How to prevent chronic renal failure?

Chronic Renal Failure there is often some reversibility exacerbated by factors such as timely corrected, can reverse the course of the disease and improve kidney function and prevent or delay the arrival of renal failure.
(1) infection: with advanced renal failure, thyrotoxicosis patients due to the influence of various toxins, poor body resistance, decreased immune function, may predispose to systemic infection, the infection will inevitably further aggravate renal dysfunction. Thus, in patients with advanced renal failure, thyrotoxicosis renal function deteriorated sharply, unexplained low-grade fever, pyuria, as well as the original onset easy to concurrent infections, must be given if it is found should be actively treated. With advanced renal failure, thyrotoxicosis like to reduce the infection control, even with advanced renal failure, thyrotoxicosis state can be lifted.
(2), urinary tract obstruction: urinary tract obstruction, increased internal pressure in the upper end of the urinary tract, urinary reflux, resulting in kidney damage, with advanced renal failure, thyrotoxicosis, aggravated right if obstruction of patients in a timely manner to remove the obstruction causes renal may have varying degrees of improvement.
(3) low blood volume: Late renal failure, thyrotoxicosis patients due to strict restrictions on sodium and water, combined with a diuretic, reducing tubular sodium reabsorption, resulting in dehydration, resulting in hypovolemia, decreased glomerular filtration rate, further renal function impairment, if appropriate, add volume, will enable the improvement in symptoms.
(4) high blood pressure: due to various reasons with advanced renal failure, thyrotoxicosis patient's blood pressure suddenly increased, impaired renal function will increase the blood pressure maintained at an appropriate level to achieve both the buck and to ensure that the kidneys certain filtration rate , delaying the development of renal failure.
(5) acidosis: patients with CO2-CP less than 18mmol / L, in addition to give basic drugs, and actively looking for factors that increase the acidosis to be removed, enable with advanced renal failure, thyrotoxicosis symptoms alleviate.

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