Prevention of Hypertensive Nephropathy

Firstly, prevent the occurrence of high blood pressure. The prevention and control of high blood pressure should starts from changing unhealthy life style. For example, reduce the body weight by limiting the intake of calories and fat as well as adding physical exercises. Lowering of body weight can help to reduce the incidence of Hypertension caused by obesity.
Secondly, adjust state of mind and lighten mental pressure. With the development of technology, pace of life becomes faster and faster. Therefore, for many people especially these who are engaged in brainwork, their usually lives in a high pressure state. High mental stress is easy to cause increase of blood pressure. Thereby, after our work, we should learn to relax, so as to avert the appearance of Hypertensive Nephropathy.
Thirdly, forming healthy living habits plays an important role in preventing Hypertensive Nephropathy. In our daily life, we should be far away from drinking and smoking. For these who have smoked or drunk for many years, if it is difficult for them to kick these habits, then they should try to reduce the frequency of drinking and smoking gradually. Moreover, we can also do some moderate exercises which can help us enhance our immunity.
Fourthly, arrangement of reasonable diet is also necessary in order to avoid the appearance of Hypertensive Nephropathy. Reasonable diet is helpful for us to ingest adequate vitamin, element trace and other necessary substances. In our daily diet, we should eat more fresh vegetables and fruits and reduce the ingestion of fat.

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