Hormone Causes Necrosis of the Femoral Head

Necrosis of the femoral head is a very serious disease. It is a kind of bone arthropathy, starting from intermittent pain to continuous pain, and then the pain arouses muscle spasm, resulting in the restriction of joints movements, finally causing severe disability like lameness.
Therefore, how does hormone cause necrosis of the femoral head?
I Hormone will cause metabolic disturbance of lipid, and the expansion of adipose cell in femoral head is one of the results from it. And then, because that the end blood vessels of subchondral bone in femoral head is comparatively small, the expansion of adipose cell will lead to embolus extrusion of the vessels, consequently, the blood circulation in the femoral head is broken, finally the necrosis of bone corpuscles in the femoral head will be aroused due to the ischemia.
II As it’s known to all that long-term application of cortical hormone with large dose will lead to the decrease of bone synthesis and the restriction of absorption for calcium, causing osteoporosis. Then osteoporosis is quite likely to cause cataclasis of bone trabecula, and the accumulations of these cataclasis in femoral head will contribute to the necrosis or even collapse of the femoral head.
III It has been proved that, parts of the blood genes of the patients with necrosis of the femoral head have variation or polymorphism, which makes these people vulnerable to have this disease. Besides, this character of these patients will also make them sensitive to hormone, causing the disorders of blood system, and finally contributing to necrosis of the femoral head, that means if the children with Childhood Nephrotic Syndrome have such genes, necrosis of the femoral head is quite likely to be caused by the inducement of hormone.

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