How do Polycystic kidney hematuria

Hematuria how to treat this has been a concern of polycystic kidney disease patients. Polycystic kidney disease treatment is not complete it is a recurring So polycystic kidney disease is necessary to timely treatment and prevention of infection to prevent recurrent episodes. Hematuria does enable patients to fear, to introduce the following, hematuria how to treat?
The formation of the polycystic kidney disease cyst existed at birth, grew up gradually over time, or the occurrence and development in adulthood has not been fully elucidated. Polycystic kidney disease in patients with hematuria normal, about 2/3 of adult polycystic kidney disease patients presented with microscopic or gross hematuria. The onset of hematuria is mostly associated with urinary tract infection and anatomic abnormalities of the renal vesicle rupture. Hematuria episodes of sustained short-lived. By conservative treatment such as rest, antibiotics, hematuria can be controlled. Gross hematuria is also common, but should be alert to whether associated with other diseases, such as female patients, hematuria with dysuria, suprapubic discomfort may be cystitis; male patients with acute prostatitis can be expressed as hematuria with flank pain, fever.
The treatment of polycystic kidney disease caused by bleeding from the multi-pronged approach, the first occurrence of hematuria control the infection first occurs, because most patients hematuria, can easily lead to kidney infection, such as not pay attention to high fever, or body edema, kidney enlargement, this situation will lead to the sharp decline of renal function, thereby increasing the occurrence of hematuria.
The treatment of hematuria should also pay attention to the degree of anemia, should the blood as early as possible for the original there are patients with symptoms of anemia, increased platelet content, body coagulation to a large extent, to increase the injection hemostasis injection, you can quickly play a hemostatic effect reflected the effect of oral drugs in general for repeated bleeding, you can take the Chinese medicine decoction for clotting injections invalid patients, the effect is very good, you can adhere to the multi-service treatment in order to avoid recurrent hematuria.
Infiltration therapy of micro-based traditional Chinese medicine Chinese medicine active substances by the kidney area in the form of skin penetration, target positioning, to make a direct role in the lesion site, expansion of the wall of blood vessels, accelerate local blood circulation, quickly take away the cyst fluid. The same time, the application of Chinese medicine active ingredients inactivate the cyst epithelial cells, reducing generate more cystic fluid and intracapsular pressure drop. Cyst inside and outside the formation of the pressure difference between the cyst continuous retraction, so effective in preventing cyst increases radically reduce the cyst on the surrounding renal tissue of oppression, injury, to achieve the purpose of truly effective treatment in vivo environment, hematuria symptoms will be gradually reduced until it disappears.

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