Treatment of the left kidney cyst What measures

A general treatment.
Renal cyst diameter less than 4cm, no obvious compression of the renal pelvis, infection,malignant, hypertension, or symptoms not obvious, just close follow-up observation, regular B ultrasonic examination.
Second, Western medicine treatment.
A) paracentesis + sclerotherapy.
1. Indications of this method is applicable to the cyst diameter greater than 4cm, symptoms andexcluded the malignant transformation of infected patients.
Two commonly used sclerosing agent, tetracycline phosphate lock, 95% alcohol, 50% glucose.
3 contraindications local skin infection, patients with severe bleeding tendency.
Complications of bleeding, infection, pneumothorax, renal laceration, arteriovenous fistula,traumatic urinary cyst and hardening agent extravasation on renal surrounding tissue irritation and damage.
(B) paracentesis plus antibiotic therapy.
Indications diameter big 4cm renal cyst with intracystic infection. B ultrasound-guidedparacentesis may be infected with strains into sensitive to antibiotics.
Contraindications and complications associated with puncture plus hardener.
By more than introduce you to understand you? If you have additional questions, the onlineconsulting experts, the experts for your detailed answer. Experts have warned you, we want totreat renal cysts, the key is to fundamentally inhibit the in vivo cyst increases to alleviate the oppression of the cysts on the kidneys, the only way to achieve a good therapeutic effect.Hospital to take a comprehensive treatment measures of integrative medicine, penetrationtreatment of micro-based traditional Chinese medicine-based therapy for cyst growth trend, this method is characterized by: (1) to reduce the source of the cyst fluid, cyst epithelium cellinactivation, inhibition of their secretion of cystic fluid, the cysts stop growing. (2) increase theexcretion of cyst fluid, increasing the permeability of the cyst surface blood circulation, speed upthe excretion of cyst fluid, so that the cyst retraction.

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