Diabetes is associated with dizziness?

Diabetes symptoms of dizziness, but for various reasons, different reasons for differentpatients cause dizziness, generally have the following:
Diabetes and dizziness reasons vary, generally have the following:
Arrhythmia - heart disease 1, so that brain oxygen disorders caused by diabetes anddizziness, the center skip the slow impact of more.
2, the influence of drugs - blood pressure lowering drugs, heart and diabetes drugs, even a cold-sensitive drugs and so may have side effects.
3, high blood pressure or low - high or low blood pressure, can impact on the braincaused by diabetes dizziness dizziness.
4, anemia - during pregnancy or women's menstrual volume, will reduce the blood oxygen, causing dizziness.
5, middle and inner ear disease - different ear problems can cause diabetes anddizziness, such as otitis media, the United States Nissl psychosis the common cold virusinvasion of the inner ear and cause problems and even lead to vomiting and other phenomena.
6, chronic diseases - diabetes, tracheal disease, kidney disease control is not good,also the above situation (such as low blood sugar).

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