Iga nephropathy inherited?

IGA nephropathy genetic or not to produce doubt, many school-age male and female patients will have concerns, fear of pregnancy to impact the next generation. I am not pregnant. Here you can clearly tell everyone, the IGA nephropathy itself is not hereditary, nothing to worry about after the cure of the IGA nephropathy and like normal people marry and have children.
iga nephropathy is not genetic, which is determined by it in the pathogenesis of IgA nephropathy is caused by its own factors. It is mainly caused by infection. Like colds and other upper respiratory tract infection may trigger the disease. Some people do not seriously cold, do not even treat it as a disease view that the physical resistance to an anti-passed. Does not know that the winter cold is one of the reasons that caused iga nephropathy. Under normal circumstances, part of the body of toxins through the sweat in the form of excreted sweat and toxins excreted by the skin in the winter when reduced, increasing the burden on the kidneys. Again based on a cold, easily damaged kidneys.
Nephritis inflammation may lead to the iga nephropathy, this will cause the body's immune system disorders, which produce large amounts of immune complexes in vivo, immune complexes accumulate in the kidneys, increase the burden on the kidneys and damage kidney blood vessels, over time, appears renal fibrosis, and further development may be iga nephropathy. Therefore, patients with chronic pyelonephritis, rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis, nephritis, membranous nephropathy, focal glomerular sclerosis, adult polycystic kidney disease and hereditary nephritis, including nephritis must attention, if symptoms persist, and obviously does not apply to a variety of performance, must as soon as possible to the hospital.
Congenital renal tubular dysfunction may also lead to the iga nephropathy, the most typical is arteriosclerosis, hypertension, diabetes, systemic lupus erythematosus, multiple myeloma, gout, etc., if not treated in a timely manner is likely to raise the iga nephropathy.
Urinary system disorders may lead to the iga nephropathy, such as urinary excretion disorders, the urine gathered in the human body for a long time, easy to produce toxins, and damage the kidneys, causing a variety of kidney disease, including disease. Everyday life to enhance nutrition, proper exercise, increase endurance. To regular medical examinations, once the problem in a timely manner to a regular hospital.

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