How to do swollen with renal failure

Edema is a frequent symptom of patients with kidney diseases, In general, suffers from kidney failure in patients with varying degrees of puffiness. Most of the swelling caused by kidney or heart disease.
Patients with renal failure, swollen to varying degrees, from mild to severe. Swelling in patients with mild no visible swelling, only weight gain (the recessive edema) or a little early in the morning eyelid swelling symptoms. Swelling heavier patients can see the whole body edema, and even the chest and peritoneal effusions, thus leading to patients with weight gain tens of kilograms (severe edema).
Renal failure, edema caused by two reasons:
1, suffering from renal failure the body's immune damage, increased systemic capillary wall permeability, water infiltration induced plasma to the tissue space.
2, suffering from renal failure, renal blood flow reduction in renal blood indeed, increase the secretion of renin, adrenal cortex to increase aldosterone secretion by the role of the renin - angiotensin prompted, resulting in tubular water and sodium re- the increased absorption and retention.
3, when suffering from renal failure, the reduction in kidney filtration area, permeability, and reduced blood flow but intact kidney reabsorption, resulting in oliguria.
4, suffering from renal failure, massive proteinuria often, if a long time can cause a lack of protein in the body, the formation of hypoproteinemia and plasma colloid osmotic pressure, extracellular fluid retention in the tissue spaces, causing swelling. In addition, hypoproteinemia can cause effective hypovolemia, resulting in secondary aldosterone and antidiuretic hormone secretion, increased renal reabsorption of water, sodium increase, causing swelling.
How to treat swollen Renal failure
Renal failure, swollen kidney inherent cell damage, decreased glomerular filtration, renal fibrosis, so the key to treatment is fundamentally to achieve therapeutic effect.
The treatment of renal failure effective dialysis, significantly reduce the symptoms of patients after dialysis. But dialysis only replacement therapy, a temporary solution to solve the fundamental problem. The treatment of renal failure, edema is the best way infiltration therapy of micro-based traditional Chinese medicine to treat the root causes of renal fibrosis, security, no side effects, does not recur, from the source to improve the swelling of the renal failure.
Renal failure, swollen how to care for
A massage to promote blood circulation to relieve varicose veins and swelling;
2 feet before going to sleep at night put your feet on the hot water completely submerged feet pat legs with water and salt in hot water better;
3, the diet can eat peanuts, almonds, cashews, walnuts and other nuts, have a very good restoration of physical efficacy.

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