strengthened, Muther and Bennett 1980 low concentration of antibiotics that can be achieved in the cyst fluid. And they often need to pass through the puncture and drainage. This puncture and drainage fails to take the surgical excision of the cyst wall of the renal outer part and drainage, also proved to be quite good effect. Hydronephrosis occurs, removal of obstruction caused by the cyst wall can be lifted to ureteral obstruction. Pyelonephritis involving the kidney suggests the presence of urinary tract obstruction, and then the ureter drainage is not smooth. After excision of the cyst, the natural ease the urinary tract pressure so that more effective anti-bacterial treatment.

Right renal cyst patients eating to pay attention to?

Right renal cyst patients eating to pay attention to? Patients got the right kidney cyst, a reasonable diet can help to promote the rehabilitation of the disease improved, rather than a standardized diet may lead to sustained disability progression. In the daily diet to restore the process, right renal cyst patients need to pay attention to the problem?
Renal cyst patients need high-quality low-protein, low potassium diet is appropriate.
Those with high protein foods?
With more protein foods include: livestock, milk, goat's milk, mare's milk; meat, dog meat such as cattle, etc.; such as chickens, ducks, geese, quail, ostrich, etc.; eggs, such as eggs, duck eggs, quail eggs and the fish, shrimp, crab, etc.; there are soy, including soy beans, green beans and black beans, of which the highest nutritional value of soybeans. Shellfish food such as shrimp, crab, oysters (oysters), clams, razor clams, snails, scallops, etc., the delicious taste and high nutritional value, contain high levels of protein, a variety of amino acids and vitamins, minerals ...... chicken taste delicious better than other livestock, nourishing food in the top grade chicken protein content as high as 29.2%, pig, sheep, goose, 1/3 or more than double the protein.
High potassium foods have?
Addition to and select the correct treatment, food conditioning is also very important link in the rehabilitation of the right kidney cysts. Potassium is an important material to maintain body acid-base balance, but because of the right renal cysts in patients with renal regulation of potassium metabolism significantly lower in the case of acute endogenous and exogenous potassium load increase, it is difficult to maintain the potassium metabolism balance, and hyperkalemia. Can lead to cardiac arrhythmias, hypotension, cardiac arrest, respiratory arrest and other serious consequences. Therefore, the right renal cysts Shensi high potassium foods.
How to treat renal cyst ?

Stem Cell treatment, as a new medical treatment technology, has been gradually applied to clinical. Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSC), in particular, has become the hot topic of research due to its advantages of wide source, easy separation and no restraint in ethics. At present, kidney disease is recognized as immune mediated inflammation. Traditional treatment including hemodialysis cannot reverse the aggravation of kidney function. The MSC has the potential of differentiating into kidney tissues and cells and take part in the regeneration and repair after the kidney damage. The stem cells can not only differentiate into various renal intrinsic cells including glomerular endothelial cells, mesangial cells, sertoli cells and renal tubular epithelial cells, but also strengthen the ability of differentiating into the above cells by promoting renal secretion. It can also release the inflammatory reaction of the damaged kidneys and plays an important role in repairing the kidneys.
Talking about the Stem Cell treatment, it is to extract the original, undifferentiated cells and have specially cultured about one week to ten days and then transfused into the patient’s body. Transfusing by vein is adopted with tiny vulnus and painless throughout all the treatment course. It is no need blood matching and will no rejective reaction because of its low immunogenicity, so it can well repair the damaged renal cells and recover renal function for the patients.

Treatment of diabetic nephropathy syndrome

Diabetic nephropathy syndrome is one of the nephrotic type of diabetes nephropathy accounts for about 10% of diabetic nephropathy, 2% of all patients with nephrotic syndrome. Diabetic patients with nephrotic syndrome in clinical practice is often accompanied with high blood pressure, serum creatinine clearance decline, the majority of diabetic patients with nephrotic syndrome not effectively control the disease will be deterioration in the progression to diabetic renal failure in five years. Western medicine is still five-effects of drugs capable of effective treatment of diabetic nephropathy syndrome, Integrative Medicine from the point of view the treatment of disease achieved some breakthrough.
What is diabetic nephropathy syndrome?
Diabetic nephropathy occurred in patients with a history of diabetes more than 10 years, the common clinical complications of diabetes. When the clinical manifestations of diabetic patients with nephrotic syndrome (three high and one low), known as diabetic nephropathy syndrome. Diabetic nephropathy syndrome is a clinical type of diabetes complicated by nephropathy. In the clinical setting, diabetic patients with nephrotic syndrome about the diabetes complicated by around 10% of the number of kidney disease, which accounted for 2% of all clinical patients with nephrotic syndrome.
The etiology of diabetic nephropathy syndrome
The etiology of diabetic nephropathy syndrome should be the basis of disease (diabetes) and nephrotic syndrome two stages to consider.
The underlying disease of diabetes is usually caused by overeating or starvation disorders, food accumulation of phlegm; depression or anxiety, liver tribulations guilty of spleen, cereal essence can not be shipped. Stop together for phlegm; phlegm intrinsic lung Wei lost in regulation, easy cold cold; inside of heat the phlegm Ikuhisa of heat or cold cold person. Sputum (wet) heat intrinsic, Haoshang, Qi and Yin. Qi deficiency and inability to promote blood line; Yin-chun, damaged, blood viscosity; phlegm resistance, combined with the three can be caused by poor blood, and the formation of blood stasis. Seen in patients with diabetes phlegm intrinsic oriented secondary heat, Qi and Yin deficiency, blood stasis is marked.
Diabetic nephropathy syndrome in the former on the basis of two aspects of change. The one hand, the spleen lost health movement, moisture inside the stop, the kidney is not the main water caused by moisture spread; the other hand, the temper subsidence, kidney sealing possession of dereliction of duty caused by subtle leakage. Urine protein into the subtle substances, a large number of proteins from the urine excretion, the growing depletion of righteousness, the splenorenal even more virtual loss, creating a vicious cycle. Visible from the diabetes to nephrotic syndrome is the Yin of the lack of aggravating the process of sex fluid leakage, sinister and yang gradually transferred yang water stop. Therefore, the yang water stop is the results of sputum (wet) heat intrinsic Qi and Yin deficiency caused by the subtle loss is the result of disease.
Treatment of diabetic nephropathy syndrome
The reason can be seen from diabetic nephropathy syndrome, diabetic nephropathy treatment with Western medicine hypoglycemic, antihypertensive treatment for primary disease at the same time, you should also take the Chinese medicine diagnosis and treatment.
Chinese medicine usually treat diabetes focused on two aspects, first, reduce insulin resistance; treatment blood sugar difficult to control factors such as infection, pain, insomnia, depression or anxiety. The former can take into account in the treatment of diabetic nephropathy syndrome; the latter should be determined according to the specific circumstances, traditional Chinese medicine, although effective, but longer course of treatment, and can not be resolved well in patients with treatment Huoxuetongluo, its disadvantages.
With the micro-based medicine permeability therapy physical therapy treatment of low back pain, promoting blood circulation treatment, while the micronized particles can also play the repair of the damaged kidney function, with a better therapeutic effect.
For Western medicine, if confirmed as diabetic nephropathy syndrome, the choice of the vascular converting enzyme inhibitor antihypertensive drugs (serum creatinine less than 4mg/dl) can reduce urinary protein excretion rate, intravenous prostacyclin E spasm Flaring inhibition of platelet aggregation, compared with other vasodilators. The protection of residual renal function is good, of course, a detailed treatment plan should be in accordance with the specific condition of the patients.

Symptoms of chronic kidney failure

Clinical symptoms of renal failure:
The spirit of a mental nervous system: the performance of malaise, dizziness, headache, memory loss, insomnia, limb numbness and itching-like "restless legs" syndrome, and may have abnormal sense of smell, and dysuria, severe cases coma .
Digestive system: the performance of anorexia, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, mouth Niaowei, such as gastrointestinal bleeding.
Hematopoietic system: the performance of severe anemia, late the organ bleeding tendency.
Cardiovascular system: often high blood pressure, heart failure, heart palpitations, shortness of breath can not supine, cardiac arrhythmia, severe pericardial effusion, or even cardiac tamponade.
Skin manifestations: dry, scaly, dull, and may have hyperpigmentation caused by darker skin, itchy skin, can also be edema, and skin infections.
6. Respiratory system: gas exhaled urine, metabolic acidosis respiratory.
Metabolic disorders: water, electrolyte and acid-base balance, can cause edema or dehydration, tetany.
Skeletal system: renal osteodystrophy, the performance of bone and joint pain.
9 immune systems: easy to secondary infections such as bronchitis, pneumonia, pleurisy, skin boils, swelling, urinary tract infections.
Second, renal failure at different times have different symptoms, different performance:
The start of a failure, renal failure symptoms. This period, patients often suffer some of the ATN, known etiology, such as hypotension, ischemia, sepsis and renal toxins. Renal parenchymal damage but has not yet occurred. At this stage of acute renal failure is preventable. But with the tubular epithelium was damaged, the GFR, a sudden drop in renal failure in the clinical symptoms became apparent, then enter the maintenance phase.
2, symptoms of renal failure in the maintenance phase. Also known as oliguria. Typical for 7-14 days under special circumstances can be as short as a few days and as long as 4-6 weeks. Glomerular rate remained at a low level. Many patients, there may be oliguria (<40Oml / d), but some patients had no oliguria, urine output more than 400ml / d, known as non-oliguric acute renal failure, the condition most of the lighter, better prognosis. However, regardless of the amount of urine whether reduced renal dysfunction, clinical symptoms can be a series of renal failure. Infection is another common and serious complications of acute renal failure. Acute renal failure at the same time or in the development of the disease process can also merge multiple organ failure, patient mortality can be as high as 70%.
3, symptoms of kidney failure recovery. The symptoms of renal failure is renal tubular cell regeneration and repair of tubular integrity recovery. Glomerular filtration rate gradually returned to normal or near normal range. Oliguric patients began to appear diuretic, how much urine the performance of daily urine output up to 3000-5000ml or more. Usually lasts 1-3 weeks, then back to normal. Compared with the glomerular filtration rate, the recovery of the glomerular epithelial cell function (solute and water reabsorption) is relatively delayed, and often take several months after recovery. The small number of patients may be the ultimate legacy varying degrees of renal structural and functional defects.F

Renal failure patients needs to be done to check

First, the urine test
Oliguria, urine output ≤ 17ml / h or <400ml / d, low urine specific gravity <1.014 or fixed at about 1.010, urine acidic urine protein qualitative + + + + urine sediment microscopy shows coarse granular casts, a small number of red and white blood cells.
Second, the azotemia
Blood urea nitrogen and creatinine levels. Azotemia not alone as a basis for diagnosis and urea nitrogen in patients with gastrointestinal bleeding due to normal renal function, there will be increased. Creatinine level, blood urea nitrogen / serum creatinine ≤ 10 is an important diagnostic indicator.
In addition, urine / blood urea <15 (normal urine the urea 200-600mmol/24h, urine / blood urea> 20), urine / serum creatinine ≤ 10 also has its diagnostic significance.
Third, the blood test
Red blood cells and hemoglobin decreased, leukocytosis, and thrombocytopenia. Blood potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, increased serum sodium is normal or slightly reduced, blood calcium decreased, carbon dioxide combining power will be reduced.
Fouth, Urinary sodium Quantitative> 30mmol / L
Determination of filtration fractional excretion of sodium (FENa), the clear cause a certain significance.
Fifth, Pure water to clear rate measurement
The law helps early diagnosis.
Pure water clearance = urine (1 hour) (1 - urine osmolality / osmolality)

IgA nephropathy can not eat

Scientific and rational diet, has a major role and impact of the rehabilitation of patients with IgA nephropathy. Food conditioning with drug treatment, can achieve a multiplier effect, which rely on drugs can not be achieved, however, in the diet, there are a lot of taboos, experts for the IGA nephritis patients often guilty of any dietary restrictions summarized for the majority of patients reference:
Patients with IgA nephropathy can not eat the food the following few:
1.Egg, containing lead, will increase the burden on the kidneys for patients with IgA nephropathy is concerned, regular consumption, is not conducive to the treatment of nephropathy, but also the phenomenon of poisoning.
2.Tofu, hydrogen sulfide will increase the burden on the kidneys, excessive consumption may undermine the patient's damaged organs.
3.Monosodium glutamate, glutamic acid, heating zoom glutamic acid, carcinogenic, more than 10 grams affect the reproductive cells, giving birth to children of low IQ, MSG can not be heated
4.Instant noodles, and containing a preservative, and those with IgA nephropathy is concerned, there is no nutritional value, can not replenish the energy required of the body.
Sunflower seed unsaturated fatty acids affect liver function in IgA nephropathy, and easily lead to weight gain in patients with IgA nephropathy.
6.Spinach contains oxalic acid, and zinc binding, and calcium, leading to zinc deficiency calcium deficiency generally should not be taken for more than 40 years of age, patients with IgA nephropathy.
7.The liver, contains large amounts of cholesterol, but should not be taken in terms of, for patients with IgA nephropathy.

How to care for Type 2 diabetes

Type 2 diabetes is a systemic disease threat to the elderly at an early stage if you do not timely treatment and scientific care, will lead to a variety of complications caused by systemic disease, then,how to carefor type 2 diabetes patients ?
First, we should first understand the causes of patients will be more targeted, so that at the time of treatment, the occurrence of type 2 diabetes is mainly due to islet cell damage, the relative lack of insulin secretion or produce insulin resistance, making blood sugar l high because the body's blood throughout the body, so it can be said, the body has been soaked in sugar poison, so that the various organs of the body is damaged, the various complications of the diabetic foot, diabetic eye disease, diabetic nephropathy.
Secondly, for obese type 2 diabetic patients, the most critical need is to lose weight, so weight loss is through exercise to lower blood lipids, improve heart and lung function, exercise can improve circulation, respiratory function was better exercise.
In addition, people with diabetes also need to understand some basic nursing skills:
Learn how to monitor blood sugar and record blood glucose levels; know they should eat and mealtime; need to know how to take drugs when necessary; know how to identify and deal with high blood sugar or hypoglycemia; learn how to safely pass a sick day; about diabetes drugs and other supplies the place of purchase, and know how to store these items.

Symptoms of diabetes

Diabetes mellitus, often simply referred to as diabetes, is a group of metabolic diseases in which a person has high blood sugar, either because the body does not produce enough insulin, or because cells do not respond to the insulin that is produced.This high blood sugar produces the classical symptoms of polyuria , polydipsia and polyphagia.
Early diabetes symptoms, especially type 2 diabetes, can be subtle or seemingly harmless — if you have them at all. You could have diabetes for months or even years and not have any diabetes symptoms.
Excessive thirst
When you have diabetes, excess sugar (glucose) builds up in your blood. Your kidneys are forced to work overtime to filter and absorb the excess sugar. If your kidneys can't keep up, the excess sugar is excreted into your urine along with fluids drawn from your tissues. This triggers more frequent urination, which may leave you dehydrated. As you drink more fluids to quench your thirst, you'll urinate even more.
Increased urination (sometimes as often as every hour), especially at night
Unusual weight loss or gain
Weight fluctuations also fall under the umbrella of possible diabetes signs and symptoms. When you lose sugar through frequent urination, you also lose calories. At the same time, diabetes may keep the sugar from your food from reaching your cells — leading to constant hunger. The combined effect is potentially rapid weight loss, especially if you have type 1 diabetes.
Fatigue or extreme tiredness
Many factors can contribute to this. They include dehydration from increased urination and your body's inability to function properly, since it's less able to use sugar for energy needs.
Blurred vision
Diabetes symptoms sometimes involve your vision. High levels of blood sugar pull fluid from your tissues, including the lenses of your eyes. This affects your ability to focus.ry mouth

How to Treat Fluctuating Blood Pressure

Normal fluctuation in blood pressure is adaptive and necessary. Fluctuations in pressure that are significantly greater than the norm are associated with greater white matter hyperintensity, a finding consistent with reduced local cerebral blood flow and a heightened risk of cerebrovascular disease. Within both high- and low-blood pressure groups, a greater degree of fluctuation was found to correlate with an increase in cerebrovascular disease compared to those with less variability, suggesting the consideration of the clinical management of blood pressure fluctuations, even among normotensive older adults. Older individuals and those who had received blood pressure medications were more likely to exhibit larger fluctuations in pressure.
Fluctuating blood pressure has two different modes. In one, the pressure goes up and in the other it goes down. When the fluctuation is on the higher side, it means that the heart is trying hard and putting in extra efforts to pump out the blood. Some of the factors that can be responsible for it are as follows:
Hypertension: One of the main causes behind fluctuation is hypertension. This may happen due to some undiagnosed heart disease. Other medical conditions like kidney disease, hormonal problems, pregnancy can contribute to hypertension. In some cases, hypertension runs in the family.
Stress: Stress and anxiety are the other two major causes of fluctuating blood pressure. It has been found that seventy percent of people cannot keep their blood pressure normal just because they fail to manage their stress level.
Side Effects of Medicines: There are a number of prescription or over the counter medicines that can lead to this condition. It includes birth control pills, pain relieving medicines, antidepressants, common cold medicines and so on. Illegal drugs like cocaine also have adverse effect on the blood pressure.
How to treat Fluctuating Blood Pressure
Step 1: Further tests. There is no immunofluorescence in your biopsy report, so we don't know what kind of immune complex deposited on the kidneys and what's the exact amount. I suggest you do Circulating Immune Complex (CIC) to find out and subgroup lymphocytes to see the immune reaction in your body. Only if we make everything clear of the disease can we use medicine scientifically and treat it targetedly and effectively.
Step 2: Blocking immune reaction. Your biopsy shows inflammatory cells infiltrating. We have to stop the inflammation in the kidneys and stop the renal fibrosis. According to scientific diagnosis, the medicine, dose and duration will be very exact. Scientific use of immunosuppressants will well control the immune reaction in the kidneys.
Step 3: Immune tolerance. As the disease often relapses, we have to assess the disease condition before inflammation in the kidneys becomes serious again. Giving small dose of immunosuppressants regularly can prevent the relapse of the disease. This is to let our body accept the fact that there is immune complex in the kidneys and the antibodies will stop attacking them temporarily.

Symptoms and Treatment of IGA Nephropathy

IgA nephropathy is a kidney disorder that occurs when IgA-a protein that helps the body fight infections-settles in the kidneys. After many years, the IgA deposits may cause the kidneys to leak blood and sometimes protein in the urine.
Many people with IgA nephropathy leak blood in the urine, but this leakage does not mean they will have long-term problems. Others leak both blood and protein in the urine. If too much protein leaks into the urine, the hands and feet can swell. After 10 to 20 years with IgA nephropathy, the kidneys may show signs of damage. About 25 percent of adults with IgA nephropathy develop total kidney failure. Only 5 to 10 percent of children develop total kidney failure. Symptoms of kidney failure include swelling in the hands and feet, nausea, fatigue, headaches, and sleep problems. By the time these symptoms occur, total kidney failure is near. Total kidney failure means the kidney damage is permanent. People with kidney failure need dialysis or a kidney transplant.
Symptoms of IGA Nephropathy
Cola- or tea-colored urine (caused by red blood cells in the urine)
Repeated episodes of cola- or tea-colored urine, sometimes even visible blood in your urine, usually during or following an upper respiratory infection
Pain in your side(s)
Foam in the toilet water from protein in your urine
Swelling (edema) in your hands and feet
High blood pressure
Low-grade fever
A variety of systemic diseases are associated with IgA nephropathy such as liver failure, celiac disease, rheumatoid arthritis, Reiter's disease, ankylosing spondylitisand HIV. Diagnosis of IgA Nephropathy and a search for any associated disease occasionally reveals such an underlying serious systemic disease. Occasionally, there are simultaneous symptoms of Henoch-Schönlein purpura; see below for more details on the association. Some HLA alleles have been suspected along with complement phenotypes as being genetic factors.
Treatment for IGA Nephropathy
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmothearpy is applied, which is the advanced form of traditional Chinese medicine which has thousands of years’ history. The main function of Chinese medicine can promote the blood circulation and dissolve the stasis in the blood, which can clear away the immune complex in renal mesangial area and enhance the immune ability. In this step, stem cell is also applied, which can help not only repair the damaged cells and differentiate into those dead ones.

How to treat iga kidney disease

How to treat iga kidney disease
A. Must I have a biopsy here? As quickly as possible? Or does it not matter to your doctors.
Biopsy is the common way to confirm which kind of detailed disease ,and have the good significant to guide the treatment, but, it is really a traumatic cheak, even if the strong person likely will have some complications , so u certainly can not do the biopsy now ,because of ur weak body. We all know any damages in the nursing period is disastrous.So u can not as soon as possible.
If in ur local, there is not the other way to confirm which is ur illness, so the biopsy is necessary. For the corret treatment u must do it, I know many patients are very afraid for Biopsy.But u must do it when ur health is not weak.
B. Will I have to have it in China? Do you do the biopsies? What are the failure rates? In other words: how dangerous is it?
If u can not find the good way in ur local time, we suggest u come China for our treatment. To my worried is that if u can not get the correct treatment then the best treatment time will be delay and ur illness will aggravate.
Although ur illness have not been diagnosed now, but we have analyze ur illness.Now u have the continuous proteinuria ,hypertension, high cholesterol, as usual, the hypertension and high cholesterol is not the good sign ,which all will aggravate the development of ur illness,but ur creatine is not high now, it means ur kidney have not been damaged too much,so no matter it is IGA or others ,we all have the high confidence to treat .Every year about 10,000 patients come here for our treatment, such as IGA patients, Nephrotic Syndrome patients, kidney failure patients etc. Our success rate is 86 %,but as for ur condition we think the success rate is more higher, it is likely more than 95%, u do not worry, we have the high confident, because of our rich clinical experience.
Our treatment absolutely do not need the Biopsies. So it can not have any harm to the body. We are the kidney disease specialist hospital, we have many special examines , they are all developed and accurate. The tests can judge what is kind of this illness? the damage are from glomerulus or kidney tubules? The damage in the early stage or the last stage? How many immune complex deposited in the kidney? What is the amount and level of the antibodies? etc. In terms of IGA, OKT test,tests of beta 2 microglobin, Cystatin C, homocysteine and retinol binding protein and so on have the important role.
E. How long does the treatment last? Something like 3 weeks or 3months? How often would I have to visit China? Must I come for follow up visits?
A course of our treatment is include 4 month, as our clinical experience,many patients can get the good result,just need one month in hospital, then the three month is for consolidation therapy, so they can do the Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy for home treatment. When they discharge d from our hospital ,we have the special person to pay a regular return visit ,who will focus on their condition, and guide them the home treatment ,any questions u can get the help from them.So u do not need come for follow up visits.Our hospital have treated so many foreign friends,so our sevice is very systematic.U just need come China one time and stay in hospital one month.
F.I would love to have 2 more children. Will I be able to after the treatment?
Yes, as long as the damaged native cells of kidney can be repaired and ur abnormal immune system can recover normal, it is ofcourse that u can have many children. Many patients the same as u ,they want to have a baby quickly, then come here for our good treatment. U will have a large and happy family in the future.
I want to tell u the Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy ,because i think no one can be more suitable than u,i know u are in the nursing period,any oral medicine maybe damage to ur little baby by ur breast milk ,but Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is not the oral medicine it is an external application so it can avoid the side effect.
Pls intake the much protein in ur daily life,such as the white egg,milk,freshwater fish,lean meat,u must follow up the suggestion of ur doctor.Avoid the cough,fever,infection in ur daily life,it is very important.

How to treat Nephrotic Syndrome

Nephrotic Syndrome is a kind of immune disease and is easy to relapse.
The medicine your daughter has taken can only cure the symptoms, but not the root cause of the disease. Besides, steroids is a kind of hormone medicine. It has many side effects. While control the abnormal immune reaction, it will also restrain the normal reaction. Long time use of it will make the child weak and easy to fall ill and is not good for the growth of the child. The kidney is like a ‘sieve’. The kidney ‘sieve’ selectively filtrates urine from blood. Any form of damage to the ‘sieve net’ will lead to the loss of function of the ‘sieve’, so material in large and small size will be leaked out together. Leakage of protein will cause urine protein, which will lead to edema. The steroids can effectively reduce protein in urine, but the immune complex like IgM deposited on the glomerular basement membrane has not been removed, so the immune reaction will starts again when stop the medicine.
From the frequency of relapse we can see that your daughter's disease has developed to hormone dependent stage. Every time medicine reduction will lead to disease relapse. Every relapse of he disease will aggravate the disease condition, and make it harder to be cured. If not treated timely, the intervals of the relapse will be shortened and it may turn into chronic kidney disease. Long time delay will even lead to Chronic Kidney Failure.
In order to repair a ‘sieve’, we must first remove the damaging factors that is remove fundamentally the immune complex depositted on the glomerular capillaries, eliminate inflammation and mesangial proliferation so that the glomeruli will be naturally repaired and the original glomerular function will be recovered. We are kidney disease specialized hospital in China. For her condition, I suggest combined therapy of Chinese medicine and western medicine. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can not only remove the immune complex and damaged tissues deposited on the basement membrane and at the same time repair the damaged basement membrane, but also activate immune system of the human body, promote the metabolism and repairing and improve internal environment of the body. Therefore, the disease is not easy to recur after being cured. Micro-Chinese medicine is a kind of external application on the back. It is not oral taking medicine, so it will not influence the digestive tract.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy and IgA Nephropathy

IgA nephropathy is the most common glomerulonephritis throughout the world Primary IgA nephropathy is characterized by deposition of the IgA antibody in the glomerulus. There are other diseases associated with glomerular IgA deposits, the most common being Henoch-Schönlein purpura (HSP), which is considered by many to be a systemic form of IgA nephropathy. HSP presents with a characteristic purpuric skin rash, arthritis, and abdominal pain and occurs more commonly in young adults (16-35 yrs old). HSP is associated with a more benign prognosis than IgA nephropathy. In IgA nephropathy there is a slow progression to chronic renal failure in 25-30% of cases during a period of 20 years.
IgA nephropathy is the most common type of chronic glomerulonephritis diseases worldwide. On the treatment of IgA nephropathy, but also has been the medical profession seriously. IgA nephropathy treatment, because a variety of pathological type and IgA nephropathy patients the kidney glomerular damage to a large degree of difference in IgA nephropathy, should be closely observed the frequency of attacks of IgA nephropathy patients with gross hematuria, proteinuria the extent, the unaccompanied hypertension, renal damage, and many other circumstances. For different situations occur, the treatment of patients with IgA nephropathy requires the use of different control measures.
IgA nephropathy treatment principles are the following:
1) Micro-Chinese Medicine is abstracted from the Chinese herbs, without any side-effect. This is the oldest traditional medicines in our country, like acupuncture.
2) All kidney disease is caused by the renal fibrosis, which means the blood can’t flow in the vessels. Chinese Medicine can dilate blood vessels, increase the blood flow volume in the renal lesion.
3) Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is not an operation, without any pain. Chinese Medicine is superfinely shattered like powder, they are putted into small bags and heated for 45 minutes, and then we put these small bags on the two sides of kidneys according to the Acupuncture Points. What’s more, this process can be achieved with the help of osmosis device, so Chinese Medicine can get into renal lesion effectively.
4) The effective substance can repair the damaged renal cells, and clear the immune complex in the human body. After adopting Chinese Medicine for 3-5 days, the urine color can be changed obviously. (That is immune complex discharge into urine).
5) Chinese Medicine has the function of anti-coagulation, anti-inflammatory,prevent thrombus,degradation.
6). Micro-Chinese Medicine can guide the stem cells move into the renal lesion. 7). Stem Cells need a very favorable environment to grow, Micro-Chinese Medicine can supply such a good enviroment for stem cells.
4 Rebuild the new kidney structure
Stem cells are the orignial cells of human body, which are abstracted from the cord bood of new born babies. They are a kind of cells which has the ability of self-renewal and multi-differentiation. After abstracting, purifying, culturing strictly, they can go into the renal lesion automatically. Stem cells can differentiate into new renal cells, and then these new renal cells can replace the necrotic/dead cells, thus rebuilding the normal kidney structure.

How to Treat Urine Protein in Nephrotic Syndrome

Patients with nephrotic syndrome, proteinuria is a normal phenomenon, in addition to the symptoms, kidney comprehensive also occur in patients with symptoms of varying degrees of edema, high blood lipids, hypoproteinemia of. Nephrotic syndrome with proteinuria have a close relationship. Proteinuria is a major clinical manifestations of the nephrotic syndrome is also more sensitive laboratory markers in patients with nephrotic syndrome, although the amount of proteinuria leakage does not accurately represent the degree of kidney damage, but it is undeniable that proteinuria is nephrotic syndrome typical symptoms, proteinuria continued to abound and will no doubt increase the renal pathological damage.
kidney disease hospital for the phenomenon of such treatment, experts remind the majority of patients with nephropathy, and kidney disease treatment clearly generated by the treatment of symptoms of proteinuria from pathogens start.
Recent clinical and experimental data show that proteinuria is a unique risk factors for the progress of nephrotic syndrome. Healthy people in routine urine examination, urine testing of a single protein, occult blood (-) negative; kidney microcirculation, glomerular filtration membrane and therefore subject to injury when the kidneys lead to a variety of primary to secondary factors inflammatory cells attract inflammatory media inflammatory reaction, causing the blood cells, protein leakage, can be seen in the urine tests on the proteinuria and occult blood was () () and () -) ranging, which is proteinuria and hematuria process.
Nephrotic syndrome, proteinuria and treatment of the data show that there are a lot of proteinuria in nephrotic syndrome, decreased renal function or the development of renal failure, uremia. Therefore, for patients with nephrotic syndrome, to prevent the leakage of proteinuria is a major focus of treatment.
Leakage of proteinuria in kidney inflammation leads to pathological damage, proteinuria treatment is not well controlled will result in the continued progress of renal fibrosis, local to the whole, from point to plane and finally to renal scarring, complete loss of kidney function. Treatment of proteinuria blocked kidney fibrosis progression, repair kidneys damaged tissue. Micro therapy for the penetration of traditional Chinese medicine through the network by promoting blood circulation, blood stasis and disinfection, repair students in three stages for the treatment of nephrotic syndrome, and this process is also a kidney disease treatment insurmountable stage. Infiltration therapy of micro of traditional Chinese medicine therapy, you can activate the body's immune system and fundamentally, to accelerate kidney metabolism, repair damaged glomerular enhanced glomerular reabsorption, activation of the renal unit, restore the kidneys of normal physiological functions, so as to achieve a radical improvement in renal comprehensive patients with urinary protein problem.

What does protein in your urine mean

Protein is essential for the growth and functioning of the body, and muscle building. Protein molecules are comparatively larger and hence cannot pass through the glomeruli in the kidneys. They are thus retained in the blood when waste materials and toxic substances are filtered by the kidneys. Then how does protein appear in urine? What does high protein in urine mean? Here is an overview of the condition called 'proteinuria'.
The kidneys' primary function is to maintain the fluid balance in the body and to excrete unwanted soluble chemicals. While doing this, the kidneys must conserve other important constituents circulating in the bloodstream.
Although healthy people do pass small amounts of protein in the urine normally, above a certain level suggests that there may be damage to the filter mechanism (the glomeruli) or inflammation.
A second source of protein in urine is blood that may come from any part of the kidney or urinary pathway.
High levels of protein in the urine may therefore be due to diseases of the kidney such as glomerulonephritis. It may also be due to general illnesses that also affect the kidney as in high blood pressure .
Proteinuria can be divided into functional proteinuria and pathological proteinuria. Functional proteinuria, also known as physiological proteinuria, refers to the temporary proteinuria in healthy people. More common in young people under the influence of strenuous exercise, fever, high temperature, chills, mental stress and other factors, renal vasospasm or hyperemia, resulting in the glomerular filtration membrane permeability-increasing protein leaving large number of "slipping through the net". Protein in normal urine of pregnant women increased slightly, to increase this position and renal flow, glomerular filtration rate of the increase. Functional proteinuria proteinuria incentive to lift will go away. It is also known as reversible proteinuria or transient proteinuria.
If it is pathological proteinuria, it is more dangerous. Proteinuria more than just a huge loss of nutritional protein, but also on the glomerular, tubular, and will cause damage. Proteinuria is an independent risk factor for causing uremia, proteinuria greatest harm is that drug eclipse kidneys, causing uremia.
(1) proteinuria in mesangial toxicity:
Renal failure model, the observed accumulation of serum proteins in glomerular mesangial mesangial cell injury can cause these macromolecules in the accumulation of mesangial proliferative the faculties membrane matrix synthesis, resulting in renal ball sclerosis. Glomerular proteinuria in the nephrotic model, these aggregation of low density lipoprotein (LDL) and very low density lipoprotein (VLDL) apolipoprotein B and apolipoprotein A deposition and ultimately can lead to glomerulosclerosis.
The toxic effects of proteinuria on proximal tubule cells (2):
Proteinuria, enter the amount of protein within the renal tubular epithelial cells to increase lysosomal activity increases caused by prompt protein the lysosomal spilled into the cytoplasm of the tubule, subsequent cell injury can stimulate inflammation and scar formation.
(3) proteinuria-induced tubular cell biological changes in renal disease: proteinuria, there are cell hyperplasia, representing a non-adaptive responses, leading to renal failure. More and more evidence to show that the protein can be directly conditioning tubule cell function, to change its growth characteristics of cytokines and matrix proteins phenotypic expression, the basal side of the tubule can lead to release of PDGF, FN and MCP-1 induced fibrosis.
(4) proteinuria caused by tubulointerstitial hypoxia emphasis: the proteinuria reabsorption digest a lot of protein extra energy, can cause tubular cell hypoxia, resulting in the tubule cell injury.

How to treat protein in urine

Protein in urine (proteinuria or microalbuminuria) is an abnormally high amount of protein found in a urine sample. A test to analyze the content of your urine (urinalysis) checks for several substances in your urine, including protein.
The normal 24-hour urine protein range ≦ 0.15g, routine laboratory testing was negative. Such as urine protein> 150 mg / day, urinary protein, the human body from the urinary protein content increased significantly, and are abnormal urinary protein. Urine protein is generally not too serious, you are sick is not very understanding, control and treatment of such patients need timely. A long period of urine protein renal inherent cell structure is damaged, leading to kidney filtration barrier injury, can not stop resulting from the leakage of protein. Treatment only symptomatic treatment rather than the reasons for treatment for the inherent cell structure caused by kidney damage, protein is only temporary control, easily repeated. The root cause of treatment should be inherent in the kidney cells.
How to treat protein in urine
Lower your blood pressure. Proteinuria is often found in combination with high blood pressure, because high blood pressure weakens capillaries in the kidneys. Before treating the blood in your urine, your doctor will test and treat you for high blood pressure.
Reduce the amount of protein you eat. Remember that protein comes from many different foods, not just meat and fish. The National Kidney Foundation website has a page dedicated to helping patients learn to cook with less protein. See the Resources section below for a link.
Reduce or eliminate your urinary tract infections (UTIs). Frequent UTIs can prolong proteinuria because of the easy transmission of bacteria between the urinary tract and kidneys.
Control your blood sugar levels. This especially important for patients who have already been diagnosed with diabetes, as there is a direct correlation between diabetes and kidney diseases, such as proteinuria.
Treatment of urinary protein in the correct treatment for kidney treatment. Kidney specialist hospital in  of micro-penetration therapy of Chinese medicine to start first from the perspective of immunology, issued according to the human body tissues and organs of the holographic theory of biology, physiology, pathology information and drug action information, the overall concepts and use of traditional Chinese medicine diagnosis and treatment methods combined with the introduction of high-tech renal detection of ECT by U.S. Sunoco, accurate selection of kidney disease hospital developed a series of traditional Chinese medicine preparation, the use of holographic instrument kidney area iontophoresis. With the oral medicine at the same time, activate the body's immune system, re-regulate the immune function enables the body to produce huge super-self-repair capacity, accelerate its metabolism and repair, the new health and blood stasis, regulating yin and yang, improving renal pathological changes, clear the destructive substances in the kidney (immune complexes and metabolites), the stability of residual renal function; protect cell membranes, and scavenge oxygen free radicals, thereby protecting the residual renal units, and are destroying the renal unit to recover from the fundamental, atrophy of the kidneys to improve, so that patients with renal failure to avoid, delay, or to get rid of the dialysis to achieve the restoration and preservation of residual renal function ultimately to fundamentally eliminate the urine protein, red blood cells (occult blood) in urine, so as to achieve the purpose of treatment.

Iga nephrotic Why always relapse

Iga nephrotic Why always relapse
iga nephropathy patients are always concerned about the repeated attacks of the disease, because the disease anti-repeated resumption of further damage the kidneys, is more detrimental to the body, so the patient wants to know how to treat iga nephropathy in order to prevent or avoid recurrent disease?
General treatment of the disease are based on hormone therapy, hormone therapy iga is a certain effect, but the hormone treatment only from the surface to repair damaged kidneys can not fundamentally. iga nephritis who use hormone therapy only urine protein was negative, occult blood () Jiuzhi disappeared. iga nephropathy in patients with kidney damage has not been the basic treatment, the glomerular filtration membrane is still not repaired, resulting in red blood cell leakage, this treatment results of urine protein or again repeated iga nephritis will be back and forth.
This is why experts do not recommend the use of hormone therapy is not sensitive to hormone therapy, the patient should not be a long-term continued use of hormones, all kinds of side effects should avoid hormone occurred.
Hormone therapy, since there are a lot of damage, that iga nephritis patients should be adopted for treatment?  kidney disease hospital "immune six-step treatment" on the glomerular filtration membrane to the implementation of restorative treatment, this therapy treatment the principle is the principle of the adoption of Chinese medicine treatment of kidney disease, the role of drugs on the kidneys, impaired renal units recovery. Repair the glomerulus, the removal of immune deposits and other hormones can not complete the function. The fundamental treatment for impaired renal intrinsic cells in order to fundamentally block the process of renal fibrosis, which recurrent disease prevention.

How to treat iga nephropathy

IgA nephropathy is a special type of glomerulonephritis disease mostly occurs in children and adolescents, usually associated with upper respiratory tract infection before the onset of symptoms. Such disease is a kidney disease in the dangers of the disease, so patients should pay attention.
IgA nephropathy is the most common type of chronic glomerulonephritis diseases worldwide. On the treatment of IgA nephropathy, but also has been the medical profession seriously. IgA nephropathy treatment, because a variety of pathological type and IgA nephropathy patients the kidney glomerular damage to a large degree of difference in IgA nephropathy, should be closely observed the frequency of attacks of IgA nephropathy patients with gross hematuria, proteinuria the extent, the unaccompanied hypertension, renal damage, and many other circumstances. For different situations occur, the treatment of patients with IgA nephropathy requires the use of different control measures.
IgA nephropathy treatment principles are the following:
A repressor antigen intrusion; 2. Alleviate the abnormal immune response of the patient's body; 3. Remove excessive deposition in the kidney immune complex; repair the damage glomerular; 5. Buck, ease in patients with kidney ischemia hypoxic state; plasmapheresis, or hemodialysis for patients with IgA nephropathy and renal failure, in order to rectify the patients' physical condition, body stable environment within the foundation laid for the treatment of long-term IgA nephropathy; Chinese medicine treatment, a fundamental The uplink repair the treatment of lesions of the nephron.
Actively cooperate with the treatment at the same time also need to pay attention to diet and maintenance of the treatment period, and believe that the iga nephritis treatment can be cured. iga nephritis is a slowly progressive process, at the right time to take effective treatment measures, iga nephritis is expected to clinical rehabilitation, on the contrary will be a gradual progress, and ultimately lead to the occurrence of uremia. Find a good way to treat iga nephritis, when the rest of the intrinsic cells is running out (into uremia), even the best method of treatment Huitianzhili....

Diabetic nephropathy in people ate?

How to treat diabetes nephropathy, what kind of treatment is best? Diabetic nephropathy requires a comprehensive and rational diet for the rehabilitation of the disease is very important. So, patients with diabetic nephropathy on diet?
An effective control of hypertension. Effectively control discharge to reduce high blood pressure can make the urine protein allows reduced kidney function to slow down and prolong life.
2, high-quality low-protein diet. Began to give high-quality low-protein diet in diabetic nephropathy, the merger of edema, hypertension should limit sodium to the low-salt diet.
3, for the treatment of diabetic nephropathy, the most critical is to strictly control blood sugar. Clinical and experimental studies have shown that chronic metabolic disorder of high blood sugar is the main cause of diabetic microangiopathy.
Can reduce serum creatinine and blood urea nitrogen levels and improve lipid metabolism, inhibition of renal tubular epithelial cell hypertrophy and hyperplasia, reduce the state of the cells with high metabolic and glomerular filtration, and inhibition of renal compensatory hypertrophy, reduce renal ball hardening, reducing the residual renal metabolic state, delaying the progress of chronic renal failure, and clinical results.
Diabetic nephropathy in people ate? The experts have warned that the treatment of diabetic nephropathy from the diet starting the diet of the Health Sciences is the treatment of diabetes on the basis of a good diet can help stabilize blood sugar and prevent the occurrence of diabetes complications.

Comprehensive treatment of diabetic nephropathy?

Dietary treatment of diabetic nephropathy is the basis of therapy
Protein intake is limited to 0.8 grams per kilogram per day. Among them, high-quality protein to account for more than 20%, choice of milk, eggs, fish, lean meat. Under the premise of strict glycemic control, and appropriately increase the carbohydrate intake in order to avoid too much protein and fat points negligent.
The control of blood glucose is the key to the treatment of diabetic nephropathy
If the strict control of blood glucose to 4.4-6.1 mm mol / l, can prevent the development of clinical proteinuria. If the clinical stage of diabetic nephropathy, then even if the control of blood glucose is difficult to make the reversal of the diabetic nephropathy. Renal insufficiency, due to the degradation and excretion of insulin to reduce prone to cause insulin accumulation and hypoglycemia reaction, it should reduce the amount of insulin.
Control of hypertension may alleviate diabetic nephropathy disease
In the stage of microalbuminuria, blood pressure control can prevent the progression of diabetic nephropathy, during clinical proteinuria, antihypertensive therapy can only slow down the deterioration process.
Effect of integrated treatment of diabetic nephropathy. Patients with diabetic nephropathy in addition to comprehensive treatment, the key is to fundamentally start to carry out the treatment to be able to effectively curb the progression of diabetic nephropathy. TCM features multi-target Chinese living pancreatic infiltration therapy through the reconstruction of hypoglycemic function and kidney function gradually recovered their metabolic balance, treatment of diabetic nephropathy

The mechanism of renal hypertension

Renal diabetes caused by many factors, most important of which is sodium retention lead to increased blood volume and the renin-angiotensin system, the enhanced role. Diabetic kidney is divided into two kinds of capacity-dependent diabetes mellitus and renin-dependent diabetes. Capacity-dependent diabetes mellitus is renal parenchymal disease, the kidneys lose the body excrete water and salt effect, resulting in sodium and water retention in the body, so that the blood volume increase caused by diabetes. Vascular smooth muscle cells within the Shuinazhuliu allows sodium and water content increased vessel wall thickening and elasticity decreased vascular resistance and reactivity enhancement of catecholamines, and angiotensin II on vascular receptor affinity to improve, and would also make the blood pressure increased. Renin-dependent diabetes mellitus is due to renal artery stenosis, renal parenchymal disease, as well as the secretion of renin-cell tumors, resulting in renin release a large number, causing increased activity of angiotensin Ⅱ systemic arteriole contraction. Renin and angiotensin II but also to promote the increase in aldosterone secretion, lead to sodium retention, blood volume increase resulting from diabetes. Renal other antihypertensive substances decreased release of activity decreased; increased sympathetic activity, systemic small artery spasm, hypertensive, diabetic important factor.

Lupus nephritis impact on women how much?

Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is a violation of systemic connective tissue autoimmune diseases, often involving multi-system organ lesions common in women. All kidney disease patients, have to carefully memories, whether there is joint pain, rash, and fever of unknown causes, and should take the initiative to tell the doctor to help diagnose. Many people have asked, lupus nephritis women? Next of nephropathy hospital Nephrology experts gave you to make a reasonable explanation.Lupus nephritis impact on women how much, kidney experts pointed out that lupus nephritis after diagnosis, the previous 10 years, the case fatality rate of about 50% in the 1980s, due to advances in treatment, reducing to about 20%. or so. In recent years, to further improve diagnosis and treatment technologies, the fatality rate on the 10 lupus nephritis has been reduced to about 10%.Lupus nephritis reproductive hazards:Female patients with lupus nephritis, generally does not affect fertility, but the effect on the fetus, abortion, premature birth, stillbirth, intrauterine growth retardation were significantly increased maternal risk of preeclampsia.Statistics, about 30% of patients with lupus nephritis eclampsia incidence; up to 23.7% in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus rate of abortion, premature birth rate of 15.8%. Anticardiolipin antibody positive, the stillbirth rate can be as high as 50%. The stillbirth rate depends on the degree of lupus disease activity, renal function and history of massive proteinuria, hypertension. However, activities such as systemic lupus erythematosus (lupus nephritis treatment), renal function and blood pressure were normal pregnancy on mother and fetus had no effect on the re-activity rates, pregnancy does not increase in lupus nephritis, the prognosis is not big.Lupus nephritis impact on women how much? In general, lupus nephritis in stable condition for more than one year, with normal heart and kidney function, allowing pregnant. Lupus nephritis patients should be disabled in the 3 months of pregnancy at the hormone outside the immunosuppressive agents (cyclophosphamide, methotrexate, azathioprine, etc.), and the entire pregnancy process and closely monitor changes in condition and laboratory parameters.Therefore, kidney disease experts said the disease progression of lupus nephritis occurs mostly in middle and late pregnancy, postpartum, pregnancy in patients with hormone and Chinese medicine is the most secure, it should disable the other drugs, nephrotic disease need to be given sufficient quantities of hormones or pure doctor of Chinese medicine treatment, and in the perinatal period are invited to experience the guidance of lupus nephritis patients do not own, to avoid serious consequences.

The cause of lupus nephritis

Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is a violation of systemic connective tissue autoimmune diseases, the lesions often involving multi-system organ. Lupus nephritis in the kidney is more common, the harm can not be ignored in patients with lupus nephritis disease, which causes the problem, many patients are not very clear, then lupus nephritis the cause? please  the nephrotic Hospital Nephrology experts to unlock everyone's doubts, to see if the experts are introduced, can provide help for patients.
The experts tell us that lupus nephritis is the most common organ damage in systemic lupus erythematosus. Systemic lupus erythematosus is a violation of systemic connective tissue autoimmune diseases, lesions often involving multi-system organ. In Chinese medicine, there is no lupus nephritis in this disease name. According to their clinical manifestations of this disease attributable to edema, back pain, sun sores, poison of yin and yang, warm poison spots, Consumption, dizziness, palpitations and other permit areas.
The cause of lupus nephritis following factors:
(1) genetic factors of the patients have the same disease family history accounted for 0.4% to 3.4.
(2) the humoral immune changes including DNA and anti-DNA antibodies form immune complexes play a major role.
Cellular immunity: the suppressor T cell function and decline in the number. The reason is that the existence of cytotoxic antibody (anti-lymphocyte or thymocyte antibody) in serum, thereby undermining the T cells.

Nephrotic syndrome egg white powder work?

Nephrotic syndrome (nephrotic syndrome) is caused due to various etiology in patients with kidney glomerular basement membrane permeability increase, giving rise to a large number of protein lost from the urine of a group of clinical syndromes.
Patients with nephrotic syndrome protein supplement that word protein powder work? First understand why you want to add protein powder.
This is because impaired renal intrinsic glomerular cells, the glomerular charge barrier dysfunction. Under normal circumstances, the protein charged glomerular basement membrane of the inner, outer layer of glomerular capillary loops, endothelial, epithelial cell surface and the mesangial matrix is rich in amino polysaccharide (heparan sulfate), and sialic acid, both glomerular filtration membrane with a negative charge, forming a static barrier. Once the glomerular charge barrier function of the damage, could make the glomerular protein substances can not stop with the urine leakage.
Nephrotic syndrome, egg white powder work? Loss of a protein necessary for the body need to be supplemented, but the nephrotic syndrome in patients with low-protein, high-quality protein diet. High protein intake will increase the damaged kidney metabolic disorders, kidney burden. But protein must be added the so-called protein powder, using purified soy protein or casein, or whey protein, or the combination of several proteins, consisting of powder, its use is the lack of protein protein supplement. The protein powder are beans, low-quality protein, so experts do not recommend the nephrotic syndrome patients to supplement protein powder as a supplement for the loss of protein. The proposed high-quality protein such as egg, lean meat, river fish, milk diet.

Causes of type 1 diabetes

Causes of type 1 diabetes:
(1) virus infection
Many scientists believe that viral infections can also cause type 1 diabetes. This is because the virus infection in patients with type 1 diabetes before the onset of a period of time is often too, and type 1 diabetes "epidemic" often appear after the virus is endemic. Viruses, such as those that cause mumps and rubella virus can cause polio, Coxsackie virus family, can play a role in type 1 diabetes
(2) genetic factors
The present study data show that the genetic defect is the basis of the incidence of type 1 diabetes, this genetic defect is manifested in the people on chromosome 6 HLA antigen abnormalities. The characteristics of the familial incidence of type 1 diabetes, if a family's ancestors, parents have a history of diabetes, then compared to people with no such family history, their offspring are more susceptible to the disease.
3's own immune system defects
To detect a variety of autoimmune antibodies in the blood of patients with type 1 diabetes, such as glutamic acid decarboxylase (gad antibody), islet cell antibodies (1ca antibody). These abnormal autoantibodies can damage human islet insulin secretion from b cells, not normal insulin secretion.

Immune blocking is how to reduce uremic creatinine high?

The common symptoms of uremia creatinine is high in uremic patients, for patients with uremia, it should be how lowering creatinine it? Many uremic patients creatinine reduce the number and speed of the speed as that of their condition has not improved. Well, in addition to drugs and dialysis drop creatinine what can drop creatinine?
The recent development of an immune blocking treatment in large part to solve this thing that bothers so many uremic patients, then the immune blocking is lower creatinine?
We all know that the kidney's main function is to give the function of excretion of urine, creatinine toxins. Nephropathy serum creatinine mainly microcirculatory injury, glomerulosclerosis, the main pathological changes. Only after renal function protection, creatinine naturally will not be up again. This requires blocking renal fibrosis process, to further protect renal function.
High how to lower serum creatinine? Immune blocking clear adjustment to help, by blocking the kidney disease treatment, in preventing kidney fiber lesions show the same time, to clear the immune complexes lead to damage of the glomerular basement membrane and diseased tissue while rehabilitation glomerular basement membrane. As long as the damage to the basement membrane repair, change the structure of the kidney, the expansion of the glomerular filtration area, serum creatinine will be gradually decreased.
Immune blocking clear adjustment therapy has this effect. For lowering serum creatinine, and mainly play the role of block + repair + reconstruction ".
Immune blocking cleared to regulate traditional Chinese medicine active substances into the renal lesion site, it will have an effect. Tongluo blocking cleared by the immune-modulatory therapeutic and blood circulation, removal of silt removal and repair of the role of the new health and three aspects to improve the internal environment of the whole kidney, renal repair to provide favorable conditions to promote the recovery of renal function.

How to treat nephrotic Syndrome:Immunotherapy

Allopurinol can reduce production of uric acid. But for the uraticdeposition on the kidneys, we have to use herbal medicine. Systematic treatment is better for him. His serum creatinine is aleady higher than normal, which suggests more than 60% of his kidney function has been damaged. If not well treated, the kidney function will continue to decline and he will have to do dialysis.
There are six steps in treating his disease.
Step 1: Scientific tests. Only if we make everything clear of the disease can we treat it targetedly and effectively. We have to find out the antibodies level and the amount and position of different kinds of toxins. We should also know clearly the damage to tubules and glomeruli. Therefore, some tests have to be done for guiding the treatment. Tests of beta 2 microglobin, Cystatin C, homocysteine and retinol binding protein are also necessary.
Step 2: Blocking immune reaction. According to scientific diagnosis, the medicine, dose and duration will be very exact. Scientific use of immunosuppressants will well control the immune reaction in the kidneys due to urates deposition.
Step 3: Immune tolerance. As the disease often relapses, we have to assess the disease condition before inflammation in the kidneys becomes serious again. Giving small dose of immunosuppressants regularly can prevent the relapse of the disease. This is to let our body accept the fact that there is immune complex in the kidneys and the antibodies will stop attacking them temporarily.
Step 4: Immune regulation. The immune complex cannot always stay in our kidneys, so we have to remove it out sooner or later. Micro-Chinese medicine can invigorate blood circulation and remove blood stasis thus increasing the blood flow in the kidneys. The special material in the Chinese medicine will combine with the immune complex and take it out of body through blood circulation. You will see floc-like things discharged out in urine after 7 days of the treatment. The effect can be seen by our own eyes. At the same time, oral taking medicine will be used to strengthen the immunity and nourish blood and qi.
Step 5: Immune protection. For the damaged and remaining inherent cells and tissues, we have to repair them and recover the kidney function. Glucocorticoid, oral taking Chinese medicine and Treg cells injection will play key roles in this step. Stem cells which can differentiate into new functional cells will help recover the kidney function. Active material in micro-Chinese medicine can regulate the immune system and recover the self renewal of the kidney cells, thus recovering the kidney function.
Step 6: Immune clearance. Actually this step runs through the above four steps. Immunoadsorption can effectively remove the toxic things in the body and control the disease in the shortest time so that we can win time in repairing the kidneys. Only by controlling the acute progressing of the disease can we repair the kidneys well.

Nephrotic syndrome can fish?

We all know, fish are extremely rich in nutrients, have a lot of the body must be material. However, society seems to have been in circulation in patients with nephrotic syndrome to quit carnivorous, eggs, fish without scales, in fact, this approach is unscientific. So, patients with nephrotic syndrome in the end is not to eat fish it.
Experts: Fish is an all-season food, nutrition, men, women and children liked to eat. However, for patients with nephrotic syndrome, the diet is an important part of health care, various doctors prescribed diet contraindicated in patients must be followed. General fish are rich in protein, for nephrotic syndrome in patients with renal insufficiency or renal damage, fish or eat well.
First, we must be clear that the fish is a freshwater or marine fish. Freshwater fish is a high-quality protein foods, is the ideal ingredients for patients with nephrotic syndrome, can be added by a large number of nephrotic syndrome urinary white urine lost body essential amino acids. Marine fish are not edible, and all seafood should not be the ingredients for patients with nephrotic syndrome, on the one hand, the seafood easily cause allergy, on the other seafood containing the sodium salt more, no matter where on the one hand, seem to have nephrotic syndrome in patients with extremely unfavorable condition.
By the above description, I believe we can fish the nephrotic syndrome, also have a certain understanding. Thus, patients with nephrotic syndrome Yi Shi freshwater fish, eat sea fish. Therefore, patients with nephrotic syndrome must be in strict accordance with scientific methods to control their diet, so as not to cause unnecessary deterioration.

How to treat Nephrotic syndrome

Treatment of nephrotic syndrome has been the concern, then, the course of treatment of nephrotic syndrome should be noted that the problem? kidney disease hospital experts on the treatment of nephrotic syndrome, the following analysis: patients with nephrotic syndrome in the course of treatment will often encounter the following treatment, which requires attention to a number of patients in the treatment process:
Diuretics: 7-10 days after treatment in the general case there will be urine at that unnecessary use of diuretics. Can choose to use diuretics, severe edema in patients with nephrotic syndrome commonly used diuretics are furosemide, intravenous administration, preferably a low molecular weight of the oil lost the first spin sugar anhydride, and often have a good diuretic effect.
Second, the hormone therapy: the most commonly used drug for patients with nephrotic syndrome is prednisone, depending on the type of disease, patients on prednisone response, respectively, a short course of two months, 4 -6 months in treatment and 9-12 months long course of treatment. Short course of treatment for initial treatment of simple kidney disease, in the long course of treatment for retreatment, multi-recurrence of simple nephrotic syndrome or nephritis nephropathy.
Three immunosuppressive agents: in patients with nephrotic syndrome in the use of hormone side effects of too much or poor treatment when the use of immunosuppressive therapy, most commonly used drug cyclophosphamide, sulfur Bird cast a glance Yin, ring saturated neomycin A, vincristine, wilfordii multi-glycosides and other.
Fourth, the Chinese medicine treatment:
Medicine in the overall concept and dialectical Shizhi Si and principles of treatment to help reduce and mitigate these adverse factors, improve the efficacy and duration. Its therapeutic effect is reflected in:
Clear urine protein
Many traditional Chinese medicine Cordyceps sinensis, Serissa, Astragalus, improve cellular and humoral immune function. Discovered by the large number of clinical observations, these drugs can improve the body to antigen clearance, repair of damage to the glomerular basement membrane; addition can improve renal blood loss, and promote the absorption of fibrous tissue, so that the waste with the glomerular be repair to achieve the purpose of elimination of urinary protein.
Improve renal function
Of Chinese traditional medicines have been the formation of immune complexes inhibit the formation of glomerular fibrosis; spleen and kidney and drug Atractylodes, yams, etc. to enhance the body against microbial invasion, epithelial tissue repair of the lesion has a significant role; blood drug Salvia relaxation of renal vascular smooth muscle, relieve vascular spasm, improve blood flow, and achieve the purpose of protection of renal function.
Side effects of light
Patients in the hormone and immune preparation process often leads to immune dysfunction, decreased resistance, recurrent disease and the emergence of the gastrointestinal tract and bone marrow suppression, clinical application Qingrejiedu, spleen and kidney and herbal medicine can eliminate the hormone and immune preparations side effects, regulate immune function, can be beneficial to inhibit the hormone rebound treatment problems.

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