Creatinine 3.87, what is kidney function in percentage

The best way to measure kidney function is Glomerular Filtration rate (GFR), which reflects the speed of the kidneys in filtrating blood. In our body, creatinine, urea nitrogen and other wastes are mainly removed by our kidneys. But as our kidneys have strong compensatory functions, creatinine will not increase until kidney function has declined for at least 50 percent and GFR has decreased to 1/3 than it normally is.
Patients with creatinine level 3.87 can experience overall complications, such as anemia, cardiovascular diseases, erythrocyte imbalances and so on. In some cases, the complications can be life threatening. Thereby, Dialysis may be needed to alleviate all those complications.
Meanwhile, scarring of the kidneys should be repaired immediately, by which patients have great chances of getting rid of dialysis. Relying on dialysis is not suggested because kidney function will decline continuously in prolonging course of dialysis and life risks will be more and more uncontrollable.

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