What are the complications of Chronic renal failure

Chronic renal failure patients how to eat? Chronic renal failure patients how to eat? Chronic renal failure is a serious chronic kidney disease, not only do harm to the patient's physical and mental health, but also to the patient's daily life and work a great impact. Chronic renal failure patients live year-round drug separated from the mouth of the day, feel pain, so much trouble to his family. Not just rely on drugs for the treatment of chronic renal failure, should pay more attention to food and drink. Renal failure patients should be science diet, science diet plays a big role in the rehabilitation of chronic renal failure.
(A) the symptoms of nervous system
Nervous system symptoms are the main symptoms of chronic renal failure. Early in renal failure, patients often have dizziness, headache, fatigue, comprehension and memory loss and other symptoms. As the disease increased irritability, muscle trembling, convulsions; last may progress to a lack of facial expression, lethargy and coma. These symptoms occur with the following factors: ① certain toxic substances accumulation may cause degeneration of nerve cells; ② electrolyte and acid-base balance disorder; ③ renal hypertension due to cerebral vasospasm, hypoxia, and capillary permeability increased, which can cause brain cell degeneration and brain edema.
(B) symptoms of cardiovascular system
Chronic renal failure due to the role of renal hypertension, acidosis, hyperkalemia, sodium and water retention, anemia, and toxic substances, etc., can occur in heart failure, arrhythmias and myocardial damage. Stimulate the role of urea (and possibly acid), aseptic pericarditis can also occur in patients with heart chest pain; medical news and pericardial friction rub. Severe pericardial cavity, cellulose and bloody exudate appears.
(C) digestive symptoms
The earliest symptoms of the digestive system of patients with chronic renal failure is loss of appetite or indigestion; exacerbations, anorexia, nausea, vomiting or diarrhea. The occurrence of these symptoms may be associated with the bacteria in the gut urease decomposition of urea to ammonia, ammonia stimulation of the gastrointestinal mucosa caused by inflammation and multiple superficial ulcers. The patients are often complicated by gastrointestinal bleeding. In addition, nausea, vomiting, central nervous system dysfunction.

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