Diabetic nephropathy in people ate?

How to treat diabetes nephropathy, what kind of treatment is best? Diabetic nephropathy requires a comprehensive and rational diet for the rehabilitation of the disease is very important. So, patients with diabetic nephropathy on diet?
An effective control of hypertension. Effectively control discharge to reduce high blood pressure can make the urine protein allows reduced kidney function to slow down and prolong life.
2, high-quality low-protein diet. Began to give high-quality low-protein diet in diabetic nephropathy, the merger of edema, hypertension should limit sodium to the low-salt diet.
3, for the treatment of diabetic nephropathy, the most critical is to strictly control blood sugar. Clinical and experimental studies have shown that chronic metabolic disorder of high blood sugar is the main cause of diabetic microangiopathy.
Can reduce serum creatinine and blood urea nitrogen levels and improve lipid metabolism, inhibition of renal tubular epithelial cell hypertrophy and hyperplasia, reduce the state of the cells with high metabolic and glomerular filtration, and inhibition of renal compensatory hypertrophy, reduce renal ball hardening, reducing the residual renal metabolic state, delaying the progress of chronic renal failure, and clinical results.
Diabetic nephropathy in people ate? The experts have warned that the treatment of diabetic nephropathy from the diet starting the diet of the Health Sciences is the treatment of diabetes on the basis of a good diet can help stabilize blood sugar and prevent the occurrence of diabetes complications.

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