Iga nephropathy without hormone therapy?

The treatment of kidney disease are generally Western hormone therapy, I believe we basically understand the side effects of hormone therapy and hormone easy to become dependent. A lot of kidney patients in the treatment of do not want to use hormone therapy, will be seeking to ask doctors in addition to hormone therapy, there was an alternative?
In fact, the effect of hormone therapy is undeniable, but the side effects of hormones on the human body is beyond doubt. Therefore, treatment of iga nephropathy can learn the advantages of hormone therapy. With the development of Chinese medicine in the field of treatment of kidney disease has also made a good success, and the development of Chinese medicine in the medical sector also plays a significant role in promoting.
kidney disease hospital as a kidney specialist hospitals, research in kidney disease and achieved good results. The experts of the kidney disease hospital after years of research and repeated clinical trials, and finally developed a new way to treat kidney disease, Chinese medicine - Chinese medicine penetration of micronized therapy. Infiltration therapy of micro-based medicine is the use of a variety of effective natural herbal medicine, Chinese herbal medicine made from traditional Chinese medicine package, patients can Chinese medicine bag on the back of the kidneys parts, through the help of instruments to import pharmaceutical ingredients, natural active ingredients in traditional Chinese medicine package through the body's blood circulation to the kidneys, and the ability to direct the kidney lesion sites.
Kidney disease is a chronic disease, IgA nephropathy is also, most patients are caused by infection, infected with the virus will start kidney fibrosis, renal fibrosis and pathological damage to the glomeruli of the kidney damage, glomerular filtration lower rates, strengthening of the permeability of the glomerular filtration membrane and leakage of metabolites through glomerular, and should not filter out the protein and red blood cells and other macromolecules, resulting in iga nephropathy in patients with hematuria and proteinuria symptoms.
Kidney damage is a long process, so the repair of the kidney also need a relatively long period of time. The nephropathy hospital integrative medicine treatment, the use of Western medicine iga nephropathy symptoms under control, and then penetrate through the above-mentioned characteristics of micro-based traditional Chinese medicine therapies to repair damaged kidney to start from the root caused iga nephropathy more useful for the treatment from the root cause of iga nephropathy.
Micro-therapy for the penetration of traditional Chinese medicine to clear by removing blood stasis blocking the renal interstitial fibroblast phenotypic change, and has been transformed into cell lysis and broken. Vasodilators, anti-inflammatory, anticoagulant, degradation of the four steps, first blocking the process of renal fibrosis and renal intrinsic cells to repair damaged, reconstruction of the original architecture of the kidney, the kidney function recovered gradually.

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