Nursing interventions for patients with lupus nephritis

1 patients and their families of health care workers should explain glucocorticoidimmunosuppressant major role and side effects and precautions, drug can not be free to change the medication or withdrawal should be under the guidance of the physician.
2, the body resistance is diminished, prone to various infections, should be prepared tothe skin, oral care, infection prevention.
3, strict observation of the patient's blood pressure, pulse, respiration, guiding the patientdiet prevention and treatment of low blood potassium and water retention.Gastrointestinal symptoms such as nausea, vomiting should be symptomatic.
Close observation hormones reflect proper control of the diet, such as the sudden appearance of psychotic symptoms, pay attention to the side effects of hormone.
5, use of immunosuppressive agents to observe the changes in the patient's periodic review of the white blood cells and liver function.
Is the most scientific and effective treatment of lupus nephritis cell infiltration rehabilitation therapy. Penetration through the cell repair therapy, recent can activate the body'svarious cell regeneration factor, to promote the recovery of cell function, so that the cellsaround the necrotic lesions, especially semi-apoptotic cells, no longer degeneration, necrosis, treatment gradually restore function. Long-term effects can be achieved toimprove the immunity of patients, the role of softening, degeneration and necrosis of cellsin cell penetration by cell repair therapy to restore normal function. This revolutionary progress in surgery again to stand on the frontier for the treatment of lupus nephritis.

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