Diet of iga nephropathy

The daily diet care of patients with IgA nephropathy, IgA nephropathy patients should eat light, easily digestible food, the taboos seafood, beef, lamb, spicy spicy food. IgA nephropathy how reasonable diet? Like spiced aniseed, coffee, coriander (especially the yin patients with IgA nephropathy in the diet should be noted that these taboos, such Yin is as follows: red, loud clock, night sweats, dry stool hematuria embolism); yang deficiency of IgA nephropathy diet is preferable to heat food. Yang and symptoms such as: pale tongue white, pulse, body cold limbs, then dilute.
IgA nephropathy is how a reasonable diet? Less salt this is correct, to reduce the burden on the kidney, salt, eat a little bit like a day, not more than 1 grams. So do not salt is a very difficult thing in the daily life of patients looking for a solution, for example, are not in the vegetables with salt, you can dip to eat, so that will feel a little a little taste. In addition, if there is no can taste, then sweets. However, salt restriction does not mean do not eat salt, unless a high degree of edema should be strictly restricted salt or even water restrictions, the general should take a low-salt diet. Thus patients with chronic nephritis of salt intake, as determined by a physician, excessive fear of the salt is not necessary.
IgA nephropathy how reasonable diet? Should eat fresh vegetables and the amount of fruits, adequate water, contraindications supplements, tonics and easy to get angry food.Pepper, lychee, chocolate. Yin deficiency heat, such as purple tongue, pulse lag, chest tightness, abdominal distension and stasis disease patients should avoid eating the restricted area to keep in mind. Diabetes, kidney disease, myocardial infarction patients should not eat the apple, because apples contain a lot of sugar and potassium, excessive intake is not conducive to the heart, kidney health; bananas containing sodium, hypertension, edema disease should be careful to eat; patients with heart failure and severe edema should not eat watermelon. Lychee fruit consumption also varies from person to person.
Eat high potassium foods. Bananas, oranges, potatoes, tomatoes, squash, tea, soy sauce, monosodium glutamate; serum potassium in patients with low just the opposite.High blood uric acid in patients with IgA nephropathy in particular, should not eat animal offal Xiaxie mussels, beer, mushrooms, beans, spinach.
IgA nephropathy is how a reasonable diet? Should be emphasized that the low amount of high-quality protein diet. Some patients believe that vegetarian protein, and thus long-term vegetarian. In fact, it is a misunderstanding of the food protein. Food protein from plant protein and animal protein, although the content of many plant proteins than animal protein content, but the daily staple food such as rice, flour protein content of 8% -9%, beans and soy protein content over 20%, containing less essential amino acids of vegetable protein, and high potassium, and thus not suitable for patients with chronic renal failure. Animal protein containing essential amino acids is greater than 50%, and thus chronic renal failure patients Moderate consumption of animal protein containing essential amino acids. Should not be selected with a high vegetable protein beans and soy products.
IgA nephropathy is how a reasonable diet? Should not drink the soup bones. Chronic IgA nephritis in patients with weak constitutions, by influence and hyperparathyroidism due to patients' gastrointestinal function, reducing the absorption of calcium in the intestines, nephritis patients usually presents low calcium. Reduced row phosphorus and endocrine disorders, and thus patients with high phosphorus status. Contains more phosphorus in the bone soup, drinking a bone soup intake of large amounts of phosphorus, resulting in the accumulation of phosphorus in the body, aggravated hyperphosphatemia. Thus, to drink the soup bones not only not improve the lack of calcium and phosphorus increased aggravate renal damage.
In clinical practice due to chronic IgA nephritis patients with eating too much emphasis, as well as patients' misunderstanding of the animal protein, resulting in some patients take a "starvation diet". Staple food and animal protein is unduly limited, patients are often malnourished, with a "starvation diet", more emphasis on malnutrition, resulting in decreased body resistance and hypoalbuminemia, anemia, and easy to co-infection, worse, resulting in renal failure. Thus, a "starvation diet" can not protect renal function, chronic nephritis patients in the IGA must not defy the law ".

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