What do You Need in Addition to Medication

Keep a healthy and relaxed mental condition, and strictly stick to suitable diet. A stable emotional status is quite important for the normal motion of kidneys. When there is fluctuation with your emotion, the work of kidneys can be disturbed, which results in inducing the aggravation of disease condition. In traditional Chinese medicine, the concept of Holism is a basic principle, according to which the comprehensive therapy composed by both medical treatment and mental care has contributed to the recovery of disease in a great degree. Besides, a suitable diet is of great importance, because in traditional Chinese medicine, food is the best natural medicine that has great curative effect and no side effect. When all these are combined together, you can gain double the treatment effect with half of effort, and your blood pressure can be controlled well.

Do the everyday nursing based on specific disease condition. According to the results of tests such as blood routine, urine routine and imaging, the severity and individual condition of kidney damage can be distinguished. When the disease is still in a slight phase, regular exercise and Tai Ji Quan (a kind of traditional Chinese boxing that contribute to the breath and blood circulation as well as the mental status.) can bring a lot of benefits; while if your kidney has severe lesions and the kidney fails to work in some degree, rest in bed is necessary. And some massage or other way to promote the blood circulation are needed to be done by other family members. If you are on dialysis, you need to have a set of clean bedding and shift your body often, and pay much more attention to detailed things during the process of dialysis.

Watch for every details in everyday life. Sufferers with Hypertensive Nephropathy always have little symptoms which can be felt by themselves. In many cases, there are just fatigue and low back pain, and some may have frequent urination during night and turbid urine. When you have abnormal feelings that may be the symptoms of disease, you had better to have a test and have exact diagnosis about your condition so as to have a timely treatment.

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