How to treat Nephrotic Syndrome

Nephrotic Syndrome is a kind of immune disease and is easy to relapse.
The medicine your daughter has taken can only cure the symptoms, but not the root cause of the disease. Besides, steroids is a kind of hormone medicine. It has many side effects. While control the abnormal immune reaction, it will also restrain the normal reaction. Long time use of it will make the child weak and easy to fall ill and is not good for the growth of the child. The kidney is like a ‘sieve’. The kidney ‘sieve’ selectively filtrates urine from blood. Any form of damage to the ‘sieve net’ will lead to the loss of function of the ‘sieve’, so material in large and small size will be leaked out together. Leakage of protein will cause urine protein, which will lead to edema. The steroids can effectively reduce protein in urine, but the immune complex like IgM deposited on the glomerular basement membrane has not been removed, so the immune reaction will starts again when stop the medicine.
From the frequency of relapse we can see that your daughter's disease has developed to hormone dependent stage. Every time medicine reduction will lead to disease relapse. Every relapse of he disease will aggravate the disease condition, and make it harder to be cured. If not treated timely, the intervals of the relapse will be shortened and it may turn into chronic kidney disease. Long time delay will even lead to Chronic Kidney Failure.
In order to repair a ‘sieve’, we must first remove the damaging factors that is remove fundamentally the immune complex depositted on the glomerular capillaries, eliminate inflammation and mesangial proliferation so that the glomeruli will be naturally repaired and the original glomerular function will be recovered. We are kidney disease specialized hospital in China. For her condition, I suggest combined therapy of Chinese medicine and western medicine. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can not only remove the immune complex and damaged tissues deposited on the basement membrane and at the same time repair the damaged basement membrane, but also activate immune system of the human body, promote the metabolism and repairing and improve internal environment of the body. Therefore, the disease is not easy to recur after being cured. Micro-Chinese medicine is a kind of external application on the back. It is not oral taking medicine, so it will not influence the digestive tract.

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