Causes of IgA Nephropathy

The causes of IgA Nephropathy can be summarized as three points:
I Infections: Without effective treatment in time, some infections caused by cold, tonsillitis, fever and respiratory tract infection and so on may arouse IgA Nephropathy. A majority of patients don’t go to hospital in time during the course of infection until an obvious hematuria appears, and then the diagnosis of IgA Nephropathy follows.
II Renal mesangial cells are involved in the inflammation of IgA Nephropathy: During the early onset of IgA Nephropathy, renal glomerular mesangial cells will produce inflammatory factors under the stimulation caused by the inflammatory damages. Then the immune system of the body will react to the inflammations, as a result, the kidney retains large amount of immune complex (mainly IgA complex), contributing to the onset of IgA Nephropathy.
III Heredity: It has been proved in clinic research that, family aggregation of IgA Nephropathy happens among several cases. Therefore, there is an inheritance trend of IgA Nephropathy. Thus it is suggested that go to hospital to take a related examination as early as possible if there is a case of IgA Nephropathy in the family.

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