The Symptoms of IgA Nephropathy

The common symptoms of IgA Nephropathy can be summarized as six kinds:
I Gross Hematuria
Nearly 30%~50% patients with IgA nephropathy have this symptom. It usually follows with the inducement within several hours to 24 hours. The inducements can be pharyngitis, tonsillitis, protective vaccination, pneumonia, etc. The urine of patients with IgA nephropathy presents brown or looks like the water where the meat is washed, but has no traces of blood or blood clots. Hematuria can be presented only once to some patients, and it may also recurrent attacks. However, the disappearance of hematuria does not mean the recovery of disease.
II. Abnormal Urinalysis Test
In clinic, some patients IgA nephropathy may present with hematuria or proteinuria. And these symptoms can be easily tested when the patients are having physical examination or other tests.
III. Nephrotic Syndrome
Nephrotic Syndrome usually happens to patients with severe illness condition, but it has been proved that this kind of patients with IgA nephropathy, if their disease can be stably controlled, usually have a good prognosis.
IV. Acute Renal Failure
The incidence rate of this symptom usually rises with the increase of patients’ ages. And if the patients don’t receive effective treatment to control the development of Acute Renal Failure, it may transmit to Chronic Renal Failure, which is a serious stage of nephropathy.
V. Chronic Renal Failure
Chronic Renal Failure is a serious stage of various nephropathy, in this stage, the renal function of patients have been damaged severely, thus, it will increase the difficulties of treatment and arouses undesirable prognosis.

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