Symptoms of Lupus Nephritis

Symptoms in Body: intermittent fever, red spot in face, painless oral ulcer, arthralgia, epilepsy, and Raynaud's phenomenon which can be explained as the following: Limbs of patients with Lupus Nephritis is pale in the cold weather, and then turn purplish red when they get warm. Finally, their limbs will be normal color again.
Renal Symptoms: Patients with Lupus Nephritis may have different symptoms. For example, they may only hematuria or proteinuria. They also may have symptoms of Nephritis such as hematuria and proteinuria which are usually accompanied by swelling, backache, or high blood pressure. Besides, manifestations of  Nephrotic Syndrome may also appear such as amounts of proteinuria, hypoproteinemia, and swelling. Moreover, symptoms of Acute Nephritis are also possible to occur such as hematuria and protein which are accompanied by acute decreasing of renal function. Apart from these, renal symptoms may show as the manifestations of Chronic Renal Failure. In the daily life, only one type of these appears among patients with Lupus Nephritis.
Abnormal Detection Results: Decrease of white cells (<4.0*10/L), anemia, or decrease of platelet (<100*10/L) in blood routine test. Less complement C3.
Another important thing, suffers from Lupus Nephritis may or may not have symptoms of kidney disease.

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