Creatine at stage 5 renal failure

There are five stages of kidney diseases. In the fourth stage of Kidney Failure , creatinine level become higher, which is 221~442 (2.5-5.0). In this stage, there will be obvious anemia, nausea, vomiting, metabolic acidosis and electrolytes disorder. The treatment is more important because kidney disease may develop gradually to the serious condition-stage 5 kidney disease, which is also known as the end stage of kidney disease. In stage 5 Kidney failure, GFR has dropped below 15 ml/min and serum creatinine is higher than 707 umol/l, for which patients will have to undergo dialysis or wait for a kidney transplant. At this stage, life-threatening risk factors mainly come from complications of dialysis and severe kidney injuries. The life expectancy can range from months to several or many years, depending on the patients’ specific illness condition. It is advisable to receive treatment to lower serum creatinine level. Actually, however, for those with kidney failure, if treatment of repairing kidneys can be adopted earlier, then most likely dialysis can be avoided at initial time and kidney function has been improved so that life expectancy can be prolonged.
Patients with chronic kidney disease stages 1-3 are generally asymptomatic; clinically manifestations typically appear in stages 4-5 (see Clinical). Early diagnosis and treatment of the underlying cause and/or institution of secondary preventive measures is imperative in patients with chronic kidney disease. These may delay, or possibly halt, progression. The medical care of patients with chronic kidney disease (see Treatment) should focus on the following:
Delaying or halting the progression of chronic k idney disease
Treating the pathologic manifestations of chronic kidney disease
Timely planning for long-term renal replacement therapy



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