What is the serum creatinine

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Serum creatinine is one of the weigh kidney function tests target. Serum creatinine is a product of the metabolism of human muscle. In muscle, creatine secondary irreversible non-enzymatic dehydration reaction slowly generates creatinine, and then released into the blood with the urine excretion. Thus the close relationship of serum creatinine and total body muscle, simply are not eating, high catabolism extrarenal factors influence the outside, the volatility of the endogenous creatinine intake, in vivo formation constant conditions (daily 20mg/kg) serum creatinine concentration secondary depends on the glomerular filtration function.
Common for compensatory kidney can be strong, patients often have no symptoms when the kidney is not damage to a certain level, start quickly reduced when the glomerular filtration rate to more than 50% of the normal, serum creatinine, severe beyond serum creatinine normal (different around Determination way, the normal values ​​of serum creatinine differences, ordinary normal range 50 - 140umol / L
Clinical significance of serum creatinine high:
(1) When the acute and chronic glomerulonephritis, glomerular filtration function decline, serum creatinine can be reduced. On the foundation of known creatinine clear down the rate of cross-determination of serum creatinine as a track to look at the target.
(2) blood urea nitrogen and serum creatinine simultaneous determination of more meaningful, if the serum creatinine and blood urea nitrogen both at the same time reduce abundant clarify kidney serious damage.



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